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Everything posted by dinkysquid

  1. Haven't watched in a while - summer reruns - and I tuned in yesterday. I was horrified to see that dreadful "Jeb" or is it "Jed" as in Clampet? Anyway, NOT happy to see her sitting there. Is she now a regular? I hope not! And what was with her "new look?" All that big 80s hair and her make-up looked like she raided a drag queen's dressing room!! She was never that made-up before. Candace is still as shrill, whiny, strident and incredibly annoying as usual. I want to upchuck every time she shamelessly flogs that stupid Fuller House atrocity she's in. I'd rather watch a colonoscopy so save it, Miss Right Wing. And when you go off to film your rubbish Hallmark movie, why don't you do us all a favor and take and extra, oh, maybe month or two longer? In other words, don't hurry back. I see she still argues (with Joy this time) over things that she obviously has not fact checked, which only serves to show her as the ill-informed, little Bible-thumper she is and lest some of you get your pitchforks out, I have nothing against religion. As long as you don't try to force it on people, which she constantly does.
  2. How stupid was that?!! So everybody gets engaged?!! One couple got engaged last season so some genius producer decided that on this season, EVERYBODY had to do it, regardless of how ridiculous it was? Puh-lease!!! What kind of odds would you put on ANY of those vapid airheads making it? Carly and Evan bothered me the most. She vomited after kissing the guy, then told everyone within earshot how horrible a kisser he was, and yet, she ended up engaged to him. Yeah...that'll last. I've got an idea for a follow-up show: Divorce Lawyer in Paradise, dispensing Margaritas and final decrees. They'd better not do that shit next year. For an already dumb show, even this was an all-time low!
  3. We used to call those "water cooler shows" and those were great discussions. And because everybody had seen the show, there was no need for "spoiler alerts." The best ones I remember were on Friday mornings after Must-See-Thursdays, quoting Seinfeld. And Monday mornings were good too because you talked about what you watched all weekend. Damn, I'm old.
  4. My God was this boring!!! It was almost as bad as the Oscar telecast, but maybe that's only because it was about an hour shorter than the Oscars! Will someone PLEASE tell David Benioff that when he wins an award and he wants to thank his wife (why they even do that I don't know) that he doesn't have to refer to her as "Amanda Peet". Most people just say "my wife" or in his case, "Amanda" will suffice. It's like he wants to remind everybody that his wife is AMANDA PEET....YOU KNOW....THE ACTRESS. I've seen him do this before and I found it so ridiculous! Is it some sort of bragging thing? I mean...not to slag her off or anything but she's not Meryl Streep, and even if she was, it would still seem silly. Oh yeah....really happy that Game of Thrones won but I was so disappointed that nobody won in the acting category. I was left shaking my head as to how they vote for these people. When bloody BEN MENDELSOHN!!!!! wins over Jonathan Banks, Peter Dinklage and Kit Harington, I seriously question these voters sanity. And sobriety. Ben fucking Mendelsohn?!!! SERIOUSLY?!!! I saw that show and I thought he was the worst thing about it. And no win for any of GOT's incredible female nominees either!!!
  5. My God that Raven is so bloody childish!! The way she was defending that stupid POS reality show with Mariah Carey?!! I know they were batting around reasons that Carey would even consider doing something so wretched and I think that in her case, probably as with most, the biggest reason is EGO and Carey has an abundance of that! So it figures that a vapid dumb ass like Raven is a big fan of these freak shows. If the glasses are an attempt to look intelligent? Sorry, honey, but you have failed.....MISERABLY. So Paula and Jed are going to be regulars next season?!!! True? OMG.....I really don't know if I can keep watching. I don't know how much of those two I can take on a five-day-a-week basis. <Cringe>
  6. Well! Wasn't that interesting?!! Chad went into his Jekyll/Hyde mode because he obviously still hasn't figured out when he should stop drinking. And Lace? Sorry but I felt zero sympathy for her when Dr. Chad turned into Mr. Hyde. She got just as hammered and was practically humping him in the pool. Then all of a sudden, she got all defensive but five minutes ago, she had her legs wrapped around him. She's also needs to cool it with the booze and stop wearing those Bambi fake lashes. Chad? Do I pity him or fear him? A bit of both. And I agree - the constant use of the word "like" makes me cringe. Was the network too cheap to provide a hair stylist? Between the cheap extensions, dark roots and over-processed bleach jobs, most of the women's hair looks awful. I hate to think what a few more weeks in the hot Mexican sun will do!
  7. I forgot to mention - when I was slagging off that right-wing nutter Jed - how incredibly rude and nasty she is when she refuses to applaud something like Michelle Obama's speech or when they brought up the fact that Hillary is the first woman in history to be nominated for president. This is HISTORY, bitch! Would it kill you to just give a polite, short little clap? As a woman, shouldn't you at least think that this is one hell of an achievement, regardless or your political differences? And Michelle Obama's speech? If you weren't moved by that then you are truly made of stone. I guess Jed prefers creepy-eyed Mrs. Trump's plagiarized version. There. That's it for now although I haven't watched today's show yet so I may be back!
  8. I loved him in Justified and I had no idea he could do comedy so well. The show cracks me up. It's one of those "I shouldn't really be laughing at this but I can't help it" shows.
  9. I found it strange that Spencer had to practically beg his doctor for painkillers. Don't all these NFL guys have their own doctors who are only too happy to keep them in pills? I agree that Tracy is boring and adds zero to the show. I find myself fast forwarding to any scenes with The Rock anyway because the rest of the characters just aren't that interesting. He's the best thing about the show and the only reason I watch.
  10. First off, is there room for one more in the I Can't Stand Jed Club? She annoys the hell out of me! The things that she blurts forth!!! She does no "homework" whatsoever but will still mouth off about a topic she has obviously no understanding of. I guess that reading is considered a detriment at Fox News, home of the intellects. She was talking about how having free health care is bad because "she loves competition." O...kay. So it's better to have HMOs and insurance companies and those genius Republicans blocking any sort of health care plan because it's better to have competition?!!!! I live in a country where we do have free health care: Once a year mammogram - free. Visit to doctor - free. Shoulder surgery - free, etc. And a friend of mine who lives in the States, told me that she had to put off having a mammogram because SHE COULDN'T AFFORD IT so why this idiot is going on about how bad free health care is, just proves what we knew all along - she doesn't have a clue what she is talking about and when the hell is she going back to Fox News, where she belongs?
  11. Um....who's sitting on the Iron Throne? Yes, temporarily but still. It's her. Many have tried..... 5
  12. I blew a gasket when that ever annoying Jeb person - please...get the hell back to Fox News and stay there - was defending Pence in that ridiculous farce of an interview with him and Trump on 60 Minutes. She, of course, was defending him, saying that he handled the interview "like a true politician, deflecting the questions." DEFLECTING?!!!! Were you watching the same interview I was?!!! That was NOT deflecting....that was just out and out NOT EFFING ANSWERING!!!! He did not answer ONE SINGLE QUESTION he was asked. Not a one. Ms. Stahl was a lot more patient than I would have been. I would have said, "If you will not answer any of my questions, then the interview is over" remove mike, and leave. As much as Michelle Collins bugged me, this one? Worse. Way worse!! And Whoopi? Spare us the phony emotional display. It came across as very, very fake.
  13. WOW!!!! I'm still trying to catch my breath!! Now THAT should hold me until 2017!! Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant ending!! As satisfying as a great meal and excellent bottle of red. I was so happy to see many of those on my own personal hit list, get theirs. Among them were: The High Sparrow: Man! He blowed up real good!! Bye bye you fanatic psycho! It will be good not to see you in your dirty burlap sack and what? Were shoes against your religion? Too bad about poor Margarey and her brother though. Collateral damage works like that. Walder Frey: Hey Walder! Would you like fries with that? Maybe some ketchup? That was an amazing scene!! Did NOT see that one coming at all! Nice to see Arya crossing things off her to do list. If a girl becomes an assassin....... Tommen: Poor dumb, exploited Tommen. He had to go. He had drunk the Kool Aid and became as crazy as the Sparrow. Nice swan dive and as another poster commented - he did look just like Nucky's butler in Boardwalk!! There were so many incredible moments. I know for sure I am going to rewatch this tonight because I find with this show, in repeated viewings I always catch things I missed the first time around. Loved Lady Olenna putting the Sand Snakes in line. Diana Rigg is a treasure! I remember crushing on her way back in her Avenger days. It looks like Emma Peel is back! And speaking of badass women, Lady Mormont was in fine form. I hope she comes back next season. Now I'm really going to go out on a limb here and risk the pitchforks when I say that a part of me liked what Cersei did (yeah...I know Tommen was her son but really...he had to go) and Lena Headey is one incredible talent. She just owns this character and has made her a woman that I can find empathy for and here's why: She was given to Robert Baratheon, a crude, cold brute, to be "brought out and ridden like a prize pony." Okay...there is that whole incest thing but look at her alternative. Say what you will about her but she is SMART. She is intelligent and clever and in those days, a women wasn't allowed to be either. She was constantly shut down by her father who would never allow her to speak much less express an opinion or idea, even if it made sense. Her only remaining child had become the puppet of a religious zealot who imprisoned her, treated her like dirt, shaved her head and paraded her naked in front of a crowd of jeering people so yes, I get the revenge motive entirely. And I was glad to see that heartless bitch Unella on the receiving end of some abuse, which she hasn't even begun to see the worst of, once the Mountain finishes with her! I know Cersei will not sit long on the Iron Throne but did she ever look awesome in that cool dress! And yes, the costumes - which are always so incredibly beautiful - looked especially fantastic last night. You could have gone to the Met Gala, girl! Dany making Tyrion her hand was pure magic as was the scene showing her on her ship, the wind blowing in her hair, looking so proud and majestic. The only thing I'd change? It would have been two hours. Now THAT would have really been brilliant!!!
  14. I will enjoy my summer a whole lot more if I can go into it knowing that the red witch/bitch is dead. Go get her, Davos! I still get teary thinking of that sweet child. Loved this episode! It was as satisfying as Blackwater - maybe more. So much going on! My only disappointment with Ramsey's demise? TOO QUICK!!! I would torture this freak for DAYS. Bring him just to the brink, then revive and start again. I'd make what he did to Theon look like a day at the spa. He has got to be the most loathsome villain I think I have ever seen and kudos to the actor for doing such an amazing job because that's when you know you're good when you can stir up that much hate in your audience. I hope in his next role, he is a sweet, kind soul who writes poetry and listens to Sarah McLaughlin. I don't know whether it was fantastic lighting or the actress has started a new skin care routine but I don't think I have ever seen Dany look more beautiful. She positively glowed! I've thought she was lovely from day one but last night? I thought she looked incredible. I guess having access to a dragon will do that to a girl. The giant! Oh noooooooooooooo!!!! I thought that Jon Snow was going to buy it - AGAIN - but he didn't. That battle scene was making me a tad claustrophobic. All those bodies!! The re-enforcements sure took their time. And I agree with other posters' advice to poor Rickon and that is not to run away in a straight line when someone is shooting arrows at you. Another Stark gone. And yes, it was a moment to see their banner unfurl. They must have come back from the cleaners. I refuse to think about next Sunday being the end and of what a long, long year it will be before it's back. If I need my fix, I can go into On Demand and start all over again from Season One. Sometimes it's amazing what you forget! What a show!!! The writing, the acting....everything. Thank you GOT for one memorable season!!
  15. Comments in first five minutes about Trump's campaign manager getting fired segued into Joy and Whoopi discussing how broke Trump is, how he never pays people etc. and there's Paula...."Oh..that's not fair." Paula? FO....please. You don't/never know what the hell you're talking about and it's getting really tired. Admit it - you desperately want to be the next Mrs. Trump. C'mon...don't you.
  16. It's official...I just read on Facebook that Michelle is toast. She is NOT coming back for another season. Now....if we could only get rid of: Whoopi, Raven, Jedi, Candace and Paula. Maybe...just maybe a slim chance to save this shit storm. I did say "maybe." I swear...every time Paula defends Trump, I feel my head will explode.
  17. Is it true that Whoopi is in the NRA?
  18. Nice to see David Lee has found another gig. Wonder how many former Good Wife cast we'll see here? Like it so far. As others pointed out, yeah it's summer so I'll give it a watch.
  19. Raven? Please keep that piece of duct tape over your mouth. You will be doing humanity a huge favor!!
  20. So glad that the long, drawn out story line with Arya is finally over and that evil Waif bitch is dead. To me, that was another waste of precious time in a too short season. I can't believe it's almost over - already. This show goes by way too fast and we have to wait way too long for the next season to come round. I can't even guess what the cliff hanger will be.
  21. Well called! What the hell is with her lately? I've noticed that she seems to constantly have this sour, pinched, old Victorian lady-face. I almost expect her to turn to the camera and say, "We are not amused!" She's got that I-smell-cauliflower-burning look. And what the hell is with her hair? It looks like she had a fight with a yarn store and the yarn store won!! Between Whoopi looking like a walking pile of laundry and Raven's idiotic hair, this panel could certainly benefit from a make over and not from Stacy either! And why did they bring that Jeb person back? With her and Raven defending Trump, I was ready to put my fist through the flat screen. And that other woman.....we sure could have done without her.
  22. Paula bringing a baby to a wedding is rude, inconsiderate and downright dumb. Most people specify on the invitations not to bring kids. I know I did and guess what? Some idiot showed up with one anyway! Paula needs to go. Why doesn't she go find a job with Trump's campaign, seeing how she defends him so much?
  23. Whoopi - first off, what ADULT WOMAN calls herself that?!! - is so bloody annoying, so much so that it gets harder and harder to get through this show. Is she really leaving or is someone playing a cruel joke on us by putting it out there? She's like a head to toe disaster. You are on a network show that is seen all over North America and who knows where else. Would it KILL YOU to put in a little effort to, oh, I don't know....maybe TRY to look at least presentable? She looks like she literally just rolled out of bed, grabbed the first clothes she could find off the floor, and showed up. The other women do their hair, make-up (mind you....Raven?) and dress appropriately. Whoopi looks like a bag of laundry. I guess it's all part of her "I don't give a shit" persona and maybe a cute little 18 year-old could get away with it. But not her. It just screams sloppy, lazy and I think so little of my audience that I show up for work looking like this. Not only does she look offensive but her rants are getting more incoherent and stupid. Maybe if she would think before opening her mouth, she would make sense. Or not.
  24. Glad to see Sansa give Littlefinger good and proper shit. She trusted him (obviously big mistake) and he ended up delivering her on a platter to that sadistic psychopath. I'm really sick of the whole Arya story line. It bores me and I feel it's using up way too much precious time.
  25. Why am I not surprised that Raven would think that yet another stupid "reality" show about Mariah - a vapid, shallow, rude, entitled has been who dresses like an 18 year old hooker, would be worth watching for five minutes? Paula and Jed - their Trump groupie act is really wearing thin. And I see Whoopi's hideous scarf has crawled back out of the trash.
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