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Everything posted by dinkysquid

  1. Today's show was worth watching, if only to see the footage - that NEVER gets old - of the magnificent Ana Navarro deliver a well-deserved smack down to Scottie Hughes, another loathsome, brain washed Trumpette who while not as vile as KAC, is pretty damn close. The audience was on their feet, as was I. I've been noticing in the past few weeks that the CNN people have gone over their limits of tolerance with having to deal with these Trump surrogates. There's a lot of eye-rolling and the frustration is definitely showing on poor Anderson Cooper. I will definitely NOT miss seeing those stupid, annoying women, defending a man as hateful and misogynist as Trump. When Candace started blathering on about people having to do a a lot of praying, I hit the fast forward as I did for Mario. Some days his hyper, loud persona are really aggravating.
  2. There's no way I'm watching their election special. I can just imagine who will be there. I'm having my own soirée and we plan on drinking - heavily and depending on the outcome? Maybe shots will be in order.
  3. Um....that would be a loud, resounding NO. ;)
  4. Another disappointment. How could Hollywood take three guys, McHale, LeBlanc and James, who are normally very funny, and give them the stupidest, most poorly written, idiotic, insultingly not funny shows? Are people trying to deliberately sabotage their careers? These shows reek. No wonder more and more people are moving away from network shows because if these three are any example of what they are offering us, then I'd personally rather watch an infomercial. Yep. That's how shitty I think they are.
  5. What a wretched, dreadful offering!!! I thought that Kevin James' show was the worst thing I'd seen in a while on TV. Well....I stand corrected. This was worse but that's not saying much now, is it? May this putrid pile of stupidity, take it's lame, annoying laugh track and please disappear - for good!
  6. Thankfully I make sure to have lots of time that I can fast forward on this show for two reasons: excessive commercials and content. You can bet that I hit the FF button today when Candace, in a truly revolting display of shameless self-promotion, felt compelled to air the trailer of the upcoming season of her nauseating show, Fuller House. Yeah....thanks for that! I think that Sara tries to say as little as possible, and not risk looking foolish. Where is Sunny these days? Are they phasing her out? I hope not!
  7. WOW! Talk about a huge difference!!! Mook was polite, waited his turn to speak...and the most startling thing of all?!!! HE ACTUALLY ANSWERED QUESTIONS!!! How refreshing! To have a campaign manager come on and NOT: rudely keep speaking over everybody or not give anyone else a chance to speak, and who speaks in an intelligent, logical manner, which is something that Mike Pence and Kellyanne In A Can have not yet mastered and I doubt, ever will. Mook came across as a human being...not some dead-eyed, zombie-ish fembot who can only spout all the rhetoric and stupidity that the Trump campaign has shoved into her brain. Poor Sara. She is so out of her league when the conversation turns serious. Where's Sunny been? She would have been amazing going up against KAC who should qualify as the record holder in the Guinness Book of Records for "Person Who Speaks The Longest Without Ever Taking A Pause Or A Breath."
  8. LOVE IT!!!! Move over, Spam.....you've got some competition! You can have some great drinking games with KAC. Imagine...every time she says "Hillary" you take a drink. Every time she says "Ben Ghazi" take a drink. Every time she says "Emails".....um...I think you get the idea. I wonder what this wretched, morally bankrupt sell-out will do once the election is over? Crawl back under whatever rock she came from? What did she do in her former life? Before she sold her soul, integrity and dignity?
  9. Move over because I think a boiled chicken that's been left out in the sun. I can't help it because KAC is such a: vile, odious, loathsome, rude, soulless person, and I'd love to know how much this deal with the devil put in her bank account? I don't know why The View even has her on - so everybody can talk over each other, worse than usual? It's so stupid! KAC just sits there, like some of skinny, blonde gargoyle, spewing out her typical sound bites, all well rehearsed and used over and over, not letting ANYONE get in a word, except Whoopi who I must admit I did actually admire. The panel throws the latest Trump accusations and utter lunacy that he says at her and she just ignores it all and blissfully continues to regurgitate her lines, without taking a single breath. I can't wait for next Tuesday so this foul harpy will no longer darken my TV screen.
  10. I know the make-up is a tad over the top, but I think Joy looks........pretty. Yep. I said it.
  11. Now THAT would really be Christmas coming early!!!! Dare we hope?
  12. I will not miss Raven. At all. Not one bit.
  13. I'm having a real problem posting. For two days in a row, I write out a post, hit "submit reply" and I get a message saying that it was "Saved" but it's not saved!!! It bloody well DISAPPEARS!!! So frustrating!! Anybody else have this happen?
  14. You are so right, Tosia. For years I've been arguing this point with Right To Lifers and that is, if you people expect EVERY SINGLE WOMAN who gets pregnant, to have it and KEEP it, when said pregnancy is: A mistake, not planned The result of rape or incest Then, are you also going to house, clothe, feed, pay for medical care and schooling of said child? No? I didn't think so. But then, the CBDs of this world are never that practical because they're too busy forcing their views on everybody else. Why did Babba WaWa EVER think that it would be a good idea to add her to the panel? She's always hopelessly out of her depth when there's any sort of serious discussion taking place and SHE JUST DOESN'T FIT IN. How obvious does it have to be?!!
  15. What's Raven doing back? And how many times did she utter her "I grew up in the INDUSTRY" today? I keep having to leave the room to do more important stuff like clean the cat's litter box so I'm probably missing some very important things. Can I be bothered rewinding? Ah....no. I see many posters feel the same way about Candace as I do. She adds zero to this show and she's so out of her element as far as discussing issues in an intelligent manner goes. She walked out of The Book of Mormon?!!!! See what I mean? Someone that narrow-minded should not be on a show like this. She makes me cringe and that's not just her strident tone.
  16. Right on, honeydo7!! CBC is back in all her whiny, strident, bible thumping glory. I don't know what alternative universe this woman lives in, but it sounds like one messed up place, where no one believes in evolution, Science, climate change, gun control or the right for a woman to have control over her own body. She really buys this Trump bullshit about making America great again and how he's going to create jobs...lots and lots of jobs. Okay...can you be more specific? In what sectors? Where? Are they in manufacturing and if so, how does he purpose to persuade all those companies who have gone to China, to come back? He is never, ever specific. Ever. Now I know that The View wants to encourage difference of opinions and healthy debates among the panel but THIS WOMAN?!!! She is such a throwback to the closed -mindedness of the 1950s, it would be hilarious if it weren't so pathetic. It was so nice when she was gone. Now, my blood pressure will once again suffer. When Whoopi acknowledged Planned Parenthood, I'm surprised that Candice didn't have to be resuscitated. Paramedics are standing by......
  17. Right on, honeydo7!! CBC is back in all her whiny, strident, bible thumping glory. I don't know what alternative universe this woman lives in, but it sounds like one messed up place, where no one believes in evolution, Science, climate change, gun control or the right for a woman to have control over her own body. She really buys this Trump bullshit about making America great again and how he's going to create jobs...lots and lots of jobs. Okay...can you be more specific? In what sectors? Where? Are they in manufacturing and if so, how does he purpose to persuade all those companies who have gone to China, to come back? He is never, ever specific. Ever. Now I know that The View wants to encourage difference of opinions and healthy debates among the panel but THIS WOMAN?!!! She is such a throwback to the closed -mindedness of the 1950s, it would be hilarious if it weren't so pathetic. It was so nice when she was gone. Now, my blood pressure will once again suffer.
  18. Very disappointed. This bored me to tears. If I want an old west fix, I'll watch old episodes of Deadwood. A hell of a lot more interesting. I'll give this one more week.
  19. I mean, come on! How the hell does ANYONE expect someone to react towards someone who screwed their wife/husband, knowing all along that THEY WERE MARRIED?!! Become buddies? Invite them for a spa weekend? Come over for a bottle of wine and some Netflix? If you're normal, I think you would refer to them with every insulting, derogatory term you could think of. Personally, I think that Monica, Jennifer and the rest are disgusting but that's just me. For Trump to even entertain the thought of using this in the debate just shows the depths of his desperation. Grasping doesn't even begin to cover it!! First of all, it is so irrelevant it's laughable and second, as Celia so wisely put it, what about his indiscretions?!!!! He is hardly a shining example of "family values!!!" This clown is such a hypocrite, it's truly appalling.
  20. OMG!!! YOU READ MY MIND!!!!! I've been saying for months, "Is she b*&^%$g Trump" because she is SO, SO, VERY biased, it defies all possible logic. And call me shallow but I agree with the other posters who don't feel any remorse for slagging KAC's looks. She did sell her soul to work for this monster so don't expect glowing accolades. Don't they call that guilt by association? She made her bed.
  21. Conway is so typical of any Trump supporter in that they have elevated evading, deflecting and going off topic, to an art form. I fully expected her to be as annoying as Pence in that regard and she didn't disappoint. Did Whoopi honestly expect a straight answer from her about his taxes or anything else for that matter? If it weren't so early, I would have got a glass of wine and for every time that Conway was asked about some insult or slur that Trump spewed out and she bleated out, "Hillary Clinton...." I would have a sip. Seeing as how she offended me, maybe I should have. It just astounds me that ANY woman would want to work on his campaign, especially if it means defending his hateful, racist rhetoric. They must swallow a lot of bile and I really hope that the pay cheque is worth it. It is so apparent that this man has zero respect for women and just thinking about being in the same room as him makes my skin crawl. I was surprised at how quiet Joy was but then again, Whoopi didn't give anyone else much of a chance to speak. Conway makes me want to scream but not as badly as that vapid, air head Kayleigh McEnany. If Trump stomped on a puppy, in front of her, she would make up some excuse for it and keep smiling her eerie, zombie-like smile.
  22. Don't stress yourself wasting one more second trying to figure this mess out. NOTHING about this crap fest makes any sense.....NOTHING!! Let's hope it will crash and burn quickly.
  23. This was HORRIBLE!!!! Humiliating and embarrassing, like a drunk uncle at a wedding. I LOVED King of Queens, watched every season and loved the characters but THIS?!!! As others have mentioned here, it's Doug Heffernen but in a different house, different wife and - horrors! - this time around, he's got kids...not one but three and one has got her loser boyfriend moving in thus throwing a wrench into Kevin's retirement plans. Hilarity ensues. Where to start? The ever-annoying, stupid and unnecessary laugh track, the wife - a terrible actress - who looks too young. Her and oldest daughter look more like friends than mother and daughter. The two younger kids? No comment. Of course his brother shows up. I kept waiting to see Spence and Deacon. And Carey's Dad come up from the basement. That idiotic go kart race scene at the end was just wrong. Was it the worst thing about the show? Well, it was up there but for worst, that is very strong competition. Most times I think that shows need a few episodes to "find their groove" but I don't think this steaming pile of dung ever will. I see that James is listed as producer and writer so he has no one to blame for this fiasco but himself. I tuned in ONCE to check it out. And that will be all. RIP King of Queens. This usurper is destined to fail. At least, I hope it fails.
  24. I wouldn't trust ANY of these guys around my houseplants!!!
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