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Everything posted by NextIteration

  1. Go away Nina Turner, people like you and Michael Moore are the reasons that Clinton is struggling with the millennials. You lied about rigged elections and you spent a year shredding Clinton, gee I wonder why they are going for Johnson and Stein?
  2. I'm pretty amped to vote as well, I think I'll do so early in the next day or so. My daughter got her absentee ballot at school yesterday - it's already sent back, she called and was all "Mom, Mom, do you realize that my first two votes were for the first Black president and then the first female president, how cool is that?"
  3. It's Alicia Machado. You'd think that Me-eka could have made sure that a man like Shimon Peres would get his name pronounced correctly in his honor. I'm really sad about it, I worry for Middle East peace. Meh, I think that Howard Dean was being the ultimate troll after all the horseshit that has been tossed Hillary's way - so their fake outrage is ridiculous. Me-eka rolls with public opinion and is suddenly pleased as punch and says that Hillary wiped the floor with tRump, which most of us knew Monday night. .....and STFU about Keith Scott. Not only is it irrelevant, the cops were there to arrest another man when they rolled up on Scott, and we know that he had a TBI, which sometimes causes aggression, we also know that after Mrs Scott filed the complaint, she retracted it. We do not, know why.
  4. She was really trying to make that a thing, with the screwed up pinched expression on her face and the hand on the chin. It didn't work at all. Nicolle practically snorting in Me-eka's face about Me-eka's theory of the case, was especially delightful. I've been happy to see that it appears Tamron Hall long ago realized that the Gucci discount wasn't worth it. She has at times been Joy Reid level of in your face with tRump surrogates.
  5. @Cosmocrush My theory includes that the mystery stomach ailment, was due to said harassment, and protracted absences were because she was negotiating the money/exit.
  6. Here's a link to a lot of it. Speaking of Stevie Wonder as Royalty - I'm going to see him in a couple weeks live at the tribute concert for His Royal Badass, Prince. Da fuque? Why is Jediblahblah questioning what countries the Clinton Foundation donated to? I'd understand her asking about the Foundation accepting donations from Saudi Arabia and such because of their treatment of women (that's a normal GOP talking point).
  7. A Canadian guy that likes to recap Morning Joe most days gave her that nickname. (I don't approve for what should be obvious reasons.) Oh, I totally think she was harassed and got a settlement to keep her mouth shut about it and sing Ailes' praises as she was shoved out the door.
  8. Win. Do I want to watch today's meltdown spin about the debate?
  9. Best part of the after debate spin/antics for me was Chris Christie's flop sweat v James Carville cool as a cuke demeanor.
  10. Does anyone else think that Scarb and Scarb Jr (Jacob Soboroff) look more like Where's Waldo every day?
  11. tRump has been doing that snorfling (TM Joy Reid™) in every debate. I've been a little surprised that it didn't come up in the media until now.
  12. Me-eka is sticking with the job interview analogy come hell or high water. I think it's interesting that some here stress MEEK-a and others of us stress ME-eka. They both fit, this woman is an embarrassment to womenkind, cough know your value indeed.
  13. Twitter is not having one bit of this bullshit from team Morning Joe trying to spin last night's disaster into something positive for Trump.
  14. He's been on MTP a lot this cycle - he was also front and center at a bunch of the GOP debates, CNN and Fox I think. It was nice to hear that Carville has been made an MSNBC analyst, he's always good for a laugh. eta: I keep forgetting to mention that I'm finding all the Clinton/Kaine signs on the Hofstra campus encouraging, these are the kids she needs.
  15. MSNBC won't be inviting Ed Schultz on as a guest as long as he's a shill for Russia Today. Really wish that Hewitt was in the Fox bubble. As much as I hate Ted Cruz I can appreciate some of Rick Tyler's insights and as much as I despise Ben Ginsberg of Bush v Gore and Franken v Coleman fame, he can be insightful as well. Elise Jordan has generally been a delight and I usually appreciate Steve Schmidt and sometimes even Nicolle. Hewitt? He's just the male version of KellyAnne Conway. And as anti-Trump as he was, and astonished that Trump didn't know what the nuclear triad is, he's all rah rah for this monster now. In my mind both Tyler and Ginsberg will be voting for the unknown independent fella from Utah, if he's on their ballots, Jordan will vote for Johnson and I think that Schmidt and Wallace might ninja vote for Hillary.
  16. As an ode to @attica, I'm venturing into the shallow end and declaring Harry Enten my new nerdy political guy - I'm moving on from Chris. Enten could be my son, but who cares, he's so hot! I seek out 538 podcasts for the sound of his voice (blushes).
  17. ^ combined with flagrant cheating? I dunno, maybe? Seems to me he'd be stupid to try - it sounds like he's the Prince of NBC. And a helluva pay cut.
  18. @stormy I think that tRump is the exception that breaks all the rules. I don't believe that Joe is a racist xenophobe that would court the Alt-Right, even though I often find him often reprehensible.
  19. It remains a mystery to me how this happened. I remember back on TWoP how concerned and worried about Jack we were when he was so premature. I really have a hard time comprehending how the two of them destroyed that marriage. Anyways, I think this whole mess precludes Joe and his ego from running from any office - its' really disgusting.
  20. I think that Justin Bamberg (Walter Scott attorney and SC State Representative) is very media savvy, and I'm happy that he's representing the Scott family. He was very vocal during the Charleston massacre ( :( ) and he's also the very vocal Sanders surrogate that flipped from Clinton. I think he's a rising star in the Democratic Party. And his obsession with Bridge-gate that continues anytime there is new news on the subject.
  21. It appears that the family gave the video to both the NYT and MS/NBC. I think they knew who would be the biggest most sympathetic messengers for them. It sure as hell looks like there was some shenanigans going on on the ground around this poor man. I am traumatized for his his wife, this is going to get ugly. I cannot believe that the Charlotte Mecklenberg police were ignorant enough to think that this wouldn't come out. They knew the family had this video.
  22. First off, healing vibes to Andrew. His new bride must be a wreck, poor dear - positive thoughts to her as well. Yeah, all the news about Andrew has Me-eka quotes, that horse has left the barn for certain now. As much as I dislike this pair, I'm sure they had an awful night and are worried sick. I'm sitting with Howard Dean and Donnie, I think that with these new polls TeamHillary will reserve ad time in a couple states that they pulled out of again, but not commit to it until after the debate. It's just too close time wise to make a full commitment because as Toad said, it's not clear which polls are the leading indicators and the debate impressions could change the landscape radically.
  23. I'm really happy that they gave Craig Melvin his own hour! I hope he gets to keep it, though I'll bet we get another shuffle after the election.
  24. It would be great if Nina Turner would realize that being coy about whether she supports Clinton or not puts her at cross-purposes with her agenda. Could someone pretty please lock Kornacki in a closet until election night, I'll gladly hold the key. He keeps saying that he's bracing for trouble in Charlotte, but there is a little too much enthusiasm in his voice - it sounds like he's wishing for it. Though he can have Wes Lowery on for the whole hour before we throw Kornacki into the closet. I do appreciate Wes Lowery's chemistry with Chris Hayes much more.
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