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Everything posted by tanyak

  1. Well, however he knew them, he knew them, right? He said he got about half of them. As Cole and his mom were talking, Mr. Tanyak was saying the same thing. He watches a ton of soccer games (and other international sports) and he thought he might be able to figure out some of the more unusual flags from that. I feel silly now not realizing that the folks on the bench were paid plants. I was actually getting agitated with the chess players. Yes, they were there first, but once you see some craziness happening, pick up your game and move to another bench. Either way, Dana knocking over the game was not cool. ETA: To be fair about the flags, we don't know which flags they were struggling with. I'm willing to bet they knew some of the more common ones, but not all of them. The editing can make things look more chaotic and confusing than maybe they really are.
  2. Staple's computer guarantee, where they promise to work on your laptop and then return it next day. Fine, except they seem to be positioning it as an alternative to your company's IT department. What company is going to allow an employee to take a work-issued laptop to Staples for servicing?? Every place I've ever worked password-protects its laptops--I can't even download iTunes. I guess it makes sense for a very small business. But the ad I saw has a woman bypassing IT (the guy sits across from her) because she doesn't want to fill out a help-desk ticket. And the office looks to be a decent size. Good luck with Staples gaining access to your laptop, lady.
  3. Ha! I'm glad there are a handful of other people sitting at this table with me. My engagement ring has pink sapphires, and I didn't know those existed until I got my ring 11 years ago. So when I saw the girl with the pink stone, I actually turned to Mr. Tanyak and asked "Are there pink emeralds, too?" Lol I now understand that in the absence of any information, it makes sense to look for the most common color. But my ring totally screwed with my mind for about a minute or so. Lol
  4. And the dollar menu hasn't really been the "dollar" menu in quite some while. Just like at Wendy's, stuff slowly crept up to $1.19, $1.39, etc. I think they both started referring to them as value menus or whatever. DH tried to the mozzarella sticks the other day. He said they were alright--about what you would expect for essentially paying $1 for them.
  5. I haven't seen this commercial, but it's reminding me of the current Altima commercial. It's the girl and the boy who apparently march to the beat of their own drummers and meet up as adults, and they both drive Altimas. Except I can't throw a rock without hitting an Altima, including the 2008 one parked in my own driveway. How in the world is an Altima some special car that only off-kilter people drive. I think it's just an common as an Accord now. And the McDonald's Pick 2 commercial bugs me because everyone is sitting there enjoying their food, and not one beverage is sitting on the table, not even a cup of water. I guess that messes up the 2 for $2 deal, but still. Wendy's had a similar campaign a few years ago where the deal didn't include a drink, and no one was drinking a thing!
  6. Oh, socks to the knee is very much the style nowadays. Every morning I pass hordes of teenage boys at the bustop wearing crazy basketball socks and shorts. But it's not just kids, NBA players are rocking it, too. But I don't really care how on trend Justin is, he still annoys the hell out of me. Lol
  7. I'll buy that. Then the proper response is to say, "Oh, really? What will you be doing?" And not look embarrassed that you planned a party and are holding a cake. Everyone just seems to have strange, disappointed reactions, even after he explains some of his duties. Just weird. lol
  8. I know a family who puts their tree up the first week of November. And every year, I shake my head and say "I can't believe their tree is already up." In other head-scratching news: I just don't understand the GE commercial with the developer/coder. Why is everyone so confused he's going to work at GE? I can maybe get his parents not understanding (maybe), but why do his similar-age friends looks so confused? All kinds of companies need developers and people who can code. GE makes perfect sense for that. But the guy is annoying, too, because he goes out of his way to over-explain. The whole campaign has made me twitchy.
  9. I doubt I've canceled it, but this was the first season I skipped Project Runway. It used to be my favorite show, and while I still enjoy it, I don't really care for the amped-up focus on draaaaama over design. When it started this season, I actually chose The Making of the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders (Stop it. lol) over it on Thursday nights. My plan was to catch up On Demand, but when DCC stopped, Scandal and How to Get Away with Murder started. I knew I'd never catch up, so I just let it go without watching a single second this season. And honestly, I haven't missed it. Maybe that's a sign.
  10. Maybe it's regional? I say "kw" but I can see places where maybe the "kort" sounds more common. For example, Aaron and Erin sound absolutely the same to me. In fact, when I talk text, I get Aaron for both. I have no idea how to say them differently, and at this point in my life, I don't really care to learn the difference. Lol But I know some people who can't even fathom how they sound alike.
  11. And I think this must be up to the franchise. One Sunday last month, Mr. Tanyak played golf early on a Sunday morning, so I decided to take 5-year-old Lil Tanyak to breakfast at the McD around the corner. I just about broke my neck to get us there before 10:30. Just made it, sat down and starting eating, and then I noticed a stream of people steadily getting breakfast items. As I was leaving, I asked the girl at the register, and she said they served until 11 a.m. on the weekends. But I know there are others around us that stop (or used to stop) at 10:30 all week long.
  12. I've never worked in fast food, but I can see Daisy's point about the fryers. In another story I read, a store manager said frying eggs takes up a good portion of the grill. I concede that McDonald's probably should have toned down the run-up to this, and made it more known it would be a "select menu." McDonald's is way, way bigger than Jack in the Box and Del Taco. I frankly have never even heard of Del Taco. There appear to be five JitB's in my state, all clustered around Charlotte. Heck, my city (Greensboro) alone has 24 McD's. It doesn't make sense for them to go in and retrofit all of their thousands of restaurants yet until they see how it's going to pan out. When you have have fewer than 100 restaurants, which seems to be the case with Del Taco, you can make that commitment. Back to an actual commercial, I like the one of the hubby bringing the wife a sandwich. Yeah, he could have brought a drink, but I appreciate when ads show that not everyone is on a 9 to 5 and spouses can work different hours
  13. Here's a map that shows whether you live in McMuffin country or Biscuit country. Looks like hashbrowns are on both menus, but with an asterisk. http://www.cnbc.com/2015/10/06/the-catch-about-mcdonalds-all-day-breakfast.html
  14. Yes. I turned to Mr. Tanyak and was like "Does he ever shut up?!" I'm sure he's a fine person, but it's like someone else said upthread: He's definitely one of those people I wouldn't go out of my way to engage with. Oy. Meanwhile, Team Texas hasn't done a thing to annoy me yet. I, too, want the Dancers to cool it with the sob story. I do find their reality show history interesting. I think it's probably less about being on TV and more about just trying to catch that big break.
  15. I hate that I actually know this, but they are two different sandwiches. The double cheeseburger has two patties and two slices of cheese. The McDouble is two patties but only one slice of cheese. And they can sell it cheaper for that one reason. As for the BK black whopper, I'm slightly intrigued. The bun is made with A1, which I like to put on burgers. I could volunteer to be the the group guinea pig. lol
  16. I'm a couple of days late on the Draft Kings/Fan Dual hate, but OMG! I'm not going to make it through football season. Seriously. And for some reason, the Draft KIngs commercials annoy me way more! That said, while doing some research the other day before bitching on Facebook, I did find out the guy in the red jersey (finger eater, lol) and his brother in the blue who's holding the check with him are actually wearing Patriot jerseys. The current blue and a red No. 12 throwback. Draft Kings has digitally edited the details out and slapped those stupid DK patches on them. That made me feel better, actually, because I couldn't figure out what douches would be wearing Draft Kings jerseys.
  17. Yeah, after he said it had worms, I expected him to put it back in the water. I guess it worked out for him, though. I love that Lucas just keeps himself busy. He just does project after project after project. I love his good cries, because I would totally do those, too. But as someone upthread said, he cries, shakes it off, then moves on. Mitch and Sam need a hobby, fast.
  18. I thought it was funny when I showed grandpa reading the newspaper. Was that to fool the kids into thinking things are still normal? It was a three-year-old newspaper. I also thought it was interesting how the stuff on the farm was shot "normally." As in real color, maybe even a little brighter. In general the show seems to have a very drab look to it, but I never noticed how drab until contrasted with this. And I get it, war is gritty and on the farm is a piece of heaven. I know it's cliché, but still I noticed.
  19. Sam has just gotten so little air time. I wonder if he just didn't record as much as the other guys. Curious. I couldn't believe that Alan basically talked to himself for eight hours. I was wondering why he didn't take a nap, but I guess sleeping off and on isn't really what you want to do, either. I wouldn't make it. Lol Also, the episode went out of its way to show how well everybody was eating this week, but it looks like next week everybody is starving. Wonder if that's just editing or something comes up in the next few days that changes their food sourcing.
  20. And yet, I will take Hannah and her horse over that stupid Neil Patrick Harris Heineken ad they keep showing. At least they alternate between two Direct TV commercials. Heineken just has that one commercial that plays, I swear, during every Tour break. I feel like sometimes I even see it played twice during the same commercial break. OK, give me dirty knees any time.Gah!! It's on now! ETA: Point proven. I have now seen this commercial three times in the last seven minutes.
  21. I think Lucas is single. He hasn't mentioned a wife or kids, and if I remember correctly, in his flashback we saw his parents and his little brother. He did talk a lot about his dad in this episode, but it felt like it was less about him missing his family and more about the inspiration they've been in his life. But I seriously understand missing your family. I go away for a business trip, and five days later I want to see my kid, even though I've talked to him on the phone. I just can't imagine being this isolated. And yeah, I know, you sign up for it blah blah blah. I think we're just seeing reality hit.
  22. Around here, the bottles came out at Target last summer after the World Cup. Then they disappeared going into the fall and reappeared after Memorial Day a few weeks ago. Mr. Tanyak and little Master Tanyak have really common names and I found them both last summer. I have a name that was fairly common during the 1970s but has taken a nosedive since. I don't really want to say how many minutes I've spent at target turning Coke bottles around. Lol Strangely enough, I have a friend who lives in Minnesota, and she's found my name two or three times. I do wonder about that whole "top 250 names of millennials." That might have been true last year, but I've seen some names this year that I have a hard time believing are millennial names. Certainly not in the top 250. I think they might have expanded it to be a little more inclusive.
  23. I think both Joe and Mitch moved their camps. Mitch said that he had crossed the river several times. That's why his clothes were all wet and he had to set up a new camp. Joe is screwed if he lost his firestarter, or whatever it's called.
  24. In the annoying realm: There's a Time Warner Cable commercial for some service where you can start a movie on one TV and finish it on another (I guess). So this 14ish-looking girl and her new boyfriend are watching in the living room. Mom comes in and say "hi, are you Steven?" a bit enthusiastically. The girl rolls her eyes, grabs boy, who just gives mom a stupid smile, and drags him to the office(??). Dad smiles and basically asks again if he's Steven. Girl looks pissed off again, boy just smiles like an idiot, and they end up in what looks like a young child's room with a 42-inch TV mounted to the wall. Girl finally smiles. OK. WTF? Boy: When someone speaks to you, open your damn mouth and say "hi," even if your girlfriend is being an idiot. Girl: If you bring some kid into the house that I PAY for, I have every right to ask who the hell it is and expect some conversation. Parents: Why the heck is a big-screen TV mounted on your 6-year-old's bedroom wall? I usually find this board to be pretty harsh on kids and parents, but this commercial deserves it! Gah!
  25. I'm pretty sure I heard someone say that his daughter could be a year older the next time he sees her. I was like, whaaaat?
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