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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. LMAO! Thank you Ulkis. I missed that scene/line and I really needed a laugh.
  2. Toddler Lulu was indeed a brunette, who looked nothing like her parents or either brother. Then Lulu was SORASed into a teenager, and actress JMB appeared on-screen. I think her resemblance to a young Genie Francis was part of the reason JMB got cast. I recall a lot of emphasis on Lulu being "like Laura" during the JMB years. They took advantage of the blondness as well with the "Lulu is mini-Carly; Lulu and Carly are close cousins" nonsense for some time, too.
  3. KSt did a great "WTF??!" face when Lulu told Maxie: "I think Valentin has my daughter." I am very rarely a Maxie fan. Take note, Sam - Jason let you wait to find out if you're having a boy or girl, when he could have let Curtis go to VM. It's not like Sonny is on death row, minutes from execution. Re: previews - Sooo, Tom is stalking Kiki?
  4. Karen's death, and Scott's relationship to her, was a completely different situation. Karen was on GH for a while, had connections with Jagger, Q Family, and others (including Scott), then died off-screen years later ... having never threatened, stalked or harmed anyone weaker or smaller than herself. Sure Scott gets to be upset that Logan is dead. My issue is in the way he went at Lulu. From his tone and on-going attitude, you'd think Logan was his beloved son he'd raised from birth, and that Lulu had viciously murdered his innocent boy. He glazed over the fact that Logan went after Maxie, then Lulu. To turn his own guilt over Logan around into victim-blaming is gross. (Regardless of Logan's mental state.) He made it worse by later blackmailing Laura into leaving the mental hospital with him, by saying if she didn't he would make sure Lulu was held accountable for "murder." Scott was about getting what he wanted and trying to absolve himself of guilt - not about getting justice for a beloved son.
  5. Oh c'mon, nobody thought it was fun/cute/stimulating to watch Sam put on glasses and call herself Nurse Sabrina Santiago at the NY clinic, or hear her and Patrick call each other adventure buddies after that? Actually, the 'adventure buddy' crap was cute compared to what Sam has going on now. At least Sam was shown doing something (in PI mode) other than calling Spinelli.
  6. Now I really, really wish to see a scene of that. If Lulu cried at her reaction/rejection, even better.
  7. I was surprised as Laura looked to hear Kevin's ILY. Didn't they just start tentatively dating again about 1-2 months ago? Has either one even used the "girlfriend" or "boyfriend" word yet?
  8. I'm not a Lulu fan (well, except when JMB's Lulu was pissed at/disgusted by Scotty for what seemed like stalking of Laura, and also regarding his rage at Lulu for 'murdering my son' - you know, the guy who impaled himself after attacking Lulu and Maxie. The guy who had never been parented by Scott, who barely knew Scott). But Lulu having a kid by her late brother's uncle is a little better than having a kid by her late brother's psycho father? Also the fact that Valentin has no violent history with Laura personally ... well except for the (supposedly accidental) shooting death of her first-born son.
  9. I agree. The writers had Nathan, then Griffin, believing Charlotte was their kid - when that little actress is clearly younger than 10 years old. Now Lulu gets to be the one (via the writers) who won't recognize that the kid is too old to have resulted from her embryo. I guess the Casting Dept. found a cute girl who looked like she could pass for being related to either the Claudette or Lulu actresses and could also say lines on camera- so that was enough.
  10. So, Jason breaks into someone's truck without using gloves? And he and Curtis put their hands inside/all over that truck without using gloves? Brilliant investigators, those two. Ah geez, so this 'cliffhanger" is leading up to (I assume) Lulu being all "I felt she was my daughter from the first moment I saw her" line. Charlotte's "want my Mommy" line as Lulu stares at her in wide-eyed shock on Santa's lap....makes me roll my eyes. Nice not subtle anvil there, Show. You're giving the audience concussions.
  11. You give both Carly and Sonny waaayyy too much credit. Carly kissed Jax because he was there, and being nice to her. Don't know if you saw when BM was new to the role of Jason, and Carly kissed "Jake Doe" on NYE. Or when she had hate sex w/SK's AJ. She's about using whatever man is in front of her, for how she's feeling in the moment. That's why she and Sonny screwed in the limo (when taking comatose Michael to a hospital) while she was married to/ "in love with" Jax. Sonny may have had a backbone once, but that was before he relied on Jason and tended to blame Jason for not doing his job well whenever Sonny's poor choices and failure to listen to people resulted in the injuries or deaths of people they claimed to care about/love. Carly was never attracted to Sonny's backbone; she was attracted to the power he had as a Mobster, which included lots of money and minions to do his bidding.
  12. I needed that laugh, thanks LeftPhalange! Best line IMO since the comment about Sam's unborn baby wearing heels and kicking her in the cha-cha.
  13. Pretty boring day when my main takeaways are: A) Jason sucks for not suggesting that his pregnant, shivering wife go inside (instead of standing outside with him in the cold for an extended time). Was the point that they're both wearing black leather jackets? B) Sam leaning against that brick divider thing/having it between her and Jason while they talked was a really weird directing choice. Kevin and Laura are sweet together. But Nina should NOT be the leading kiddies and "Santa is late" should never come out of her mouth. Ugh. Her dress is pretty, though. P.S. There's a cliffhanger of Kiki being followed yesterday, today no follow-up. That's GH for you.
  14. Tracy shoving Laura out the door and telling her to 'go have fun' amused me. It had a big sister encouraging a younger sister vibe to it. I like Griffin being kind/showing concern for Elizabeth. Their easiness together and her just being honest is refreshing in contrast to horror that is Franco and Liz. I assume Franco's going to beat or kill Tom now, over Kiki. Nina going off on Nathan and Maxie about Valentin, then storming out came off like a just-turned-18-year-old being defiant of her parents.
  15. The Liz, Franco and Tom scene in the hospital should be Liz, Laura, and Tom since Laura was there when Liz was a teenager, traumatized by rape. I want her to be the one to get in front of Liz and tell Tom, firmly and angrily in that tone GF does so well, to stay away from Liz. (I want Laura to be Liz's source of comfort and support about this.) Liz and/or Laura should go straight to Monica and tell her that the man who raped Liz and went to prison for what he did to Emily is working in the hospital. Emily and Lucky's history of friendship alone should warrant a scene between their mothers about this (it's not just because I think vets LC and GF should get to act together). Yes it's gross that Franco works at the hospital, but Dr. O, then chief of staff, hired him. I feel like Monica being chief of staff right now makes the Tom hire different.
  16. Some sort of re-do work is underway on a floor (10th?) and Tom is employed via the dude with the paperwork, who said they hire ex-cons. That is seriously bad writing (yes, I know - yet again) considering that Tom was convicted of a crime against (late) Emily - whose mother is chief of staff at GH. Ugh. I suppose it's too much to hope that Franco will spend time in jail for assaulting someone in a hospital, when it was clearly not self-defense. I just really, really don't want him spending Xmas with Liz and her kids.
  17. It makes sense that Rory is mentally preparing herself to be a single parent, due to the way Logan has behaved in the four Seasons revival. Logan is about offering money, a private home, a car etc. - not a commitment or stability. Rory as sidepiece has been 'enough for Logan.' When she got upset and said good-bye because he acknowledged over the phone that Odette was now his live-in fiance, his response was a grand LDB night, culminating in handing her a key to a house (exactly what a guy does for an official mistress). He did not hint at breaking things off with Odette if she wanted, did not offer a ring or even say ILY, did not indicate he's only marrying Odette out of duty. (Although I think her asking him if he was still going to marry Odette was her passive way of asking him did he love her and was he willing to end the engagement for her. He confirmed he's still getting married.) Even Season 5 Logan would have said something if forced into a committed relationship he didn't want. Both of them could have ended their 'relationships with other people' - they're just too weak/selfish to do so. They are not young royals, each being forced into arranged marriages. He has not verbally wished for a future with Rory, let alone said anything about kids. Also, in their last scene together, Logan told her she didn't need to be saved. Seems like she expects (from Christopher's awful attitude about being a hands-off father but now offering $ again) now that Logan would have a similar reaction: 'Oh you're a force of nature. You'll be a great mother. But now I insist you take that house. I can even arrange for a driver to bring your doctor for personal home visits. Tomorrow I'll make arrangements to set up a trust fund for our child. See? No reason to be concerned." Alexis played the Rory scene with her dad like she was trying not to cry that he didn't express regret about missing out on so much as her dad. His weak "You know I love you, right?" had to hurt. So she's bracing herself for Logan to be like that - Rory (and her child) will not be a priority for Logan because he's fine with his life as it is. Logan shouldn't have to be 'encouraged' to be a good father. Rory then runs into Dean, sees where he is in his life (responsible husband and father), and wishes Logan could be like that. Her questions to her father, and her holding back tears with him and as she told her mom she's pregnant, indicate to me this was definitely an unexpected pregnancy and that she's doesn't want to be/isn't excited to be a single mother. I agree with some posters who say Jess is supposed to be Rory's Luke. She's frustrated and being real in front of Jess, which is how Lorelai was with Luke. Luke was encouraging of Lorelai opening her own inn, as Jess told Rory she should write about her and her mom. That scene with the four of them soon before the wedding was supposed to show a comfortableness with them all now that didn't exist back when Rory and Jess were kids - especially that Lorelai accepts Jess as family. Rory gets excited about her book and goes running to Jess. Then he looks at her through the window. That seemed to be a hint that they will become close in time (bonding primarily about writing), and may fall for each other once she pulls her head out of her ass about Logan. Rory has to get it together now, quit the selfishness, and learn about setting firm boundaries too.
  18. Dante seems to feel bad for Sonny that he has to wear an ankle monitor? UGH. I guess Nelle is going to let it "slip" to Sonny that Carly and Jax kissed? Still don't care.... The preview of Kiki and Avery is adorable, though. That baby (now toddler) is still so very cute.
  19. Nah, she's lusted over SBu's Jason numerous times over the years. The most overt example in the last decade or so was when they got locked in a boiler room and he took his shirt off - I remember it because I thought she was going to start humping his leg or something. She's bragged about great sex with him to Shoutey McYellerson- Lucky, Sam, Robin, I think Liz, and possibly Sonny. Just because she has always wanted Jason to be Michael's biological father (instead of AJ) doesn't make it true. She brought up being mad that she was never pregnant with his kid when Liz was pregnant with Jake, to say she understood why Sam was so upset.
  20. UGH. I totally called it that Carly would throw herself at Jax if Jason wasn't available. Jax, run - you deserve so much better. Speaking of run ... Elizabeth, you are right to question. Get away from Franco, immediately.
  21. Dante and Lulu's sharing their "exciting news" with their family needs to be a Thanksgiving table of : Laura, Olivia (and Leo if he's old enough to sit in a high chair), Rocco, Elizabeth, Cam, Jake and Aiden. If Jake insists on spending T-day with Dad, Sam, and Danny, fine....but Liz should not be with either Jason's family or Franco on this holiday. I read that Laura goes to see Sonny because they both have dead sons now. Okay, then briefly express your condolences and then go back to your own family. Has Laura ever even spent Thanksgiving with both Rocco and her other grandsons/Lucky's boys? Franco can spend the holiday with his BFF Dr. O, and her family: Nathan, Maxie, Nina. The exes can chat about how awesome they think are. I hope Mac and Felicia would show up and shade Franco.
  22. They're spending/have spent the $ for Carolyn H. (Diane actress) and Kin S. (Scott actor) on scenes with Sonny or related to his (son's death) storyline. Alexis currently is not allowed to practice law.
  23. I knew Alexis was going to threaten to call Carly about the kidney the moment Jax said he was calling the Davis girls. Hey Anna, hovering over Charlotte must remind you of when you spent so much time taking caring of/worrying over Emma when Robin was held captive .... oh wait, that was Elizabeth. You were giving Patrick and Emma "space." Is Tom approaching Liz supposed to be revenge on Franco for threatening him? Becky Herbst can say so much with one silent look/hint of tears. Re: Previews - that's still not a redemption of Franco, show. STOP IT. UGH.
  24. Someone who wants to hurt Carly or Sonny? Absolutely. We have/had enough female characters already with perpetually unaddressed daddy abuse, neglect and/or abandonment issues -Tracy, Elizabeth, Robin, Maxie, Lulu, Kristina, and now Hayden. This show will never adequately handle father-daughter relationships. If they didn't do it for Sonny and Kristina, they're certainly not going to for this newbie. Also, Carly never truly paid for her part in destroying the Jones family. It has never rung true for me that Lucas was totally okay and over what she did to his parents, especially his dad. She has never paid for being instrumental in the destruction of AJ. Same with Sonny. I think it would be awesome if some girl, who happened to be a friend of Lucas and so knew all about Port Charles, found out from her mother that her bio father was this rich guy, AJ Q. from Port Charles, who wrote her a letter saying he was excited to meet their daughter and be a real dad to her, provide for her, etc. ... but then he got shot to death by a greasy Mobster. Lucas tells her allll about Sonny and Carly. So the girl plots w/Lucas to take down Sonny for killing the father she never got to meet, and Carly for helping him. Lucas likes the plan because he figures Joss can go live with her stable father, Jax, and little Avery can go live with elder siblings. And Monica gets her first granddaughter. Michael gains a sister, and understands why she did it.
  25. It seemed more like Nelle has a crush, was making eyes at him, and acting like the hand touch made it a given that they were going into romantic territory when they shouldn't be because she works for his mom. Michael's face registered a 'huh?' response - he sees her as a friend. I thought his look as she left was like sudden awareness that a woman who is not Sabrina is attracted to him. IMO C.D. wasn't playing it like Michael is thinking, "Hmm....I'd like to get with her."
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