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Everything posted by tanyak

  1. I was born, raised and still live in the South. I can "yes ma'am" with the best of them. I, too, think they sound ridiculous. It's the repetition and the almost child-like voice they seem to adopt. Plus, they sometimes say it when other words would make more sense. "I understand." "I'll work on that." It seems to me they aren't really allowed to ask questions or get more clarity on what Kelli and Judy are saying. It's just yes ma'am, yes ma'am, yes ma'am.
  2. They showed what happened to Christos. After he left for dinner, he got robbed and beat up, which was apparently enough to kill him. Vellek was shown pulling back the sheet at the crime scene. I agree this season was pretty ho-hum. It seemed to go by really fast. And speaking of people with no screen time: Where was the female engineer with the red hair? I forgot her name, but was an explanation given for why she wasn't on the ship? Did she die last season?
  3. I don't think this is been discussed yet, but the Wells Fargo ad with the two women in the taxi and one realizes that she left her debit card at the restaurant. The friend is all concerned and wants to go back, but the woman who lost the card is smiling like a nut and trying to show her friend that she can turn her card off through the app. Don't get me wrong. That's a great feature. But as someone who's lost her debit card before, not having it is a pain in the ass. It takes about a week to 10 days to come, you need to get in the bank and withdraw money if you don't have another way to get to your cash, etc. I can understand having an expression of relief that nobody can get to your account, but I wouldn't be grinning like a fool, either.
  4. I saw a preview of this episode when I was watching "Designated Survivor" Wednesday. I actually stopped and rewound three times before I recognized that as Connor. Woof. Frank can work shaven and unshaven, but you sir... Banker, indeed. I'll add to the chorus. I love, love Cecily Tyson and Viola Davis together. There's really nothing left to say. I will add this: I LOVE that they show black women sleeping in headscarves! Because we do! Especially if we wear our hair straight. (Looking at you, Olivia Pope.)
  5. I like Cher. I like Future. But this here Gap commercial. Lawd!
  6. I love that commercial, too! And, yes, I remember it coming up before and people copping attitudes toward the baby. lol
  7. Yeah, it's funny how out of the loop America is in regards to soccer. According to who you ask, either he or Lionel Messi is the best soccer player in the world. They get mobbed everywhere they go. Mobbed. I would argue that worldwide, they are definitely the most recognizable athletes. I assume the ad is selling underwear because his name was under that logo? The funny thing is, Ronaldo always seems to be half naked anyway. All that oohing and ahhing in the ad like it's a rare thing. Hell, that's a Tuesday on his Instagram page.
  8. As proof of how much I love this commercial: Volkswagen is a sponsor of the Tour de France, so I have seen this commercial a ton during the last two weeks and I'm still not sick of it. And that's saying something because I'm always sick of TDF commercials by this point. I didn't realize there was a longer version.
  9. OMG. SO much hate for this freakin' commercial.
  10. That might have been the one thing I didn't mind. It was nice to see the lead not by a size 2. But pick a size 6 or 8 who can actually dance and has some charisma. And they totally made her look frumpier than she needed to be. There's so much to say, but I'll just point out my biggest three annoyances: 1. Whatever they did to "She's Like the Wind," as a noted above. 2. The "Hey Loverboy" scene, which in the original was playful, fun and sexy. I'm not sure what happened last night. 3. And the finale, which several posters have rightfully skewered. My favorite part in the original is toward the end when they are dancing slowly and Patrick Swayze quietly sings a couple of lines to her. My second fave part is when he jumps off the stage and dances solo down the the aisle, and when he turns and comes back up the aisle with the other dancers behind him. I watched it on YouTube five minutes after this travesty ended to cleanse my brain. It was a good hate watch. lol
  11. What the HELL is this version of She's Like the Wind?!
  12. Yes! That was so silly. I'm not a security or tech expert AT ALL, but didn't they have the name that was on the badge? I remember Mike asking Chuck "What was the name?" and then they cut to the next scene, which indicated to me that he told him the name. Even if Catalon or whoever got through the front gate before the Pentagon got the warning, couldn't the system be set up to trigger when he attempted to use that card? Or couldn't they have just shut the card down? All the Pentagon security people flying into a tizzy because they couldn't see the monitors made them look like mall cops. But I'll be back for season 2. lol
  13. Eh, you just take a camping chair and catch up on your magazines. Relaxing, really. lol
  14. I guess it depends on where little Johnny is practicing baseball. At our Y, technically parents are supposed to stay for practice. As kids move up in age group, more parents leave to go in the facility or for a walk around the track. Parents aren't supposed to be 30 minutes away shopping or financial planning. lol I suppose club sports (where you pay a pretty penny) are different. But yes, that's a very busy woman.
  15. That's DJ Khaled. He's a top hip-hop producer. I kinda wish they had stuck his catchphrase "We da best!!" at the end. Lol
  16. Yes, we bought one this year and for the first couple of weeks, Mr. Tanyak was adamant about bringing in in every night. Finally last week, I was like "F that." Apparently they were stolen a lot last year because they were hard to find. This year, every store it seems has them, so nobody's going to be checking for ours. We ended up buying the Phillips version at target because it was cheaper than the Star Showers. We aren't really huge fans of the motion ones, so we just got the still version. I like it a lot. The last 10 or 12 years, we've hung white icicle lights along the entire front porch. The projector is definitely less intrusive to the neighbors, in my opinion. It's just nice change, and so easy. I won't be yelling at my husband to take the lights down after the new year. Lol I do wonder if it's really a trend or if it has staying power. Because I'm happy to use it again next year.
  17. My guess is she's been traveling all day--possibly more than a day-- and she's dead tired. I'm always happy to finally land at my home airport, but you could never tell it by my face. I do think it's a sweet ad despite all the what-ifs.
  18. Exactly. It's so not the same thing--I guess the car buyer is supposed to have the "clever" comeback, but it's apples and oranges. Speaking of annoying car commercials. I get that Black Friday shopping isn't for everyone, but i seriously want to slap the hell out of the girl in the Chevy commercial with her "That's insane. I would neeeever do that." In the snootiest voice you could ever have. Even Mr. Tanyak, who hates crowds and shopping, side-eyes her stuck-up behind.
  19. My understanding is "Friendsgiving" is when friends get together for Thanksgiving. But I still think it's a silly term. Thanksgiving doesn't mean "family" exclusively. The idea is you're thankful for the blessings in your life. That can incorporate family and/or friends. So it bugs because it's a little too hipster for me.
  20. This. That is totally tacky and bratty. That said, I kind of see her point. *ducks* Up until a few years ago, my parents had some weirdness going on with their TVs. They had DirectTV, but for whatever reason it didn't work in the living room, but did work in their bedroom. Look, I love my family, but sometimes there's in only so much talking and game playing to be done. And my hubby--he loves my family dearly, but sometimes he wants to watch some football, especially on Thanksgiving (this was back before it was easy to stream games on your phone). One memorable Thanksgiving, half the family crowded into my parents' bedroom to catch the late game on NFL Network. LOL So yeah, we all had a good time, but them finally getting cable on all the TVs has made the visits a little more enjoyable. ETA: I also like that grammy and poppy seem to live in a rather small house. Most holiday commercials would have you believe that everyone is living in a mini mansion, so I like that you just open the door and step right into the smallish living room.
  21. My family has shopped on Thanksgiving. (It's family bonding! Just in a store!) But that ad is annoying in that it says "Thursday" like it's just any old Thursday. I also read some press release where it talked about how Walmart has been open on Thanksgiving for the past 30 years. It's a bit disingenuous because while that might be true, the supercenters were open mainly because of their function as a grocery store. Most major grocery stores are open on Thanksgiving, but they close at 2 or 4 PM., and Walmart used to, too. I personally don't really care if stores are open on Thanksgiving, but don't try to gloss over it and fool people.
  22. I was coming to post about this. I love it and it's spot on with everything happening now.
  23. And along those lines, I really hate the one where the guy got into an accident and his insurer was like "You chose the wrong plan." And he says "No, I chose the wrong insurance company." And then the ad launches into accident forgiveness or whatever product they are pushing. Forgive me for being confused, but don't you have to select most of these items as part of your coverage? In other words, choose your plan? And if all of these things are magically covered under Liberty's standard plan, aren't you probably paying out of the nose for it in the first place instead of just adding the coverages you want? Tell me again why this is better? On the whole, most of the ads are just meh, but this one really annoys.
  24. I'm about four minutes in and I'm cringing with second-hand embarrassment. This is awful! ETA: Made it through. Never in the world did I think the day would come when I got tired of talking about Ryan Lochte, but it's here. My general takeaways: 1. I thought the sniffles were real. 2. I do think he's really sorry. 3. I don't think he fully and really understands where he went wrong. 4. I think he was trying to stick to the the PR-fed lines and struggled with that, which is why he sounded even more doofy than usual in parts. 5. He comes off as a coddled, sheltered and clueless. And yes, immature. Anyhoo, I hope the Closing Ceremonies go off without a mention of his name or this whole mess. It's taken up far too much time this week.
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