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Everything posted by Browncoat

  1. I finally got to watch last night's game, and I got FJ! Good for me! I also managed the TS/missed DDs of hermaphrodite, echidna, John Wilkes Booth, umber, and agitation and propaganda.
  2. I knew Terry Jones had been ill, but I'm still gutted at his death.
  3. Well, I finally figured out how to make my computer tell me what the wi-fi password is, and it still doesn't connect with the new satellite box. I now think the wi-fi might be too slow. Next up, finding out the speed of wi-fi. Or I could just let it go and hide all the on demand channels on the guide.
  4. He was probably trying to find a baseball bat or other suitable weapon before deciding the rocket would have to do, and that took so much time that Marty was on the couch.
  5. Damn! I was really rooting for Traci. Not a fan of Dennis. But I'm off to a great start for FJ this week -- I got half of it right (Secretary of State). Part of my problem was that I had no idea which four cabinet positions George Washington had. I did get almost all the TS, though, including Claire Foy, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, groundhog, Ash Wednesday, folies bergere (though I never would have been able to spell it), Alan Alda, and Univac. I was sad and surprised that Alan Alda was a TS.
  6. I have every single other password written down! And it’s quite possible that I have this one written down somewhere, but it’s been, well, at least 15 years since I first got wi-fi, so who knows where I put it.
  7. Parasite really is an ensemble piece. It would be very difficult to separate out a lead vs. supporting role.
  8. Sam Rockwell has the ability to disappear into his roles. I almost never recognize him immediately, but I think I've enjoyed everything I've seen him in. Starting with Galaxy Quest.
  9. Nah, muddy shoes guy was no help at all. He gave it a go, but couldn't figure out how I could figure it out, either.
  10. @saber5055, it was delightful. Although I did take a break somewhere in the middle to go see An American In Paris on the big screen. I still haven't figured out the internet thing, though -- I tried every number on every sticker on the router, and no go. I have absolutely no idea what to try next. Google, I suppose, to see if it has any more suggestions. OTOH, I've lived without streaming, on-demand, and whatever else an internet connection gets me for this long, so it is probably okay if I don't figure it out.
  11. It's Texas. Opening the windows makes it hotter.
  12. Back in the dark ages when I was in high school, the college-track kids took World History, and the non-college track kids took World Geography. World History centered on European History, of course, while World Geography really was the whole world. I'm not a history fan, so I bucked the system and took World Geography. And then the USSR broke up, and all the UK-centric names of countries in Africa rightly changed, and I know nothing of Geography any more.
  13. That is exactly what needs to happen. She needs to learn that she can't take you for granted. And if she does text you for a ride when you're halfway (or all the way!) there, you should not, under any circumstances, go and get her.
  14. The remote definitely works, @saber5055! And, though I rarely partake, there were adult beverages on order for dinner tonight.
  15. There are some random numbers on a sticker, but nothing that really indicates a password, like SSID. But trying one or more of those is my next step. I just haven't gotten around to it yet. I couldn't get Safari to tell me (it wanted the password to tell me the password!). I haven't tried in Firefox, and I haven't actually downloaded Chrome. I'm sure I'll figure it out eventually. There's no rush, really -- I'm mostly just happy to have television back!
  16. Yeah, I probably will just let it go. Time has passed, and even in the moment I was only a little pissed. I'm way more annoyed that I can't remember my bloody wi-fi password so I can access all the things with the new TV setup! My computer knows it, and communicates it to all my other devices, so they all know it, but they don't want to tell me! I'd prefer not to do a factory reset on my router. There's one more thing I can try before doing that, but I'm not confident. <sigh>
  17. He had booties. They were on the front porch. He just neglected to put them back on when he came in the final time. I mean, I'm a little pissed off, but he had been out in the cold and rain for so long, and hadn't had lunch or anything, so I feel like I can't be too mad. If I'd done that, and gone so long without food, I'd be so cranky!
  18. The TV guy finally finished and left just after 2. And after tracking mud into my house on the carpet in the living room! If they ask for a survey (and the often do), I'm definitely going to comment on now having to clean my carpet. Just a few spots here and there, but still. Not what I wanted to do today. But I have TV back, and the local channels work! I can watch Jeopardy! again! Hooray!
  19. I have the same problem! A houseful of food and nothing I want to eat.
  20. I've got the nice, warm blanket, but the TV guy is still here (1:25ish), drilling holes in something in the basement to bring the cable upstairs to the new box. And it has started to rain. But it's 38 degrees F, so it should stay rain and not freeze or be snow or sleet. Wait! He just came inside, and said he's almost ready to pull the new cable upstairs! He had to unhook the old one to pull it out, which he has now done. There may be a light at the end of this tunnel, and it might just be the light from the television! It's probably a good thing I only have one TV in my whole house.
  21. I feel somewhat redeemed from last week -- 4/5 this week.
  22. The TV guy has been here at my house since about 7:45 this morning (it is now 12:30), and he's not quite finished. What we thought would be just a simple trading of receivers has turned into high drama. Apparently the previous technician (from a few years ago) didn't do a thing, or did that thing wrong or something, so this guy is having to re-do a lot of stuff, including digging up, replacing, and re-burying the cable that runs from the dish to my house. I guess the good thing (for the guy anyway) is that the precipitation we were meant to get today has yet to materialize. I kind of feel bad for the guy -- this was way more than he expected, and it is cold outside! Hopefully he'll get finished soon, and I can get to the grocery store and do my other errands. Oh, and be able to watch TV, too.
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