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Everything posted by NextIteration

  1. Dag nabbit, TLC sure can pick 'em, eh? I refuse to be triggered this time, but these crimes especially make me rethink my position on capital punishment. I honestly don't see how TLC can continue to shove the Duggars down the throat of America after this.
  2. Sometimes I enjoy Matthews, sometimes I can stand him. That said, I think the polls have lit a fire under his ass and he realizes what a flustercluck it would be should tRump win this election - so now he's all rabid working against it. Also, I think that Nosferatu drove him over the edge yesterday with his bat-shit crazy.
  3. Her aggression towards Bacerra (D) CA was cringe worthy and essentially unfounded. Me-eka may not care about Planned Parenthood being "defunded" but her late-teen daughters away at school probably do.
  4. More importantly, both are owned by Comcast. You can't ever really forget that - they have a message to drive, and in the end it isn't in the best interest of the little people.
  5. I'm almost there. I just don't see LOD that way, sure, he goes after Trump with naked aggression (somebody needs to!) but I rarely see him as being truly supportive of Clinton - in fact I think of him as a benevolent detractor of Hillary's.
  6. Chuckles, y'all gave me a good laugh about Aleppo-gate. Poor Elise Jordan, she looked like she was going to cry.
  7. Phew, thanks. When I was reading above (because I'm not watching) I was curious if Joy gave Johnson shit about his baffling answer to Mike Barnicle who rather casually (no real pressure) asked it on Morning Joe, if you missed it, you really must watch the clips of the incident and the aftermath. Joy is a Morning Joe watcher and a while ago was often a guest.
  8. We should not know that this happened, it's further evidence that tRump is a loose lipped cannon as are those around him. Nosferatu just went flying off the rails and lost his mind on Hardball all lick spittled and ranting about Hillary's health THE EMAILS and and on and, he called Trump Reagan and referred to the notes that were dropped the Friday before Labor Day as Memorial Day weekend. He's lost his mind, I know that was evident in his hateful RNC speech, but this was a proving follow up performance.
  9. Did they cover David Bossie being hired by Trump too? That's a gruesome threesome with Ailes and Bannon.
  10. Alex is a a little busy to have a show all to her self with her new job. Though she has awesome chemistry with H&H (the Game Change Boys) both on WADR and Showtime's The Circus.
  11. I think the IAVA Forum tonight is a must watch as a participant in this election (like the debates) it will be interesting to see which Trump shows up this evening.
  12. Once again, MSNBC airing a full Trump appearance (heh, pre-empting Andrea Arms Mitchell) - they did that yesterday as well, relegating Clinton to a little box in the corner of the screen It was noticed,
  13. Toad is only okay with Rachel though, never alone. Sorry - I'm bad at the edit include another quote function on this site... Chuck and Savannah, just like Chuck and Rachel are very good together - they have good chemistry and there is a pleasant ying-yang thing going on with both pairings. Chuck on his own his horrible, in my estimation. He started okay after his long stint on C-SPAN but he's become far too inside baseball. I think he's every bit as obnoxious as David Gregory - I wish someone like Gwen Ifil from PBS would have been given MTP after Russert's death.
  14. To me, this was just Me-eka repeating her Paris Hilton stunt that launched the show in the first place. Me-eka knows which side her bread is buttered on.
  15. I have never seen this as a matter of the vet of Palin and company but a failure to vet when McCain cynically and desperately punted in the aftermath of being told that no, he couldn't have Lieberman as his VP. I know a lot of folks put this at Nicolle and Steve's feet and abhor them because of it - but I see it a little differently and lay the blame squarely on the shoulders of McCain, Randy Scheunemann , Fred Barnes and Bill Kristol.
  16. They did, and I have to say that Steve Schmidt seems inconsolable about the demise of the GOP as it was. I've almost always found him well reasoned, he spoke to the issue that Trump presents in that Schmidt fears what is going to happen when Clinton wins because Trump has been busy delegitimizing the election process, and he wondered out loud what will happen when it's time to concede - defining that moment as the most precious and powerful part of our democratic republic - the transitioning of power after our presidential elections.
  17. Bolding mine, this is why I don't watch anymore and just pop in when the show makes sparks anymore. I just cannot abide CCB or Jediblahblah, (or Paula a lot of the time) so I'm out.
  18. Chrystia Freeland, she's a little bit busier and less accessible with her new duties as Canada's Minister of International Trade, she disappeared pretty much after she became a Canadian MP a few years ago.
  19. I'm really late to the party with the welcome to the group @sleekandchic but Samantha Bee nails it. Enjoy. (Sorry for the re-post for those that saw my link waaay up thread.)
  20. Waves, hi y'all! Looks like Whoopi made a bit of a splash first day back, seems to me that she does this quite often with the season opener. I thought Joy was leaving the show? Happy to see her well reasoned self today - the other fools at the table should all have been fired, I see Jediblahblah will be around as well. Candace and Paula need to have several seats with their bullshit about disrespectfulness. Waves, bye y'all! ♥♥♥♥♥
  21. I think she's a great addition as well, I don't understand the under usage of Betty Nguyen, that's a mystery - I find her so much more likable than Frances Rivera.
  22. I swear she gets more muddled by the week, unless of course she's taking a shot at Hillary Clinton. The giggling about the softening and the hardening by Joy Reid was delightful, yes folks, I'm ten as well.
  23. Well that's bad news. :( Is it terrible for me to want Matthews not retire? On second thought, I'm not sure I want to hear him spitting out criticisms of the Clinton Administration v2.0. I guffawed at Chris' "Katie Packer, Katie Packer" last night - she wasn't stupid rabid GOP up until Real Time and this last week on MSNBC, I thought maybe she was a reasonable Republican, whoops, my bad. Also, @Lexx I agree that the late night live version reminded me of "Up" a show that Kornacki ruined and I miss so much, which in turn made miss MHP, though I've come to appreciate A.M. Joy as well.
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