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  1. No clue for FJ tonight, and the only TS I got were schooner and steamers.
  2. OMG, did he really say that? I heard about it, but didn't think it was real. What a moron.
  3. It's fair if they're running two different races. But everyone's all in the same race, so it isn't fair to be eliminated if you don't come in last.
  4. I am not a fan of the glorified Detour that is Fork in the Road. It doesn't sit well with me that a team can come in 7th overall (out of 14) and still be eliminated. If you want a double elimination, then the true last two teams to arrive should be eliminated. I don't know who's who yet, but that one guy on the tower was amazing! He just scampered up that slippery bamboo like it was nothing! And good on the purple (eliminated) team for completing that task -- I loved that the task organizers cheered for them.
  5. Sean Gunn came to PLAY! Good for him. I like his charity, too.
  6. Same! It was an archive game for me again tonight. For TS, I got spiders and haymaker. I said bananas Foster instead of cherries jubilee.
  7. My father died almost exactly a year ago in late February. He'd already gotten his March SS payment, and it was clawed back as soon as SS was notified he'd died. They wasted no time at all.
  8. Archive game for me last night, but I did record it, and I might have to watch it -- I'm sorry to have missed Juveria's game. I did not get FJ, and the only TS I got was Charles River.
  9. My most sincere condolences to Dolly. She is a gem, and has done so much good with her wealth -- especially for her childhood community.
  10. Popped into your head? Slithered out of an eye socket? 🤣
  11. Quoting you again to add that I picked it up last night. I made it through the Author's Note, but couldn't get past the first 10 pages of the first chapter. So much extraneous crap! And so very boring. Even if it had been billed as a non-fiction account of these women's hotels, it would be boring. I'm mostly glad I got it from the library and didn't waste my own money on it. I'm sorry the library wasted theirs, though. Quoting myself to add that there is no possible way I could have made it 100 pages into this one!
  12. I knew when I saw the category that I wouldn't have a chance for FJ. I was right about that -- I had no clue. The only TS I got was Blarney Stone. Incidentally, in Scotland, it's pronounced Stone of Scoon, even though it's spelled Stone of Scone. Scone the food is pronounced in Scotland the way Emily pronounced it.
  13. Peeve of the day: Idiot scammers. I got a text today, supposedly from a toll collection agency, claiming I'd gone through a toll booth and not paid the toll. Nice try, assholes -- I live in a part of the world where there are no toll roads.
  14. Boomers + calcium supplements.
  15. I love Walker's crisps! I transited through Heathrow last year, and made a point of getting a couple of packets. Galaxy chocolate is delicious, too. I miss tablet -- I've tried to make it, but it isn't easy!
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