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Everything posted by NextIteration

  1. 26k was the delegate equivalents, the turnout was estimated at around 230k.
  2. I'm appreciating Chris in the afternoon, one less hour of Kate Snow is a good thing.
  3. @NewDigs, Joy got the replacement time for Melissa Harris-Perry on the weekends, I'm not sure if they've settled on a name yet. It's 10-12 est on Saturday and Sunday. I like her a lot, but she doesn't quite replace what we lost, I don't think she'll be addressing intersectionality every weekend like MHP did. I am happy they found a new home for her after they unceremoniously took away her show for Roberts who then disappeared as well. I can't figure out why Frances Rivera bugs me so much. :( Ughhhhhh, they've added Hugh Hewitt, is there any other RWNJ that they can get as an analyst?
  4. True Story! So my first thought about the Val and Ginger and the flower and the bench was, oh no, no no no no. Way too far into Mia territory - but that's just me, I suppose. I loved the idea of their freestyle, but not the execution or choreography as much. Peta and Nyle's contemporary made me cry, I think it was a combination of the stunning version of the song, Peta's intensity and the very good pro-contemporary choreography as opposed to the usual ballroom pro attempt at contemporary choreography that we usually get. For me, Nyle started out impressive and plateaued but I'm not sure it could have turned out different, being unable to hear at all means no shot at musicality, and that is a huge part of dance, well good dance anyways. I'm still rooting for Paige, but yes, Mark ain't Derek when it comes to contemporary choreography and though it was very well danced, it was a little too fluffy for me. Ringers be damned and all that, I appreciate good dancers. I thought the salsa was well, on fire.
  5. I thought they teased that they were going to. I overslept and woke up to tRump's morning screed. Horrifying. And did they sort of end things with him and then come back with him back on the line after a commercial break or were they just replaying parts of his screed and responding to him? That Anan dude's hair is something else. I wonder how much product that takes?
  6. Padma, here is the link for the Wilmore interview. That's the jewel you missed anyways. Also, there is an All In thread here. Hat tip to M. Darcy for making it easy to find that link for you.
  7. Matthews is a little back to normal, it's night time on the Mediterranean so nothing new with "break". I caught Andrea, is it horrible that I have zero empathy for her at all? I am though, heartsick that Safer died, and just days after retirement. Padma - can't you catch it what you need online? I know it's hard to get all the clips going directly to the site, but if you google around sometimes you get lucky. They really messed that up, in some effort I think to do what all the networks require now - log in through your cable provider to get anything.
  8. I think that Joe was angling for a position in the tRump administration and might have been told that was never gonna happen - so he was miffed for a few days and barfed out some angry tweets and opinion pieces. Or maybe it was the public way Morning tRump was highlighted and publicly shamed at the nerd prom, and then he remembered that he was on a mission to prove to America that he was right from the minute tRump came down off the escalator 11 months ago. Funny thing has happened since Monday though, there has been big blow back against the Sanders campaign all over the place about the shenanigans that went down in Vegas. Joe is nowhere to be found. Of course today? Meeka is doing what she does best, covering breaking news about the Egyptian plane disaster.
  9. Of course one competes to win, but there are plenty of comp studio kids that aren't at the studio that dominates whatever market. Competitions after all, are just one more means of performing on a stage which also comes with very useful adjudication that shows how a group can improve their performance. They also provide an opportunity for dancers to see what other studios are doing with new choreographic styling, etc. Our studio used to manage to win overall with ballet pieces, but often did not do well at all in tap - even though the kids loved performing their tap numbers.
  10. Which would be because the decision would conveniently be thrown to the GOP controlled house, which he failed to mention. Shenanigans.
  11. That shouldn't surprise you, you heard the hacked tRump voicemails right? Tamron was a star, talking about using his discount at Gucci for a green dress at the shop in tRump whatever, right?
  12. I don't think I've ever seen Maddie do a fouetté, do you have a link? One thing about Ari that I noticed, she manages to keep her a la secondes at 90 degrees, something Maddie couldn't do until this season. That's friggin' hilarious about the Dance Precisions girls, I didn't know that angle. I think that all the girls have improved in different ways since they went out to LA, and I think it's in large part that they are taking class with lots of great teachers/choreographers at Millennium, etc. It really shows from last season to this one, I don't know that they were doing that as much in the previous season - Abby was too busy dragging them all over the world.
  13. Does Scarborough even realize how transparent he is with his shenanigans? All in a day for him I guess on Morning tRump.
  14. I'm disappointed that Wanya's out, I was rooting for Z-pac too. Now I want Paige to win, don't care a bit that she's a "ringer". I was very pleased that they gave us the story on the bullying that she experienced, I think the more we talk about these things and acknowledge them, the better. I am not looking forward to the wretched excess Peta will pull out next week for Nyle, and Ginger? She's just there.
  15. It's great to see them using Harry Enten of 538, he's encyclopedic and as unbiased as they come. Katy Tur behaves like she deserves a tiara for getting the luck of pulling tRump out of the 17 last summer. Does Bob Costa ever actually write anything for WaPo or does he just show up on the teevee machine? I don't understand why they swapped out Kasie Hunt and Chris Jansing on Sanders watch.
  16. My understanding of the situation now that the dust has settled for a day or three, is that the Sanders delegates were ill prepared, and didn't understand the governing rules. Also, though the Clinton delegates were out-maneuvered at the county level convention by one rule, that rule wasn't in effect at the state level. This is a thorough well thought account by a Clinton delegate, so there may be some bias, but it closely reflects other accounts that are coming out.
  17. Nah, don't harsh on yourself. It was razor thin and actually decided just recently. :)
  18. Heck, why not just give more coverage to tRump's creepy use of H2b visas?
  19. That's what happens when you are behind by some 280 pledged delegates and over 2.5m votes. Sanders has no path, no matter how much he spins things to his supporters.
  20. tRump trumps all, he sucks the oxygen out of every single political conversation. The New York and Acela primaries shouldn't get any more attention than any others, it's just the little fact that they broke up Sanders' momentum and that pundits, especially Republican trying to wreak havoc, keep using the previous reality of Sanders winning 8 of 9 primaries. Clinton won Missouri.
  21. Pretty dumb to go to a truck stop, since you know, truck drivers don't necessarily live where they drive. The poor put upon white guys.
  22. Landsnark, no Morning tRump reported that Hillary's lead in their dumb Survey Monkey poll tightened but not that tRump leads. Wallace slipped in the lie that Sanders has won 8 of the last 9 primaries as well. It's hilarious the way the NY and Acela primaries are just ignored in the media and Sanders world.
  23. It's hard to attack the folks in the StoptRump movement when all the hacks in the pro-tRump movement are doing the same, in my estimation. It's all about the horse you choose to ride, and I think in this particular POTUS campaign season they all suck. Thanks though, for confirming that it was Mair's group that was behind the malicious Melania tweet. She and Coulter have adam's apples in common.
  24. I just can't. Did y'all see Joe ramping up to take down Clinton today? Woo hoo, except not. And Mika with her crap on Monday about Hillary needing to expose herself and "speak the truth", blech. Does Mika speak for all the women that decided to stay? That calculated the cost of leaving when they caught their spouse cheating? Is she channeling that she got cheated on? What a bunch of nonsense. I tire of the idea that Hillary only stayed for her career, Hillary had a bright future, so much so that she had to think about marrying BIll and whether that might diminish her future.
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