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Everything posted by NextIteration

  1. It's not wrong, Heilman has always been the far more balanced between he and Halperin. I've always felt joy for Heilman's success and hated Halperin getting credit for anything.
  2. Well who couldn't have predicted what this morning's show would be like. It's a really bad sign when you could have predicted almost verbatim each and every guest and the hosts' words and tone. The temerity to bring Albert "I can't recall" Gonzales in for an interview on this is beyond disgusting. Zero balance, or where they pretended to have balance, they screamed over it.
  3. BriWi is getting slaughtered on twitter for his commentary this afternoon. I'm afraid to link or quote, you'll have to google.
  4. On Dean, when he's remote his posture always appears very strange, especially against the books back drop (where some people look okay and others don't). I think I've said this before but she's Alex Twitt in my mind every single time. I appreciated Dean with Del Percio - she's not usually so rabid. It seemed to me that the Clinton campaign and their surrogates had a coordinated message this weekend especially with all the "audition" appearances of many of possible Clinton VP picks - of telling the media to knock it off and get back to the issues. Of course, it was a deflection about tarmac-gate and Hillary's FBI interview. She managed to win a news cycle she should have lost, because tRump stepped all over it with his hateful tweet.
  5. Thanks for the link to Ro's instagram. Vivi must be a dancer, there are a couple beach poses. ♥ #Dax is home with Ro again as well.
  6. Well, since Hillary went and gave a deposition at the FBI this morning, perhaps we could assume that "the talk" was about finalizing negotiations to facilitate that. Still think it's much ado about nothing. Bill has done that with lots of GOPers to include Ted Cruz before - it's not a Phoenix tarmac thing, it's a tarmac thing with him.
  7. I'm going to back out on a limb and say that Jonathan was being snarky, and understood completely why she let Bill on the plane. He's a huge Clinton supporter (his snark on Twitter about Bernie Bros is fabulous) and I think he was only incredulous about it because of the optics that the GOP is making shenanigans out of. He was scheduled to do that interview with Lynch months before at the Aspen Ideas summit, but Lynch decided at the last minute to scrap her interview and just do the sit-down with Capehart.
  8. I didn't get the impression that Jonathan didn't understand, he just used some beautiful snark with his "What were you thinking"? And what the hell was she supposed to do, tell Bill to get off the fucking plane? Meh, I think Bill is just an enthusiastic and somewhat excitable guy (no, I don't mean that way!) and he just goes through life not thinking about consequences. It's a rather unsettling trait in a POTUS but it's also a big part of his charm in my mind. I appreciated Matthews' characterization - that Big Dawg doesn't mean top dog, but a big (tall) puppy with boundless energy.
  9. I'm fully aware that one of his older boys that just got married has Aspbergers, there was a time when he was all in with RFK Jr and anti-vax bullshit. Joe didn't miss several shows, he missed months of them and when he didn't he was remote. This was early on for Morning Joe and most TWoPers actually had a lot of sympathy, worry and empathy about the situation - so unlike us.
  10. While Roger Stone was not elevated to "analyst" status on CNN, they sure had him on a lot after he "left" the tRump campaign last fall (and allowed him to sell his book of bullshit fantasies about Clinton). CNN also has that idiotic Jeff Lord on all the time. I find that Lawrence O'Donnell is the most obnoxious with the tRump coverage in the evenings. Just stop it, for the love of sweet baby jeebus.
  11. Is Jack, Joe's youngest? I think that's his name. I remember when he was born, he was profoundly premature, and I was pretty shocked when Joe callously divorced Susan when Jack was so young. It just gets grosser the more I think about it. A lot of times with children that are born so premature, there are developmental issues. Nice work, Me-eka.
  12. Huh, well isn't that special. I think it's time to turn the page on this hot mess. Wonder how her parents feel about this?
  13. I get it that Mika is on a vacation - and clearly Joe kind of is ergo his wierd little box he was from remotely - but does anyone else think it's strange that on a well known important news day neither of them are there? This was determined long ago (however the vote went). I'm not complaining, it's actually a little more enjoyable but still way to over-focused on tRump.
  14. They only ordered 13 for S6, and then ordered the balance in late March, if I'm not mistaken (which I could be).
  15. Now that Kornacki has his irritating delegate board/election coverage lane, I wish he'd just stay in it. I didn't like him on Up and I don't like it when he takes on the roll of pundit filling in for anyone. Leave the filling in to Ari and Joy, invite Keith back for Chris H and Rachel, heck I don't think I'd even mind Michelle Bernard in for Chris M.
  16. A mere quibble of course, but it was more like three months ago. ;)
  17. I was mad retweeting Rosie yesterday during the House sit-in. #NoBillNoBreak I wouldn't be deleting this show off my over-full dvr daily if she were still on.
  18. Not like little Lord Luke never fails to fail a little.
  19. I appreciate it because I tend to watch "live" teevee on a bit of a delay so I can ff through commercials. His time indications warn me, heh.
  20. Someone give Kornacki the hook. He's the last person I want to see covering the House sit-in. He was just so disrespectful to Rep. Clyburn, and stupid too - didn't even know that Clyburn is part of Democratic leadership in the House. What an awful week for Matthews to be on vacation. smdh
  21. Huh what? Lol. It wasn't me!! :) I've been deleting this show from my over-full dvr for weeks, and sorry not reading the group. Miss y'all!
  22. I'm so excited about Chris' new book - and of course I hit the Google. He attacked social programs that had only yielded “an ugly harvest of frustrations, violence and failure across the land.” To substitute for these programs Nixon would use tax and credit policy reforms and use the natural mechanisms of the free enterprise system to facilitate black progress. "Black Americans—no more than white Americans—do not want more Government programs which perpetuate dependency. They don’t want to be a colony in a nation." On one particularly important flash point for racial conflict, busing, Nixon seized upon it declaring that it was a mistake to conceive of busing as a solution. Blacks were not being helped by busing, Great Society handouts, or by being soft on crime. Blacks needed jobs, and he would create incentives for private enterprises to invest in the black communities of the nation.
  23. As I said it's a crapshoot. A piece could have been done about all the awful side effects of Zyprexa or Risperdal off the top of my head. Two other medications in the atypical anti-psychotic category that are also used off label for things like aggression in kids that can contribute to massive weight gain (which further complicates issues of self esteem) and Risperdal has the added bonus of giving young boys breast tissue on occasion. This entire category of medication is terrible with Alzheimer's and dementia patients because of your sister's experience. I hope your sister is well now.
  24. Heh, I didn't even catch the Joe/Eugene issue, as a Minnesotan. I'm sure she was appalled with herself. Her interview with Sohail Ahmed was captivating and helpfully informative; I wish him all the best in educating the world.
  25. No remarks about last night's episode. I came looking here because of the story about Seroquel. I was all ready to be pissed off about how it might be portrayed trying in advance to find out about the father who lost his son and expecting a deep dive into "your kid's shouldn't be medicated at all and that big pharma was the epitome of evil, off label being the biggest example". There are little things in life more difficult than having a child that suffers from severe mental illness, and trying to get the right diagnosis is really hard. I have a child that took Seroquel at the age of 10 for two years starting 11 years ago. She had had a psychotic episode and was hospitalized in a young child psychiatric ward. I'm so lucky that my community has such a thing, they are rare. I can't express how hard it was to take her to the ER, have her transferred and watch her descend into a crazy rage being dragged off with her blanket and most important stuffed animal to what I assumed but never asked was the young child version of a padded room. Seroquel is one medication in a few (first and foremost she needed a mood stabilizer which are also anticonvulsants), that was part of giving me my child back. The child that I knew was inside, and had witnessed and enjoyed in a diminishing manner over the previous year. The very first thing that I was warned about, was the side effect that was front and center in this episode. We had high dose Benadryl prescribed as the stop gap antidote to give on the way to the ER if she showed any symptoms of it. In conclusion two things, I know how blessed I am to be in a community though strapped like most of child psychiatric care, is a shining beacon of what can be. I was also an exceedingly careful parent that took the time and researched everything even though we had an amazing psychiatrist. I feel terrible for this father and family, but I really struggle to understand how a man that works in the pharma industry sort of failed, where little old me didn't. I came away from the piece thinking that it was a really fair and a good piece of journalism. I completely agree that they shouldn't be marketing things off-label, most professionals that are top-notch already know what might be needed. Medicating kids with severe mental illness (or adults for that matter) is a crapshoot. I can't wait for the day that we emerge from the dark ages of understanding the brain for real.
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