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Everything posted by coconutcookie

  1. Boring season. How come MAFS Australia, in a country with 26 million people, can find 10 or 12 good looking, somewhat interesting, couples and the U.S. MAFS can't find five? They should stop trying to force mismatched people to be hot for each other.
  2. Wonder if they'll do two black bachelorettes in a row. Kelsey T looks like a good candidate.
  3. The experts have mismatched a bunch of people again, making me wonder what their objective for the show is. They have guaranteed humiliation for Lauren, Emily, and Becca by setting them up with younger men who are completely uninterested in them. At least Becca's husband likes making out with her, but he obviously is not interested in being married to her. The experts claim they match people based on their values, but how about nailing down politics, religion, whether or not to have children, how many and when. Also, 28-year-old men are not looking to marry matronly 30-somethings. The experts seem to be pushing a weird agenda that doesn't serve the people who sign up for MAFS hoping for true love.
  4. I think Clint and Gina are both being defensive and trying to protect their egos. They seem to really like each other and unless the other person is downright repellant it seems that it would be worth exploring the physical side. I think Clint could get it on with Gina and I don't the she would be totally icked out by him. Not sure watching Driving Miss Daisy would help though.
  5. Between Nicole preaching to the other couples and the experts trying to convince the couples to get it on, there isn't much of interest to see between the couples. I miss the shouting and throwing things from past seasons. Now it's all talking and analyzing. Boring.
  6. So they're going to move in together this summer and are thinking about getting married in 2025. That sounds like a good plan.
  7. Kaity looks so much like Lauren Hutton, only prettier.
  8. I wonder about something, would these women rather have Zach or a 20 percent chance to be the next bachelorette. I know what I'd choose, especially with Zach as the bachelor. Also, why has Zach, who is mediocre at best, have the best-looking women on his season?
  9. They could have put names in a jar and come up with more compatible couples.
  10. He doesn't appeal to me but he seems like a nice guy and I think they might have reached down into the pack and picked him because he seems to actually want to find a wife, unlike so many other bachelors.
  11. Wonder if Jon Gries will be back next season now that he has Tanya's money, or will he be found out before he can squander some of it at a White Lotus? He said I love you to someone on the phone. Was that a woman or is he one of "the gays?"
  12. If I were one of three cabin crew and the other two mostly spent their time waiting on guests and hanging around the stew pantry while I did all the laundry and cleaned the guest cabins, I would not be happy.
  13. I want Binh to jump up and say, "You know what, Morgan, I don't like you and I never want to see you again." I can't stand that woman.
  14. Bing's mother is NEVER going to like Morgan, and I'm with Binh's mother. I think Binh knows that Morgan isn't for him.
  15. Is it just me or is this a really boring season? I fast-forward through much of the show.
  16. Ashley's boobs look real and I wonder if she feels entitled because of them. Would she be a different person if she only had a A cup? She's a pretty girl but her obnoxious behavior spoils it.
  17. This is a boring season. I don't need to see any more of Kaitlyn or Becca or more cringy group dates. I miss Chris Harrison.
  18. Somewhat bored with this season.
  19. There doesn't seem to be much of a point to this season. We heard all the gory details of the transition and surgery but we don't hear anything about whether Jazz's new equipment works. I fear that she had so many hormone blockers before puberty that she never developed a libido. I hope she wants to and is able to have orgasms. Maybe one show should feature Jazz going to a sex therapist instead of the adventures of Xander and Jeanette.
  20. I think the point of this season is to demonstrate that a normal heterosexual man should not care if the woman he loves was born with a vagina or has a created vagina. They are both equal.
  21. I think Rodney was Michelle's best chance for marriage, but I guess he didn't grow on her the way he grew on me. He's sweet, mature, and sincere, and she said she laughed the most when she was with him. I didn't see all of those qualities in any of the other guys, even though they would all qualify at first glance as "hot."
  22. Did we ever find out if Brett and Ryan consummated the marriage or could she never be sure he liked her enough to do the deed with him? A big downside to MAFS would be developing a crush on someone who doesn't want you. Brett said she had a crush on Ryan and he was not interested. Sad for Brett. I hope she finds someone good.
  23. This was the least satisfying episode for me. I believe Linda Tripp's and Monica's recollections more than Hillary's. Edie Falco was not convincing as Hillary. She's not as pretty as Hillary and I could hear the Soprano's accent. Dana Delaney would have made an excellent Hillary but is maybe too old for the role in this production. I wish they had chosen a prettier, more alluring actress to play Monica. Clive Owen as Bill is good and Sarah Paulson as Linda Tripp is perfect.
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