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Everything posted by NextIteration

  1. There are whole shows where Barnicle speaks one sentence, anyone notice that? I'm not a fan of Halperin but I do enjoy John Heilemann. When I get to a place that I really want to throw a shoe at the teevee machine about something that Halperin says, I try to get my zen back remembering that time last year when even Halperin told Me-eka and Joe that they were being ridiculous in their Hillary hate-a-thon one morning. I don't know what time Rassmussen posted this, but the right leaning survey has Clinton up by 3 points, attributing it to the debate. I suspect that Joe wouldn't want to acknowledge this, because tRump has generally lead in this survey. Looks really bad when the Democrat is up in a Rassmussen poll.
  2. Was Chris Hayes on the panel? I was watching AM Joy so I missed MTP.
  3. Fact, unless Latina yesterday makes more than $250k a year, I'm pretty sure that the Clinton tax plan cuts her taxes. I don't know the cut off for tRump's massive tax cut for the 1%, but $250k is at the top 2% in the country.
  4. I think that it should be required on MSNBC that Malcom Nance get 15 minutes of every hour from now until the election. Bernie or Busters need to understand what is at stake for our country and the world.
  5. I'm not gonna say it, no you can't make me say that with every passing election cycle Betsy McCaughey looks more like a man in drag, but ya know, some people are saying... WADR is worth watching today because Halperin is absent and Donnie Deutsche is simply incensed that tRump is anywhere near the presidency for real.
  6. Not that I have any language skills, but I can attest to what both Apprentice79 and GHScorpiosRule are saying about accents. My kids were in Spanish immersion in pre-k and through elementary and middle school and mostly first learned how to read in Spanish even though their native language is English. To this day... when they encounter new written words they are often pronounced in Spanish and it's pretty funny when they come up with some doozy verb conjugations in English.
  7. Here's what I don't get, NBC got a hold of the Trump campaign memo that instructed surrogates to counter the Machado fat shaming with Bill's infidelities with Paula Jones, Gennifer Flowers and Monica Lewinsky and Hillary's reactions and remarks that "bullied" his ex-mistresses. Then the surrogates (I'm looking at YOU Jediblahblah) jump to use of the term "rape accusations". Now we've moved into Kathleen Wiley and Juanita Broaddrick territory, and are skating really close to possibly defamatory on air statements. Why doesn't the Trump campaign understand that? It would seem to me that throwing around rape accusations willy-nilly could lead to some legal actions. As an aside, the name Connie Hamzy has come up again amidst all this hullabaloo.... she's the gal that said that Clinton made lewd suggestions in a hotel lobby to her - but in reality she lifted her top and flashed her ta tas at him. Turns out? She's the real life Sweet Sweet Connie of We're an American Band fame: I'm going to need a really long hot shower in bleach when this election is over.
  8. Wasn't quite sure where to put this one, but.... Donald Trump Charity Gave to Jenny McCarthy’s Anti-Vaxx Crusade
  9. I has @JoeNBC battle scars. ;) I've had three twitter IDs over the years - and he's blocked all three of them, it's a badge of honor to have gotten that far under his skin. Heh.
  10. Ha ha ha ha. Isn't it the height of hypocrisy for Renee Ellmers (R) NC to show up on MSNBC throwing shade at Clinton when she's the one that has been romantically tied to Kevin McCarthy (R) CA... which in large part is why he had to step away from the Speaker of the House position? Even more delicious is that Ellmers lost her primary. Sour grapes.
  11. Do you think that Jediblahblah slapped her backstage post show? Paula's in my good graces until the election for this, well, maybe. If I were KAC, I'd be concerned about my position - the leaking from the tRump camp is growing to a flood. The two other times that this happened was just before Lewandowski was fired and then again just before Manafort was fired.
  12. Me-eka has the audacity to claim that they asked the hard questions at the MSNBC tRump Town Hall. Um, is it the peroxide that made her forget there is hot mic audio all over the interwebz that proves this wrong?
  13. Plop. Heh. If you are ever in Miami - don't let the fact that all the GOPers go to Versailles color your opinion about it, amazing Cuban food. I was really disappointed when they closed their South Beach outlet, which meant we again had to drive from the beach all the way to Calle Ocho. Amazing Café Cubano as well. Oh and you'll see all the retired Cuban men in their guyaberas playing dominoes. :)
  14. The delusion runs deep in this Miller fella, when you manage to gobsmack Toad with your stupidity and anti-Clinton rhetoric it's a banner day for delusion.
  15. Joy and Rachel are killing it in the ratings. I'm choosing to ignore the rest about the dayside decimation being a success.
  16. They made sparks on Raw Story too.
  17. MSNBC just covered this and essentially reported that Conway just admitted on The View that tRump violated the embargo,
  18. So, I really, really admire Robert Reich. Here's where I'm really having a problem with he and his ilk (i.e. Michael Moore and many other former famous Sanders supporters) - they are all becoming the biggest bed-wetters on the left in this election. These are the people that should have known better, that excoriated Clinton for over a year, tearing her down while running around claiming that the system/election was rigged and now they are worried about the lack of millennial support. I just can't with this bullshit.
  19. Well, at least her hair was ironed down to look smooth instead of fried, right? Right? She's got impressive education credentials and is apparently a pretty smart gal, a former lover of Fred Thompson's (now there is an accomplishment!) but this robot automaton shtick is getting really old - it makes her look stupid and an embarrassment to womyn kind.
  20. Ha ha ha, those View makeup artists sure do magical work. KAC doesn't look haggard, rode hard and put up wet today!
  21. I use Nosferatu and Ghouliani interchangeably. What does that say about me? And doesn't it make sense that he'd be a yooooge supporter of tRumpenstein? Ms Conway failed that question last night when Megyn Kelly posed it to her last night - she just deflected to Clinton again. Do I want to watch clips, or do I want to keep my blood pressure in check? Did they talk about Hoboken :( ? Well, isn't that ironical... Jediblahblah acknowledges that the over-ride yesterday is dangerous because it exposes our soldiers, etc due to drone strikes - has she ever blamed Obama for leaving Iraq due to the SOFA agreement that Bush signed? You know, the agreement where Obama tried to negotiate a continued presence of our soldiers without exposure to prosecution, but al-Maliki refused? Sort of like that, Jediblahblah?
  22. Argh, why did they bring in stiff-assed idiot BriWi for the Hoboken coverage? And he just went on a long winding rhetorical bloviation about terror, only to admit that there is are no indications of terror. I frickin' hate this exploitive douchecanoe. Prayers for Hoboken, I love that place. ♥
  23. Clinton was my 4th presidential vote - I remember actually crying with disappointment when Carter lost, I thought we were headed for a nuclear winter for sure. Morning Joe hasn't even acknowledged the new Eichenwald piece (no real shock there) I wonder if it will breakthrough to the general cable news media more, later this morning. To be honest, his first piece about all the worldwide ethical challenges tRump's business interests present - didn't break through as much as it should have. And I'm terrified again. Every single time I start to feel an equilibrium that this country really does know better than to elect tRump, I quickly start swirling around the drain with worry. After that debate performance, how can anybody still believe that this man should run the country?
  24. I dunno, I kind of feel like the ripped jeans are in keeping with her role as MTV Director of Politics. And I'm officially old and own jeans with bling on the pockets.
  25. I despise Bitsy - but this is precisely why I think she got a settlement, with a gag clause.
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