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Posts posted by ShadowSixx

  1. I am willing to give them a pass on the math. They all seemed utterly exhausted and I don't think their brains were operating at full capacity.


    I couldn't give them a pass on the math because it wasn't like both team members did all the running for the roadblock task on the painting. One member had to stay and watch, so the one who didn't do the roadblock could have done the math. 

    • Love 3
  2. ChacAttack Amsterdam is not Rotterdam. Really now??? See, that's why you got stung and looked like you had botched botox. What were they waiting for a bus? They should have taken a tram. Then they get on the wrong tram and one that takes 2 stops. They deserved their elimination.


    Justin, "Do it right the first time." Ugh. He's so damn irritating. I sometimes don't understand how some teams can get a lead over them but still unable to beat them to the pit stop. News Anchors almost had it, they're like the only team worth rooting for.


    Paparazzi when they get to the Roadblock, Chris says he'll do it and Logan is all these sweaty people. Don't know if she was being crusty or worried about his health. I was so hoping that they would go home though, can't take them.


    Team Texas can't do simple subtraction? When the camera showed their math work, I was like "WTF are they doing?" Made me think they skipped math class.


    I would have done the double dutch. I double dutched all the time in high school during lunch period outside with my friends and I could do the "running man" and a couple of other old school dances. Seeing it brought back memories.


    Cheerleaders still annoy me, and don't believe the one that said they just let the News Anchors beat them when her face said otherwise.


    I really thought the step thing in the clue meant that they would have to walk to the location instead of taking a cab like some did.

    • Love 4
  3. Don't worry about those who asks questions. My friend watches the show with me and still has questions. The show goes so fast for her she texts me what happened the last 5 to 10 minutes of the show lol. It's funny though because I'm like you're watching it along with me, even though we live in different houses.

  4. So they made Asher not part of the rape, but have him downstairs drunk to do much of anything. Oy to the double oy. Such a thing I would see on a daytime soap opera. I did feel bad that they had Oliver pull up the frat boy tape on Asher and they're laughing about it with the exception of Connor. I'm pretty sure they wouldn't want Oliver pulling up anything embarrassing on them.


    Yes rape is an ugly thing but Bonnie please, you murdered someone. Yes, she did us a favor by killing off stank ass Rebecca but nevertheless, she took a life. Bonnie's indignation is as ridiculous as Nate's when he said Anni took him from his wife. I'm sure Asher wouldn't look at her the same if he finds out that she's a murderer on purpose and nothing but a big liar about Sam's death. I could be wrong but it looks like she pushed the DA off the roof. Not exactly sure if she did but if she did she is ridding the show of annoying ass characters, maybe Laurel should be next for next season.


    Working with Anni is tearing Connor apart now. He's not the same as he use to during season 1. I can see why he doesn't want Oliver to stick his neck out like that. When Oliver was doing it from behind a computer it's fine but physically going out and getting himself involved in a murder case with someone who's possibly a murderer, I would have reservations as well, plus Oliver catfished the guy.


    If they have something happen to Oliver and he's dead I will be so upset with this show.


    Frank and Laurel are right there in the foyer making out and the remaining Keating 5 don't hear it. I can hear heavy breathing and lip smacking, unless they were just ignoring it.


    I did like when Anni told Wes to basically get off his ass and do what she told him to do.


    I like Anni & Eve, she's much better when she's around her then she is when she's around everyone else.


    The COTW I really care less about really, it's just a really low B story for me that I rarely find interest in.

    • Love 4
  5. Tasha won't beat out last season's Rodney, who butchered and misspelled just about every name he wrote down, even obvious easy names. Shirin was "Shareen", Sierra was "Ciara", and Hali was "Halt". I can't forgive the Halt name spelling, when did I become T?


    I've seen people misspell names before on Survivor, but you really can't ask a fellow contestant, "How do you spell your name?", that will send immediate red flags.


    If my name was misspelled I would be like, "Probst...ummm that vote doesn't count, that's not my name, my name is ________, I don't know who that is."

    • Love 6
  6. When Ciera was talking about Savage plotting against Joe, I wish Spencer had taken Joe aside and told him that Savage can't be trusted because Savage plotted against him while being nice in his face. Savage tries to run the game and so sick of him. I can't wait for his elimination. It's so obvious he dyed his facial hair before coming on the show, should have just left it white. I guess wants to make himself look believable that he's with a supermodel.


    I guess Spencer is still trying to stay under the radar and latch onto people for the time being because he wasn't sure about voting off Kass or Ciera because they kept him in the game just like he thought Savage wanted to keep him in the game. I mean trying to align himself with people that tried to get rid of him (Savage) and a person who doesn't like him (Kass). Have to see if he and Joe can stick together because they're both looked at as huge threats so if I were them I would stick together so both of them can be powerful swing votes and be like an undercover alliance.

    • Love 5
  7. Another funny moment for me is when Marie brought Stefania to New York as a surprise for Robert and Robert was getting annoyed with her. It was funny when Robert was talking to his family about ending things with Stefania and Ray poked Robert and Robert had such a funny reaction to it. It keeps me laughing.


    Same episode when Robert was trying to end things with her, Stefania just wanted to eat a hot dog which caused him to rip a bag of nuts open.


    Stefania absolutely detested Robert's sofa didn't she lol. In that episode she liked everything about Robert's apartment except the sofa. When Robert wanted her to sit down so she can break up with him she said, "To the ugly sofa." Then when Marie invited Stefania, Judy, and Amy for a Robert pow wow Stefania said, "That's why he likes to sit home every night and sit on his ugly sofa."


    It was also funny in that Robert Pow Wow, that Stefania got some revenge after Robert called her annoying, Stefania said that Robert's frowning faces are annoying.


    Also got a good laugh when Ray threw a party so Peter can find a girlfriend and Stefania showed up and as soon as she took off her coat, two average looking women left the party as a result.

    • Love 2
  8. Dorothy: Sy now I know what the trouble is. There's something wrong with the line. That's why I can't say it.


    Sy: There's something wrong with the line.


    Dorothy: Yes, you see I'm an English teacher, I should know. The reason I can't say this is because the line itself is not grammatical. It should be "really good pizza" not real good. Perfect pizza with pizzazz, even better. Hey, I can act and write! Gee I love this business! Listen, you don't mind if I make the change do you Sy?


    Sy: No, no, not at all. In fact I think I want to make a change too.


    (Dorothy in pizza uniform)


    Crew Worker: Alright Dorothy, let's see you smile.


    Sy: This one is for the camera......and action!


    Extra: Look Grandma, I found you a real good pizza just like you use to get in Sicily.


    (Dorothy slams pizza on table)


    Sophia: Mmmmm...that's a mighty....that's a mighty lousy pizza.


    Dorothy: Ma, you never tasted it before?


    Sophia: No, and I never will again.


    Sy: What the hell are you doing?


    Sophia: Sorry Sy, you can't pay me enough to endorse that slime on a shingle.


    Dorothy: Ma, this is a nationwide commercial, there's a lot of money involved here.


    Sophia: Sorry Dorothy, there are two things a Sicilian won't do, lie about pizza and file a tax return. Forget it Sy.

  9. In the episode "High Anxiety" when Rose was addicted to painkillers, Blanche tells her a story on how she tried quitting sex. Dorothy and Sophia make quips about her falling off the wagon before Blanche starts her story. When Blanche said she gave it up and quit cold turkey, Rose asks Blanche "Did it work?" Really Rose? All the men Blanche had rolling up and in that house and she asks like Blanche stopped having sex.

  10. Maybe that's why Michaela helps Caleb in the previews of things going on in that house. Maybe she finds out Caleb is her biological brother. With two episodes left I'm nost sure if she would find that out in that time frame, unless she knew Caleb was her biological brother all along and they were living in the same orphanage place or something. Seeing as how she flat out refused to look into the biological parents to see if they had motive for wanting the Hapstall parents dead.


    As far as Connor and his family goes, from what we seen when they were on Christmas break, Connor comes from a normal, average family who support and love him. He never said anything about family troubles and doesn't seem as of right now that his family has secrets, all except for Connor being involved in multiple murders.

  11. Hadassah STFU, she's such a hater, she hated on Dustin when he returned and now she's trying to make Lacey look bad. Thinks she shouldn't have been in the bottom two. WTF is wrong with her?? She must hate on someone in order to make herself relevant or something. She should've listened to the advice given to her and that's concentrate on herself. Hadassah is just a nasty human being, she's just a bitch. GOOD RIDDANCE!!!!


    Now we're dealing with Fierceogram, just ugh. Then having Miss Jay living out his modeling fantasy. Then Asla is back to taking photos. Where are the fucking real photographers?


    Mikey is just talking about threesomes throughout the whole damn episode which just makes it double ugh. I'm not a prude at all, whatever floats your boat but I don't need to hear about it all the time. Every woman Mikey touches gets eliminated. He's the walking kiss of death.


    Devin keeps doing that stupid ass eyebrow raise and "birds of paradise" fingers when he needs to be using that in moderation and not all the damn time.


    I see why this is the last season, this is one of the worst cycles ever. This show has lost its shine. It's so dim. These photo shoots are a joke, mostly because they're focusing on Tyra's raggedy ass isms and her beauty line. These models are possibly not gonna have a shot out there in the real world. They might now want to put any of the photos from this cycle in a portfolio at all.


    You know what phrase I hate the most now..."At the end of the day". I hate it because everyone is saying it now.

    • Love 1
  12. I don't understand why anybody would choose trying to rap in a language they don't speak over arranging shellfish on a tray. It makes no sense to me.


    I don't know how efficient they had to be, but they could have mucked up opening the shellfish. Especially if you don't know how to do it. Some might be able to pronounce foreign language words better than opening shellfish.


    I thought that they should have pronounced both the rap and the French motto to perfection with no leeway at all. It would have been a struggle and worth watching for them to get it right. They should have went all Ike Turner on them, "Say it 'til you get it right".

    • Love 1
  13. All these height challenges would be just too much for me. I have such a fear of heights it's not even funny. 


    The Detour was interesting I would have done either one but the rap probably would have been less time consuming. Especially if you're not that good culinary with opening oysters, snails, and crabs. I would have done the rap. I really thought that Team Texas would do the rap and not the crab detour.


    Justin is still annoying. Cheerleaders are just as annoying. Team Texas wasn't annoying like they usually have been.


    I really wish Phil was saying goodbye to Paparazzi, dammit. Everytime I want a team to get eliminated they find someway to stay in the race because another team just flops royally. I was thinking Phil was gonna go to the rap battle and say the race is continuing, might as well stop because it's just sad at this point and race another leg. Another To Be Continued, oy. I don't like those, one TBC in a season is fine but two is really pushing it, especially since they had one about two weeks ago.

    • Love 3
  14. Sorry, not seeing the hidden greatness of Spencer this go round. I find it humorous that he unwittingly had half his ass out the door, only for Kass to come save him, and he still manages to give a snarky and condescending confessional about her. How about showing some gratitude that you go bailed out for no good reason, again? Tasha has been on the bottom, but she's hustled like a freaking champ, and gets half the screen time. 



    I don't know if you're referring to us viewers but I think one of the reasons some of us like him (myself included) is because he's forever the underdog. During his season he had to scratch and claw his way to stay in the game because people wanted him out, even when he was on the brain tribe and he won some immunity challenges to keep himself in the game, plus good to see Probst was wrong about Spencer. Anytime you can prove Probst wrong it's a good thing, but wasn't so great was Probst making a big deal out of it at the reunion.


    For those that play the game with Spencer, they see him as an immunity threat because he can win challenges and he's a smart person. He was able to play the game a little bit as he was able to get some people eliminated with the alliance he had during his season. Spencer orchestrated a Plan A and Plan B and his Plan B worked. Spencer's not an idiot it's just that he has to work to keep himself in the game and that's usually through immunity challenges more than his social game.

    • Love 3
  15. Laurel is still boring.  Laurel and Frank together are also boring.  


    Isn't she though? Goodness, she's so bland and boring it's like she's the outsider more than Asher was. Everyone else is exciting and entertaining to look at, Wes is annoying, Asher is a douche, Anni is a manipulator, Frank is the shit handler, Bonnie is a leech, Oliver is adorable, Connor is an emotional wreck, and Michaela can't keep men to save her life plus her friendship with Connor is great. What is Laurel?? All we know is she has a family she can't stand and sexes up Frank, that's it.

    • Love 9
  16. I'm not so sure about self defense because Rebecca and Wes entered his house with the intention of stealing his property. Sam had every right to protect his property at any cost, people do kill intruders and robbers. Now Rebecca died because Bonnie wanted to protect Anni which makes the scenarios a little different but not that much.


    I do agree about S2 being great, cause most shows suffer greatly when entering their second season. Revenge was a perfect example of a show being a victim of its success because their 2nd season was abysmal. 

    • Love 3
  17. OMG WTF, I thought Catherine was dead and it turns out she's still alive. WTF happened in that house?? At first I thought Frank made his first mistake in carrying Catherine because his clothing fibers could have gotten on Catherine as he was carrying her, but since she's alive I guess it doesn't matter.


    Frank's father is always that actor that plays creepy ass characters, so that doesn't instill much for Frank being about his family.


    IDK when an attorney tells their client to be quiet and not one word to the police, yet they can't help themselves. It's a reason why an attorney tells you not to say anything. Then again Anni won her case.


    Anni does have a point, they're acting like garbage. I highly doubt any of them will have a career in the legal field with the exception of maybe Asher. There may be hope for him. I had to laugh at Asher hoping Anni wasn't referring to him as garbage and he wasn't the one who bad mouth Caleb and Catherine.


    If they make Asher a rapist and he took part in the gang rape, I will not like him and will want him to be killed.


    Now there's this new character, the son who seems to be a computer whiz and hacked Oliver's computer and recording him and Connor.


    Wes has abandoment issues. I wish I could care but Wes gets on my nerves with his obsession.


    I finally figured out what Anni and her Keating 5 remind me of. It reminds me of the show House with Hugh Laurie. House would manipulate everyone around him that works for him just like Anni and the Keating 5 are the team that works for House.

    • Love 6
  18. I don't think Spencer can do much of anything to save himself at this point because everyone is gunning for him. They see him as a major threat especially when it comes to individual immunity challenges. If Spencer goes to anyone with a gameplan that person will more than likely will go to their alliance and tattle and therefore he'll get voted out. The best he can do is just lay back and let other players slit their throat just like Savage did by pointing out Ciera being the go to fake vote. Spencer just needs to fly under the radar as much as possible.


    I can't blame Ciera for being upset that Savage just put her name out there like that without talking to her first. To her that could mean that she's at the bottom and is expendable and the tribe won't hesitate to get rid of her. She could be at the bottom of the 5 member alliance that Savage wanted.

    • Love 4
  19. Well I was questioning why Woo wasn't on the Beauty tribe during his season because Bryce sure as hell shouldn't have been placed on that tribe. A reason could be though is that the women are fawning all over Joe and saying how perfect he is and what joy he brings to the tribe. Nobody says that about Jeremy and Woo is just seen as a threat for people not to notice his handsome face and loyalty to those he aligns himself with. 


    I bet Savage is going to throw a conniption because his plan didn't work. Ciera should have really targeted Savage because Woo is loyal to a fault and has no gameplay whatsoever. They could see that he hasn't learned from his season in taking Tony to the end and they could have rode him to the end as the GOAT and use that argument again to win the money. Forget bringing someone who causes trouble and is no liked because that can backfire. You bring someone with shitty gameplay like Woo who's a follower and not a leader, and followers never win.

    • Love 4
  20. Jeremy definitely is a handsome man but he doesn't get the hot guy edit. That goes to Joe. Woo looked good all oiled up as well. I guess editors just pinpoint Joe as the hot guy because last we heard he's single while Jeremy and Woo have women in their lives.

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