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Everything posted by dinkysquid

  1. How furious was I today when Joy started to talk about her "little meltdown", and she was armed with facts as usual, and then Jed had to start - arguing, contradicting, disputing what is written in the Constitution. And she always does this with that maniacal wolfish grin. More and more, I am finding it very difficult to believe that she didn't vote for Dump Truck. I also don't feel one ounce of sympathy for Romney. PLEASE! You run around, telling anyone within earshot about what a jerk Trump is, how unfit he is, how incompetent, etc. etc. and then, there you are....having dinner with him and kissing his fat rump and making nice because he has dangled this carrot in front of your two faces. And guess what? He gave the job to someone else so you made a complete fool of yourself for nothing, so Mitt? You can get up off your knees now. And now, Carly Fiorino (sp?), who Trump pretty much called "ugly" on national television, is also nipping at her own carrot. The hypocrisy is just stunning. And don't get me started on that idiot Kanye. Figures...one lunatic to another. What's up with this Whoopi's Favorite Things? Trying to be Oprah? Is this a talk show or the shopping channel? At least she didn't have that stupid flashing nose today.
  2. True. Because how much longer can you drag this out and not turn off viewers in the process? The show is called Divorce so that's where we're headed. No surprises there. I had a problem with the "quote" thing...initially there was only the first word in the box so I had to try it again.
  3. I don't know what it is about this show. It infuriates me, but still, I'm drawn (much like I was with Vinyl). I really don't know if I'll commit to a second season - if it gets renewed - because it's so all over the map. Agree. SJP's excessive hair touching is annoying and distracting. Cut that mess, go back to being a blonde and ease up on the eyeliner. You're not auditioning for a gig with Whitesnake. My dislike for Robert has now turned into full-on hatred. What a prick!! Now isn't he the one who remortgaged their house WITHOUT TELLING HER?!!! And didn't he do some other dodgy money things without her knowledge? And now he sics the cops on her for kidnapping because her lawyer - not her personally - froze his assets. What a douche! So why have that tender little moment at the gallery then? It's like this show's writers can't decide where to take this thing. Why did Frances feel that she had to tell her father that she had the affair? Does it really matter at this point? I always think it's so stupid when characters feel that they just have to "come clean." Some things are better left unsaid and sometimes, this truth-telling does more harm than good. Molly Shannon and her obnoxious asshole husband can both disappear. They're horrible characters that add nothing to this fiasco.
  4. Great post, Apprentice 79! So true. KAC should serve as a walking example of what happens when you don't use sunscreen. Somehow I missed the part about Whoopi saying that this would be her last season. That's a shocker!! I thought she'd think this a nice, comfortable gig and be there until the bitter end. I think Joy is just sad these days....for good reason.
  5. Oh Sunny! You had Jedablahblah on the ropes!!! It was so good, I had to rewind and watch it again! Seems like Jed suffered a little temporary memory lapse. Good thing our girl was there to "remind" her - no...you said THIS! Priceless!!! It almost made up for hearing that KAC is coming on the show. WHY?!!! The election is over and my hope was to never have to lay eyes on this horrible woman again. I can't begin to express how much she BOTHERS ME. My dirty little secret is that when she on Anderson Cooper - almost nightly <Cringe> I used to scream at the TV like a lunatic. I couldn't help it. She has that effect on me. I find her rude, obnoxious and despicable. When she comes on, she lets NO ONE ELSE SPEAK and she drones on and on and on, never pausing for a breath or punctuation. Now I know this is going to sound petty and mean spirited, but to me, she looks like she should be hanging out of the door of a double wide, wearing a tank top and Daisy Dukes, with a cigarette hanging out of her mouth. Oh yeah...and wearing a Trump hat. I agree. If she joins the show? I'm done. Really. My blood pressure couldn't take it.
  6. Awwww....we're losing Malibu Barbie. Looks like my voodoo dolls are working after all. Now, if Jedi would be gone along with Paula and we get Sunny full-time, that would do wonders for my blood pressure when I watch. Besides her annoying voice, Barbie should have left her religious zeal at the door. This show is supposed to be a forum for women to discuss events in the news. It is not a platform for her beliefs. But hey...who cares now?!! SHE'S GONE!!!!!!! Notice how Whoopi wasn't even included in that silly underwear discussion. Is that because.......omg...don't go there!!
  7. Today Jedi (who wasn't wearing an ugly top today) made a comment about some people being "jealous" of the Kardashians?!!! That's a group that will NEVER, EVER include me. Please do count me as a member of the Joy Love Club. She's my favorite person on that show - probably the only thing that keeps me watching although I am warming to Whoopi lately thanks to her putting Jedi in her place. But today, I also don't buy her story about her "friend" getting cut off health insurance.
  8. Jedi was wearing another, IMO, ugly top. Now I know that a "stylist" picks out their clothes but the final say is still theirs. Between this and that sweater....... I don't want Malibu Barbie back. I've grown used to having a smart, articulate woman - with a soothing pleasant voice - sitting in that chair. Totally OT, but I do want to thank wings707 for putting me on to that dijon vinaigrette. I made some last night and I have finally found my new salad dressing, after months of trying many recipes and pouring the results down the drain. Delicious!
  9. Please add me to the I Hate Steve Harvey Club. And Helen Mirren is drop dead GORGEOUS!
  10. John Slattery AND George Clooney?!!!! Now that goes beyond lucky! That explains the chemistry with Slattery. I always loved their scenes together. SJP and especially Church, irritate the hell out of me but I too keep watching and I don't know why. It was the same way with Vinyl.
  11. I'm trying....really, really trying to like this show but I gotta tell ya - it aint easy!! First off, I don't know what the hell the casting people were thinking of when they called up Church and gave him the good news. I don't see him as Robert and quite frankly, I don't know who I would have cast but trust me...it would NOT have been him! He annoyed me in Wings but he was way worse as the insufferable, man-slut asshole in Sideways. I still don't know how Paul Giammatti didn't stuff him into a grape press!! Church is not much of an actor. I always feel like he's just reading his lines rather than acting them. The scene when he was bitching to the people at church about his wife's "spreading", it was just nauseatingly icky because he doesn't have the comedy chops to pull it off. It just came across as inappropriate and gross. I started watching because as a long-time fan of SATC, I'll watch anything that SJP is in and it was a combination of wanting to see her back on HBO, and loathing Westworld so much. Once my Sunday night regulars; GoT, Veep, Silicon Valley, etc. are back on, I'll watch them instead but I'm sure by that time, Divorce will be long gone. Either it will have been cancelled or be over for the year. SJP has never looked more unflattering. I don't know if it's from not aging well (hey! It is genetics too!), that long, ratty hair with the dark roots (is that look still in?), the too severe eyeliner or that she always appears BADLY LIT but she sure doesn't conjure up ANY memories of Carrie Bradshaw. Yeah, I get that it's a very unfair comparison especially when we're talking about time passing, but it's just that as Carrie, she always looked amazing. Cut the hair, go back to blonde and ease up on the eye make-up. Appearances aside, that whole business with her blowing that job offer so spectacularly, had me cringing and then yelling at the TV. Especially now with unemployment being what it is and people losing their homes and going without, this is scene was repugnant. A woman in her position messes up an offer like that?!!! And for what? To prevent Robert from getting any money?!!! She needs a steady income now. She's got to carry that house and all the expenses that entails. Plus, she's got two kids and a snake to support. Agree that the cops should have been called after Robert's silly stunt with the gun and I agree with a couple of the other posters here about Molly Shannon; never liked her and when I put on the first episode and saw that she was it, it almost turned me off watching any further. The scenes with her and her husband are dead air. Um...what's with the injections? There sure isn't any charisma or acting ability in them!!!! Now please correct me if I'm wrong, but is Frances' other friend, the saner one whose name escapes me now, did she play Mona, Roger Sterling's first wife on Mad Men? Anyone know if this sad mess has got the green light for a season two?
  12. Jed's hideous sweater looked like one of Whoopi's very-grossly-overpriced Christmas creations took egg nog, dropped acid and that was the result. UGH!!!!! You wore that ON CAMERA?!!!
  13. Always a pleasure to see the very suave and articulate Van Jones. I think my favorite parts of this long, agonizing election was watching him on CNN. He was a welcome diversion and those last few months you could see that he was really at the end of his rope in dealing with the very unpleasant, rude Trump supporters. Lightweights such as Corey Lewandowski, Kelly Anne Conway and Kayleigh McEnany would get shredded on a nightly basis and have their asses handed to them deftly by the ever charming Mr. Jones. When they attempted to go head to head, they were woefully way out of their league. It figures that Jedi would defend Sarah Palin. No surprises there. Agree about Whoopi's sweaters but for a different reason - they're ridiculously expensive!!! I saw them in a very high end store and was shocked at the cost.
  14. Hmmm...maybe that chair is cursed. I'm surprised that Sunny hasn't turned into a Bible-spouting, strident voiced Republican, her sitting in Malibu Barbie's place. Is Whoopi modeling one of her $200 Christmas sweaters? So...is Paula back temporarily? Why doesn't this show get a panel - a good one, please - and stick with it. And I LOVE that word.....STABBY!!!!!
  15. OMG....that sounds amazing!! Please let me know how it turns out! I must look up that vinegarette because I need a new one.
  16. I see Whoopi has scooped that scarf out of the trash again. I wonder what Jed's views would be on minimum wage, if she was earning it? Hey wings707.....what kind of salad are you thinking with the lobster bisque? Hmmm.....sounds good.
  17. Wow! I don't think I've ever seen anyone out promoting a book as aggressively as Megyn Kelly! If it weren't so early, there was possibility for a nice little drinking game there - take a shot whenever she mentions her book. The other day she was on Dr. Phil. Looks like she's making the rounds all right. Still trying to get over Jed's bizarre fashion statement of today....her Hickey Hiding Whiplash Collar.
  18. I second that. It's always so much more civilized without Barbie. Those strident tones..... "Rabid monkey"......LMAO over that one!!!! LOVED Joy asking Jedi if she was hiding a hickey.
  19. Jedi needs to STFU and stop trying to defend Trump to Sunny because she is waaaaaay out of her league. I don't get her! One minute, she agrees with what someone else is saying that is anti-Trump and then, like here, she tries to argue that it's okay that Trump has zero political experience. Which one is it?!!! Doesn't Jedi know by now, that Sunny, can mop the floor with her? And what is with her outfit? At first, I thought she was wearing a whiplash collar!
  20. This morning I saw an ad in the paper for one of our major department stores selling Whoopi's Ugly Christmas Sweaters. Including tax, you're looking at $207.00.....$207.00 for an ugly sweater?!!!! I can go to my local charity shop and get one for probably $10.00!! And the money goes to a good cause.
  21. Between Whoopi's really bizarre (even for her!) gaudy, flowered tarp top and Malibu Barbie's jacket that made her look like a hotel concierge, it was truly a Monday of fashion don'ts. I couldn't figure out why no one (Joy) didn't mention, when they were discussing Trump's interview, his huge reversal of where he stands on abortion. He says he is "pro life". Hmmm....really? So I guess that means that when Marla Maples was knocked up with Tiffany, the product of their illicit affair and Trump begged her to have an abortion, then he was Pro Choice?!! What hypocrisy! Maybe Joy didn't want to say the "a" word in Barbie's presence and risk her head exploding and ruining her Hilton jacket. God, that Sara is a ditz!! She comes across as this wide-eyed, naive, woefully clueless person. "I'm going to give Trump a chance" yeah...you do that, honey and don't hold your breath.
  22. Loved seeing Meredith back again! She is funny, intelligent and very likable. Star and Debbie? Well, if it means no Jedi or CB, then I guess I could learn to live with it. I really enjoyed today's show. It seemed more....relaxed. Is it just me or has Debbie paid a visit to Janet/Michael/LaToya's doctor? She now seems to have a "Jackson Nose." Thank God that Sherri Sheppard business was a false alarm. First the election, then hearing that? Please! My poor heart can't take anymore!
  23. Sheesh! What is it with Jedi's make-up and outfit? The make-up looks way too heavy - the eyelashes and lipstick - while the other ladies' make-up is understated and tasteful and what is she wearing? That white top is so cutesy and for lack of a better word, too "young." Nice to see Sunny back again. She always looks great. I see that Whoopi managed to pull that gross grey scarf out of the trash and started to wear it again.....again meaning....every day. Damn, Tom Selleck looks good!! That man never ages!! Was there no mention of last night's rioting or did I miss that part?
  24. Candy Ass was especially annoying today, with her we've all got to pray nonsense. I don't know why the show's producers don't just tell her to cool it on the holy roller stuff because to those of us who are not religious - hell, we might even be atheists - this type of talk is not only aggravating but offensive. Stop trying to shove your beliefs down everybody's throat! She is such silly little twit! And I agree with that stupidity of her"voting for policies." If she was talking about Trump, what policies were these? All he ever did was bash Hillary and blather about "making America great again" so where were said policies? Joy was surprisingly low-key. I was expecting her to have smoke coming out of her ears and fire from her mouth but I think like so many of us, she's still in shock. Maybe now America should take a good long look at it's electoral process and perhaps think about making some changes. For one, why does it have to take two bloody years to elect a president?!! We elect a new prime minister in six months, sometimes less. It's mad! And speaking of mad, when I heard that not even half of the population even bothered to go out and vote, that made me really mad. People died to give you that right and especially in an election as important as this was, to not vote is unforgivable. Therefore, all those couldn't-be-bothered types? You have to STFU for the next four years. Sorry, but you have no say and you can't complain and thanks to your apathy, you got the president that you deserved. No wonder the Canada immigration site crashed! Twice!
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