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Everything posted by tanyak

  1. Right. The last impression of Phelps is all of his success and gold medals. Despite Lochte's own success, he's never come close to reaching Phelps' name recognition among people who don't really pay attention to swimming. For lots of folks, their introduction to Lochte was this entire mess. And it's a huge mess. Of course it will die down, but I think this will always follow him in some way. Especially since I think his last hurrah in swimming will likely be Worlds next year--if he isn't suspended. I just don't see Tokyo in his future.
  2. Well, yeah. But it's kind of the same thing. They--and really it was Lochte and Feigen--left out a major part of the story. On purpose. Several times. What do you call it--a lie by omission? Clearly, they were trying to garner sympathy while conveniently leaving out their part in the whole mess. Just like my 6.5-year-old does. I actually really like Ryan, but I can't really cut him any slack on this. He knew what he was doing, and that really sucks.
  3. Welp, I guess with Feigen paying up, that likely ends it. I also guess we can safely assume these four fools won't be partying together anymore. I don't know if when or if the team needs to get together again (Aren't there some Golden Goggle awards or something?), but whenever it is, things will be a wee awwwwk-ward.
  4. This story from the younger guys' attorney makes the most sense out of everything I've ready.
  5. Yes, him. *Current foolishness, not withstanding. lol
  6. Dear Lord, that's funny. I feel like a bit of an OG. I was peeping Ryan back in 2008 when everyone else was so focused on Phelps for the first time. I was like "Yeah, yeah, that guy's a good swimmer, but who is his friend?" lol He seemed a bit goofy, but I just chalked that up to him being 22/23. The full extent of his, uh, brain power wasn't really on display until London.
  7. I would love to know what the rest of the swim team is thinking about this foolishness. But I'm sure USA Swimming put a gag order on them with the quickness.
  8. And Ryan is a 32-year-old millionaire. Why does he need to explain anything about his money to his mom? I know there are a lot of layers to this concerning Rio and possible white privilege and all of that, but when you pull back the layers, this is just some stupid shit. I'm chuckling at the visual of the two young ones being pulled off the plane, taken to the police station and more than likely put in separate rooms. I can see them trying to figure out what to say while at the same time cursing Lochte for being back safely in the States. Someone in the comments to an ESPN update posted that photo of Usain Bolt smiling to the side while blowing past everyone in that 100 semifinal. So appropriate. lol And maybe everyone is being "unfair" to Lochte by assuming he cooked up this whole scheme. Maybe someone else did, maybe they all did it together. But he's the most famous by far--this is falling almost squarely on him. Cute as he is, this is looking like the end of our Olympics relationship. ;)
  9. I mean, it kinda of makes sense now. He told his mom he was robbed (why???). She told the press (why???). He initially denied it (which was the the truth). But then it started spiraling and they concocted this crazy story. Lawd. The other three will likely get through this because they are young and don't have the name recognition. But Ryan is done with USA Swimming, at least for a little bit. And it's his public persona that's really taking the hit. Most people couldn't pick those other three out of a lineup.
  10. Oh, shit. Ryan!!!! If this is true, this is ridiculous. Ryan is waaaaay to old for this shit. The two young ones at least have the excuse that they are still in college. I barely have words.
  11. OK, it sounds like people do know where the two other swimmers are. Some things I read made it sound like they were pulled off the plane and disappeared into thin air. And I thought Ryan was back in Charlotte, but it seems like he's being dodgy about his whereabouts. Probably a smart idea. What a crazy story.
  12. I am dying at the ridiculousness of it all. Ryan is supposedly back in Charlotte. What can they do to him now?
  13. Yeah, I'm almost starting to believe that unlike the basketball team, they stumbled knowingly into a brothel-like situation and some weird stuff went down. And we thought we were done with the swimmers Saturday. Good Lord.
  14. OK. I did think it was a little odd that the robbers let them keep their phones. Apparently the fact that they were allowed to keep those and their watches have raised eyebrows about the whole thing. I seriously have a hard time believing they made this up, though. Right? Right??
  15. I'm glad I'm not on this island alone with regards to Lilly King. There was just something really off-putting about her. I sort of chuckled when Justin Gatlin said he didn't even know who she was.
  16. Yikes, Ryan! ETA: His mom says he was robbed. The IOC says he wasn't. What the what??
  17. I was just really irritated by the shabby treatment of the relay teams. From the other night when they made them all stand there while they talked about his individual race first to tonight. When Nathan touched the wall, Rowdy start screaming that he had just gotten Michael his 23rd gold medal. Never mind that Nathan had just won himself a gold medal as well. And I also heard "Michael Phelps and the rest of [that particular] relay team" way too many times this week. Teams with veterans Nathan and Ryan Lochte, for crying out loud, someone who has 12 Olympic medals in his own right. Yes, Phelps absolutely deserved his accolades. But not at the expense of other people being pushed aside like also-rans.
  18. Exactly. They said that twice. Stop.It. I love seeing Nathan smile. It's like his eyes and whole face smile. So cute!
  19. I'd like to amend my statement from the other night about the lack of hotness in this new generation. Ryan Murphy is a cutie. Tall and broad shoulders. Lol Please Michelle, don't start slurping Phelps while ignoring the rest of the team!
  20. I know, right? I get that they are trying to stay warm. But those winter coats, scarves and knit hats look crazy. But I'm also really hot natured-it takes a lot for me to get cold. Plus I have a wee more body fat. Lol
  21. Well, I'm 41, and frankly too old for everybody. Lol I just don't think any of the new generation is cute. I might be old, but I still have eyes!
  22. Ha! It's funny how Ryan is the second oldest on the team but yet is still pulling the majority of the women. I think Nathan's a cutie, too, but none of these young boys are doing a thing for me. Lol
  23. Was he swimming with no cap or goggles? Funny how things have changed!
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