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Everything posted by tanyak

  1. I didn't say it was dirty or pornographic, nor did I suggest it was something that needed to be hidden. I just said he would be confused. End of sentence. People can be confused/not understand something. And I said we would explain it. I was responding to the comment, and I don't know who made it, that said this would basically just go right over Mason's head.
  2. I see Kourtney's point. My son is also five years old (he and Mason were born about a week apart). The last several months, he has become very locked into what is "boy" and what is "girl." No doubt the influence of his pre-K peers. For example, just a few weeks ago he was happy to watch our copy of "Frozen." Now he claims that is for girls, and he doesn't want to bother with it. We have been trying to explain to him that things don't have to be boy versus girl, but in his five-year-old mind , that's where he is. So if Papa, who he knows is a boy, started wearing dresses and wearing make up, he would be very confused. We would try to come up with a way to explain it to him, but I do think he would think a lot about it. So I do understand what she is saying. Other 5-year-old boys might not get hung up on it, but I could certainly see it happening with my son. Especially if a trip to the grocery store meant looking at tabloids Photoshop make-up on Papa's face.
  3. This. I've heard and used bougie that way since middle school, so at least 25 years. That said, I'll admit I was surprised to hear Jenny and Tyler say it. I've only ever heard black people use it in that way.
  4. She has died. http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,20847462,00.html?xid=socialflow_facebook_peoplemag I saw it as I was scrolling through Facebook here at work and it made me gasp even though I knew it hadn't been looking good. Prayers to her family.
  5. I finally got my hands on a bag of pumpkin spice M&Ms. Target sold out last year and never restocked. And they taste like...chocolate. There might be a slight, slight hint of PS, but it's pretty slight. Oh well.
  6. Yeah, it's weird that they kept the same actress. I keep expecting her kids to pop up. The hamster can stay away.
  7. YES! I thought the same thing! Lol I felt for Megan. And I thought the Hannah versus Veronica dynamic was interesting to see. Kelly seems to really like Veronica and be completely over Hannah.
  8. Same here. I saw them in Walmart the other day and I might or not have squealed. Lol Mr. Tanyak had never seem them, which makes me question what kind of elementary School he attended in the early 1980s. Ha!
  9. Yes, there's one where she's singing "Be With You" from the early 90s hairband Mr. Big. Who I have not even thought about in more than 20 years, yet I googled the video on YouTube because my 17-year-old self used to love that song. Lol
  10. Oh, hell. I liked Tektor. And of course, Maggie isn't dead. I'm so over her.
  11. Yes! I have a cat, and this year she's had more medical issues than usual, so I'm always sniffing our house and such for the odors because you can get used to them. We went to the beach last week, so we were out of our house for six days. When we got back and walked in, it smelled fine, so I'm assuming we're doing OK. Several years back, Mr. Tanyak and I went to a party and when we walked in the door, we just about fell over from stench of the host's cats. Luckily, it was an indoor-outdoor party, and we spent most of our time outdoors. When we got home, our clothes and us STANK. And I truly believe the host had NO idea how bad her house smelled. So the Febreeze commercial about the cat makes me laugh, although Febreeze wouldn't have even began to touch the funk in that house.
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