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Everything posted by NextIteration

  1. Deutsch has made the assertion about tRump a couple times now. During All In last night they discussed this all as a media strategy for tRump to start a cable network as was touched on this morning on Morning Joe.
  2. http://www.rawstory.com/2016/06/a-new-victim-claims-child-sex-abuse-by-josh-duggar-which-caused-her-to-rebel-and-leave-home/ Surprising not a single person.
  3. Did we ever hear where Carly is going to college? Such a big deal was made of her older sister's acceptance and attendance at Johns Hopkins by Mika. The only time that Ron Fournier is charming is when he talks about his son, too bad that empathic nature doesn't extend to the rest of what he does. My kids have "issues" and I know the hurt of watching your children struggle socially before they find themselves and figure it out. It's interesting that now that tRump is the "scary" GOP nominee, Ron Fournier doesn't let out a squeak of all the Clinton hate we used to hear from him. Not a peep out of him about her last night on Hardball either.
  4. You're welcome. Justine and my daughter danced in an a pretty impressive cohort in our market, but she's the only one that has broken through so far (a lot of them are still dancing in college).
  5. Tate auditioned? I'm so on the fence about watching any of this, so I was poking around in here to see reactions. I have it on my DVR and have almost deleted the shows a couple times now, is it worth watching? A saw Tate last summer watching some of the ADAs, she's a beautiful dancer.
  6. Hmm, Justine Lutz made it to the green mile twice (I'm terrible with season numbers beyond about the 5th season, because I've watched sporadically), here is her S11 audition. My interest in her is because my daughter competed against for years and she used to come to our studio for ballet tech classes for a few years. She used to be in Shaping Sound as well.
  7. The only section that didn't mostly creep me out was the last one, and the only reason I went back to watch it (I'd given up on the one before) was after I forwarded it to the end to see who the dancers were and saw Justine Lutz.
  8. Nice catch. I missed the half moon window, I don't know how, since it's been a part of my dance tv life for over a decade. Heh.
  9. I got my head bit off commenting elsewhere how scary I found this gun. I also found out that actually ARs can basically be made to be the same with all the aftermarket component parts. I hate guns, I honestly don't understand. This particular weapon is nothing but a killing machine, in my mind it should be limited to the military and sniper police.
  10. Isn't that Erin Babbs from Murrieta Dance Project? Aren't they finished filming for Season 6? ...off to Google
  11. They always used to, not as often anymore.
  12. Shut up Al Hunt. GOP mommies in the suburbs of Minneapolis don't matter a whit. Minnesota in presidential elections has the longest record of voting blue in the country, and tRump came in third with a Rubio win here. There is no damn way that Minnesota is dumb enough to even give tRump a 1st look.
  13. Fuckity fuck fuck fuck. Get rid of Hugh Hewitt NOW! I cannot bare his smugness and his one-note attacks against Clinton are constant. I cannot tolerate this for five months and I hate CNN even more most of the time. (Though most of the great analysts that used to be on MSNBC are now on CNN, but I still hate it, weird.) Nicole went all mean-girl on The View and got tossed after one season, she started out pretty enjoyable but then she signed on to The Whoopettes™ and became unbearable. Dangit, so angry that I forgot Craig Melvin's heartbreaking sign off from the 6 pm edt hour, something like "I'll see you again soon after the next mass shooting". :(
  14. Not a word about it, but you probably knew that in your heart. <3 to you and your community, this is so damn sad and awful.
  15. Yay Nia! This will have me smiling for a day or three.
  16. They did the exact same thing to tRump two weeks before - so he was randomly in Bismark, ND acknowledging it in a weird speech that day. It wasn't as big a deal on the GOP side since there was nobody else in the race. I thought it was despicable to do with the Democrats the day before millions would/could be voting in a still contested race.
  17. MSBNC, you've tortured us with all your new right-wingers, could you please manage to keep Kelly Ann Conway off your airwaves? I mean isn't Hewitt enough of a Clinton hater for you?
  18. Sigh. Again Joe, it's not "50, 60, 70, 80 agents", it's 12.
  19. Mitch McTurtle wants GOPers to respect the process and Ryan to endorse tRump, seconds after he talks about not considering Garland at all. Also, trying to make a claim that Democrats call Kagan, Sotomoyor, and Ginsberg moderates. No, we know our tribe when we see them, Leader McTurtle.
  20. Joe is once again delusional, or just trying to make bullshit hay - there is absolutely no way that Romney wins Minnesota, I can't speak to some of the other states, except Utah which Romney would most certainly win, but it won't be Minnesota. And then they quote the Sanders/tRump polls, which are meaningless since there has been nary an ad or criticism aimed at Sanders - aside from the conventional wisdom that head to head polls do not mean a thing until after the convention.
  21. That's exactly what he did, his campaign (which is now all him mostly, anyone with any common sense which doesn't count the odious Weaver, has shut their mouths at this point according to the NYT). Sanders planted the question with Kimmel figuring that tRump would be game, since all media is good media for him. I'm pretty sure that's something that I learned with Rachel's well researched coverage on the topic. Of course, tRump did a head fake, just using it to stomp out all other chance at coverage of the trail of others for another news cycle. Worked out okay for Clinton though - it buried the IG report a little bit.
  22. i hesitated to comment about this yesterday but I'm not going to let it go a second time. None of the girls, even the original girls were at a level where they worked with Abby very much, she worked with the older teams. They were in tech classes and and someone lower on the chain did their competitive pieces. On the show, from the start, Abby was merely cleaning choreography and generally not teaching any of it, Gianna has been all along.
  23. Agreed. If her fans want to pay her $1 a month to demonstrate moves in Just For Kix (and many other) type demonstration clips, I wouldn't call that greedy. I would call the fans that do it a little silly though. Because there are all the Just For Kix clips (and many others) out there for free on YouTube. Is she still modeling for Just For Kix? I would think that she'd be precluded from doing something like this if she is.
  24. There have already been incidents of young white children bullying Muslims and other children of color. Mika's hate of all things Clinton forced her to make a false equivalency, they are good at that on Morning tRump - it might as well be Fox and Friends.
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