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Everything posted by wmdekooning

  1. I was actually hoping Agnes had totally killed the Borg Queen, because I get tired of her talky attempts to suborn Agnes' will with that "You'll always be alone" jazz. Whenever she pulls out that bag I wind up thinking of Jim Kelly in "Enter the Dragon... https://tinyurl.com/yptjbzcw
  2. I believe the young people say that it “slaps”(?). Myself immediately searched it on Shazam and have already listened to it three times. Since this second “Moon Knight” episode it has gone seriously viral in a matter of hours…
  3. I believe they were referred to as "locusts" maybe? That they destroy every community they encounter? I was thinking that as each member of "Camp Dinner-Bell" made their way through the Commonwealth community (Looking at you Carol!), knowing that in the end the place would wind up a smoking ruin overrun with zombies...
  4. Jason Momoa is always steady working, and he is usually in several teevee series per year. I'm not even sure it really was him. Like it was someone standing in position who looked Momoa-esque and they CG's the actor to make him look exactly like Jason. Viola Davis is integral to the Suicide Squad/Peacemaker property, she may have done her part during the filming of the movie. I have never seen Ezra Miller in anything other than playing The Flash, so I bet he has a lot of time...
  5. There is obviously no money spared on Shoreh Agdashloo's costuming and wardrobe. I had to cheer (on the inside) her first f***ing of the season. It wouldn't be "The Expanse" without her cussing...
  6. This is something I have been thinking about since "What If: Thanos Had to Fight the MCU Villains?" https://youtu.be/qrmUUt10xyQ Like, if I'm an extremely powerful villain (doesn't need to be MCU villain), not out for world conquest, but like financial gain and some crazy robot wants to end life on planet Earth, the f***ing planet Earth where I live and I'm not ganna fight?! How come the baddies never once represent so the world and/or everything else doesn't get ended? Maybe Killmonger will next week...
  7. My thoughts are that Ultron is a little more "human" than he lets on or as we perceive him. So, he doesn't want to do it the "easy" way, he wants to best any challengers, he wants the terror of the multiverse inhabitants as their existences are snuffed out, he wants to as Thanos said, "Do it himself"...
  8. Exactamundo. He's called "The Watcher" not the "The Watcher Who Narrates Everything He Sees Out Loud"...
  9. He looked more like Bobby Canavale to me. It wasn’t perfect, maybe some of the characterization, motivations, and emotional beats were off, but darned if it wasn’t one of the funniest episodes to date in my mind…
  10. Seriously. I’m always wondering “How do these people (The Roses) even afford to eat if they were broke!?” It doesn’t take me out of the show, I guess it’s the “Gilligan’s Island” aspect of the show. The shop owner is Robin Duke, another regular on SCTV from 1980 to 1981. She joined the cast of Saturday Night Live in 1981 when Catherine O'Hara suddenly dropped out of that show. While I am dropping familial relations/SCTV alum, Michael Short is a writer and producer for Schitt's Creek, previously SCTV Network and older brother of Martin Short…
  11. Two words. Mr. Bill. Two more words. OH NOOOoooo...
  12. Nomble (Probably pronounced “Nom-blay”), played by Janeshia Adams-Ginyard and Yama played by Zola Williams...
  13. I’ve been wondering the last week how Zeno managed to not have a massive concussion or failing that a massive contusion on his face where John Walker smacked him in the head with said shield...
  14. Bast d*** you James, asking for favours now! I loved that two of the men who were helping out were called Tommie and Carlos. I don't recall any confirmation of Steve Rogers' death, just that he was "gone". I was thinking as Bucky walked away they ought to have played the sad "Bruce Banner tinkly piano as he walks to the next town for adventures" theme... Someone on one of the reaction videos surmised that while Bucky was still under the Winter Soldier conditioning he was working for the Wakanda secret police, the Hatut Zeraze responsible for imprisoning, torturing, and exterminating the domestic and external political enemies of Wakanda...
  15. I was worried more that Phoebe and band were about to lose their SAG minimum fee for being on the show (I forgot how much musicians get paid exactly for appearing), to pay for the monitor. There was absolutely no chance she was ganna break that guitar, it's something reasonably difficult to do. Hard woods, solid construction with screws and a metal rod through the center of the neck means a lengthy task. Anything knocked out of wack can be fixed by any decent luthier...
  16. I had a n XP computer and one reason I got rid of it? Couldn't get on Netflix anymore...
  17. That aside, Johnny was going NOWHERE on a computer running Windows XP. He might be able to Google, but Facebook would not allow a user to access with an unsecured/outdated operating system. Appreciate the gag though...
  18. Stacey is my favourite character on the show. Stacey is 12...
  19. I might have laughed too, but I thought (out loud) "Cole don't you ever change." I barely like anyone on this show, but of the long time characters, Cole is probably the most together of them. The best part of season four was the road trip with Anton and I'm probably not ganna miss Alison...
  20. I do somewhat like the character, but I'm always going to expect "Girkle*" to totally get killed with her having no fighting or defensive skills. Actually, I'm expecting them all to totally get killed. If Pat is going to be training them he has a hard road ahead... *Girl Urkel
  21. I was thinking when Nate was interrupted from playing the song that perhaps the show didn't have the copyrights to play the song in the episode. So, not only did they actually play it, they got Sisqo to dance as well. I thought maybe it was an actor or something, and not the real deal (watching on a computer)...
  22. The actress playing her looks like she's either Tobias Menzies' daughter or they CGI-ed his face on a young woman's body...
  23. It has to be shot somewhere in Canada, even though the cars appear to have MY state license plates. How do I know? You can't shoot anything there without casting Greg Bryk at some point and although I'm only on episode two, he's already made an appearance...
  24. You know those teevees that show tons of HD detail and make the dark, poorly lit scenes visible? I don't have one of those and you must, because I was like, "What the heck is going on?!" Certainly it's par for the course and seems to be bedrock and iron clad that a mid-season or even season finale be a cliffhanger. Honestly, I'm over such...
  25. So are Daryl, Carol and "those other people" in trouble at the end of the episode? Because I saw them running off after Alpha and then the scene went dark, I heard some walker growling and then the episode ended...
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