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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. I agree. Jason would be fine with shooting both Ryan and Ava dead because he only cares about Carly's safety; Laura genuinely wants to save Ava's life and the lives of any others, while also holding Ryan accountable for killing Kiki and the other victims as well as the attempted murder of her own daughter. Also, Laura has months of experience interacting with Ryan now. I don't think Jason ever met Ryan; he doesn't have any knowledge of that particular brand of crazy. If confronted by Jason alone or the police, Ava would never believe that she's about to marry serial killer Ryan, or believe that Carly's in danger from Ryan "Kevin" (unless she saw it herself). She would, however, believe Laura. Seeing Laura afraid for her - not jealous of the intended marriage - would get her attention. I'm glad to see Laura in a storyline where she gets to show intelligence and take charge, in a context outside of "Spencer's grandmother." But I wonder if Ryan will taunt her that Kevin has known he was alive for a long time, before Kevin tells her the whole truth. I wonder because Laura specifically said to Jordan "no one knew Ryan was alive."
  2. "Poor Ava" encouraged Sonny to shoot an innocent man at point-blank range after she let said man take the blame for a murder *she* committed, and then screwed Sonny on the man's grave. Now's she run off to marry "Kevin," without knowing when she'll next see the daughter that was conceived on the grave ... just months after her first born daughter was brutally murdered. She's all about sexing up "Kevin" at the moment. As far as I know, in the real world, parents who've recently lost a child to murder are trying to get through life day by day, hour by hour - not bragging to an enemy that "I'm glowing" and eager for sex. This should trigger some awareness of her own desperation, but I think her reaction after self-pity/despair will be rage toward Kevin, and possibly Laura (because she didn't figure out sooner that Ryan was posing as Kevin). IMO Carly and Ava are about on the same page in terms of lack of self-awareness.
  3. Joss seemed surprised that her friend likes Cam, and also jealous but trying to shake off the feelings of jealousy. It amuses me that the Josslyn and Cam actors as well as characters seem to have much better chemistry/connection on-screen than Josslyn and Oscar. Also, it strains credibility that Oscar is supposed to be dying when he doesn't look remotely sick or act like he has any pain. I thought the same thing considering that first love/now ex-husband Lucky, her son Jake, her dear friend Robin, both of Robin's parents, her late best friend and also ex-lover's brother AJ Quartermaine (whom she then started dating!), her ex-lover Jason and her ex-husband Ric have all been presumed and/or "confirmed" dead only to come back in the years she's been living in Port Charles. It's just stupid that she would be that incredulous. I did, however, enjoy seeing Laura exert authority (more than nuJordan has IMO!) and start directing Chase about what he needed to do. Chase should have shown a stronger reaction though, like an "oh damn!" look or *something* at the possibility that he was very recently in the same room with Ryan and now Ryan is out in the world endangering others. He was way too calm and non-urgent, given how Laura was obviously frantic.
  4. THIS. My cousin's son was obsessed with Lightning McQueen when he turned 4. I agree with the point though that we're not really supposed to think about how old Danny is. I will guess that the sudden scene(s) of JaSam being focused on the house/family is to emphasize that the Sam-Kristina scene was "all a lie" and because Drew has been so good with his nephew/Jason's *other* son Jake, and little Aiden recently ... not to mention teen Cam.
  5. Welcome! Yes, did you see how Genie played the "lightbulb" moment of realizing it was Kevin locked up, and then tears of relief at realizing it was Ryan, not Kevin, who had been so horrible all this time. Jon is doing a good job of playing a blind man. The cult storyline is terrible, but I thought Sam and Kristina's recent scene in the hospital (just after the JaSam staged fight) was very good. That was the most I've liked Kristina since she was a teenager yelling at Sonny "you only think of yourself." The irony was that Sam was telling the truth about how Jason controls the relationship and makes S&C the priority; she and Kristina both agreed that Sam needs to put herself first. The way Sam looked down/away a few times, I think was supposed to be her perceived as her feeling "conflicted about lying to Kristina" but I wonder if that was Sam (or KeMo) being embarrassed because Sam reunited with Jason knowing that he does not make or their kids a priority, whereas Drew did. I did not expect Drew and Sam to have more scenes because it would very obvious that they have MUCH better chemistry/connection than Sam and Jason do now. If Oscar had continued living in the Dawn of Day community and Drew was worried, I definitely think they would have more scenes. Drew would be invested in obtaining his own memories, to figure out if Shiloh did anything bad back when they knew each other and could be a danger to Kristina and Oscar. Instead, the focus is on Oscar dying and spending his remaining time with Josslyn, Cameron and Kim and Drew. I feel like Jason isn't really invested in exposing the cult because Kristina is Sonny's adult girl child (via Alexis) and now Carly's unborn must be protected at all costs. When Kristina and Michael were runaways as teenagers and Carly was not pregnant, no way would Jason have left it up to Sam to bring them home safely.
  6. Can GH please hire Ciarra as a writer? I really prefer this dialogue over everything any character has said to Carly in many months. (I did enjoy Ryan shading Carly and Sonny's multiple marriages today to shut down her criticism about being engaged to Ava.)
  7. Elizabeth's "my husband" comment to Chase is b.s. As far as I know, you have to have someone with a certification do your wedding ceremony as well as 2 witnesses present for the vow exchange, in order for it be to real and legal. I don't think what Drew did for Elizabeth and Franco can be acceptable as legally valid. Laura and Kevin are more than intelligent enough to realize they should *turn off the boiler* to make the building get cold so someone will come down there and find them. The plot point stupidity is so lazy. I realize that Kevin can't see, but his nonchalance about being trapped when he knows Ryan could come back at any time and kill them is just ...bad writing. You can ask Laura to come sit with you because "I miss you" AFTER you're free. Sheesh. Lulu isn't concerned that her hovering, protective mother isn't answering her phone/ seems MIA?? Elizabeth tells Chase that Franco names "Ryan Chamberlin" as the killer, after Chase saw "Kevin's" hand hurt and heard his cover story about trying to stop Franco, and then is just like "hmm, how could a dead man do it." Ugh, sooo stupid. When Chase went into Elizabeth's house, I really missed Dante (and Lucky). Lucky understood that insane stuff happens in Port Charles all the time. Felicia, Mac and Lucy should be the ones confronting Ryan ...er "Kevin" at his car. Mac or especially Lucy when written properly in character would get in Kevin's face within moments and demand to know what on God' green earth is he thinking by running off to marry Ava. I'm just going to assume this stupid plot of Carly confronting him means she gets thrown in the trunk and eventually gets saved but has a miscarriage. Cue the *poor poor braveandstrong Carly* chorus. Ughhhh.
  8. To be fair, he was thisclose to becoming the boys' stepdad a few years ago, he was dad/is now beloved uncle to Liz's middle son. He's been much more of a father to Jake than Jason ever was or will be. I can fanwank that Drew spends a lot of with Scout because he lives in the Q mansion and Sam is constantly saying that Scout is "at Monica's." He has spent a lot of on-screen time with Oscar. Personally, I would like to see Drew adopt Cameron (and marry Elizabeth, after Franco dies of sepsis from the stab wound). 😛 The line "You do have children of your own" should be applied to Jason; it's times like these I would love for Tracy to say, "why do you continue to get into your late brother's adult son's business, when you have two young sons of your own to parent in the moments when you're not doing Sonny or Carly's bidding."
  9. Remember how long super spies Anna and Robert were locked up/unable to outwit Faison, in order to drag out Robin reuniting with Patrick and Emma? I assume this is going to be dragged out as well, so that Lulu can heroically both remember Ryan tried to kill her and figure out her mother has been missing/is in danger.
  10. I wonder if that's a clumsy attempt by writers to convince the audience "Maggie fits in well on GA because she's part of this established sisterhood now." Like there was a scene where Jackson was about to kiss Maggie (poor writing and acting there) and Meredith barges in calling to Maggie about "mom's journals" as she runs up the stairs to go find them. Maggie never even met Ellis; that line makes it sound like Meredith and Maggie grew up together and need to conspire to figure out a secret "Mom" was keeping from them. It just seems like Maggie, a character I find immature/inexperienced, would never fit in a relationship with Jackson or in a real sisterhood with Meredith. Meredith has been a doctor with these colleagues for more than a decade, was married to a now deceased well known colleague, and has three children. I guess I'm saying that some of the current writing for relationships strikes me as forced, or manufactured. Just a couple years ago, Jackson declared he was in love in with April. Now the audience is supposed to believe he's totally over April (his best friend/ex-wife, occasional sex partner and mother of his daughter) and all about Maggie. This DeLuca doc said at the Alex & Jo disaster/non-wedding that he "used to be in love with the bride"; now he's staring at Meredith and then kissing her ass in the OR? Don't even get me started on Owen. Amelia and Teddy can both do better.
  11. Was she calling Elizabeth "Biz"? If so, definitely not just you. Some people call her Liz (maybe that is what her friend actually said and I heard wrong?) and I remember Sarah called her Lizzy. The crying and screaming scene in the car really makes me miss the GNOs with Robin, Emily, Laney, Dr. Lee. Elizabeth used to smile, laugh, and have a good time with real friends who have a history on this show. Whatever this Terry person says has zero emotional impact due to lack of background info and connections (being Oscar's doc doesn't count IMO).
  12. Ugh, I dislike the cutesy stuff. As I recall, the "my person" stuff started because Christina needed an emergency contact/someone she could rely on and she and Meredith were too emotionally stunted to say "my (close) friend." In a friendship gathering or in Meredith's house, I get calling each other "sisters." But colleagues in the hospital calling them sisters, especially when they all work together with interns, nurses, etc. it's absurd to be cutesy because it could potentially confuse people who aren't part of Meredith's inner circle. There's no reason for Teddy to acknowledge/use the cutesy terminology for the relationship between her baby daddy's current girlfriend and his ex's best friend's half-sister. I guess I just don't like how much Grey's always brings the personal stuff into the workplace, like Maggie and Jackson talking about their camping trip/relationship in front of a patient and Maggie talking about Betty OD'ing and that Amelia will need her. I know plenty of women who will tell this or that person that girlfriend B or C (upon introduction) is "like a sister/family to me" and I've told people in the past "D and M are my sorority sisters" but I would never just say "this is my sister" of someone who's not related via blood, marriage or adoption. What is the problem with just saying close/dear friend.
  13. Totally agree. I'm so tired of seeing Elizabeth support, defend and prop up guys with addictions, obsessions and/or violence behaviors. It's nice to see scenes when they lean on each other. Bonus: he has a history of parenting her sons (one of whom happens to be his nephew), has a good job, and a daughter that his nephew loves as a sister. We've only recently seen him connect with SORASed Cam , though. The first time was when Cam came to the hospital to see Oscar, right before the busted-for-pot plot. It feels like Drew's had more scenes with Oscar than he's had with Scout, Danny, Cam and Aiden in BM's entire time on the show. (I don't count Jake, because the show was focused a lot on him when Drew was cast as "Jakeson.") Ideally, Franco's sins/stupidity would get himself killed and then Drew, Scout, Elizabeth and sons could form a family. This would be a perfect time for a survivor of one of Franco's victims to hear he decided to plead guilty in the recent Port Charles murders, and show up to stop him permanently from ever hurting anyone again. I am enjoying seeing Cam stand up to his mother and try to be the "man of the house" for his younger brothers. At least Drew appreciates that he is a great friend and a great brother. Too bad Liz seems to love and appreciate Franco more than all 3 of her own sons. Ugh. Girl needs a lot of therapy.
  14. I knew that, but it was so long ago I think that may have been when she was still on PP. I recall that her baby was born without a brain, and died. The wording of a previous post had me thinking that Amelia lost a family member soon before or after Maggie's mother died.
  15. I know that Maggie's mother died; did Amelia lose someone aside from Derek? Amelia has struggled with addiction and something of an inferiority complex (re: her being the second Dr. Shepherd), whereas Maggie comes off like a teenager who happens to be a brilliant surgeon. How are she and Amelia emotionally alike? I understand Meredith referring to A&M as her sisters, and the show has established that she created a family over time that includes both women, Alex & Jo, etc. But I just find it really strange that colleagues refer to Meredith's half-sister as her SIL's sister. They don't say "Maggie is like a sister to Amelia" They say "is" her sister.
  16. I have watched sporadically since the show killed off Derek, so this is a serious question - what is the deal with Teddy telling Maggie not to be in the Betty surgery because if Betty dies, Amelia is "going to need her sister"? And in a previous episode, Maggie was referred to as Amelia's sister/ the 3 are spoken about like they are sisters (i.e grew up together with same parents)? Umm, Amelia as Derek's brother is legit as Meredith's sister-in-law. Amelia and Meredith had a relationship for years while Derek was alive and obviously continue to have a relationship in the years since he died. However, Maggie just met Meredith a few years ago, and it was established that she was the secret bio child of Meredith's mom and Richard. Was Maggie supposed to magically take Christina's place in Mer's life? Amelia and Maggie are not sisters in any way. Realistically, they should see each other from time to time in the hospital since they are both doctors, and also possibly at events for Meredith or her kids, since they are both aunts. Amelia and Maggie don't appear to have any reasons to have a loving sisterly relationship, so I am perplexed. Or is this all about giving Meredith the appearance of a new family unit because Derek, Christina, and Izzy are gone? Also, I hope for Amelia's sake that she's smart enough to dump Owen now. His character does not appear to have improved since he first got involved with Christina. The doctor you all call Linc seems like he has potential to be good for her.
  17. Yes, nothing - including getting basic education about how to be a reporter (without endangering herself and others) will be stop her from doing the Job She Feels Entitled To Do. Girl Reporter clearly didn't see the Blue Bloods episode where the entitled reporter tried to demand an exclusive from the man who shot him, and wound up dead on the roof of a car for his efforts. She's an idiot.
  18. It wasn't just that - she also told Beth she wasn't going to pay for the dance classes anymore. The message was clearly "I'm not supporting you in wasting your time on this anymore." She handed her the book of colleges and told her they needed to come up with a new plan for Beth's future. I think it's a pretty strong reaction to shut down a child's dream immediately after she loses out on one solo.
  19. I have no use for LWB/FS, but Maxie also has a history of lying to and manipulating people who have been her family, or at least known her, since childhood. She's just invested in caring about Nina because her late husband loved his big sister/cousin. I wish she felt that same loyalty toward her own family, by calling out Liesl on everything she's done to hurt the the Jones/Scorpios/Drakes, and telling her she doesn't deserve to be in Maxie or James's lives. Liesl did not raise Nathan and only formed something of a relationship with him in the last few years, whereas she spent years torturing Robin for Faison and enabled him for decades - which is ultimately why Faison was in a position to shoot Nathan.
  20. Laura is definitely suspicious that something is very seriously wrong with Kevin, based on her reaction to Franco's line "...Kevin Collins is not the man I thought he was" and then Ryan's line "...I'm a new man." I think she's wondering if something triggered Kevin to have a personality disorder, especially given the botched storyline with TG/Luke a few years ago. She knows about that because she said on-screen that Lulu called her and told her everything. Her observance of Kevin putting everything exactly back in place made me wonder if she just thought it was strange, or if Mac/Felicia/Lucy mentioned to her that Ryan used to do that.
  21. You are correct. I recall Scotty told Laura that if she agreed to leave there and also leave PC with him, he would not pursue "bringing Lulu to justice for murdering my son Logan." His anger toward Lulu was mostly due to guilt that he barely knew Logan.
  22. Aww, thank you! It's nice to be appreciated. I see Elizabeth as being an emotional hostage to Franco's neediness, and yet the unhealed spirit (from her abandonment issues with her parents, Lucky, Jason) wants Franco to be dependent on her so he'll never leave. I think she believes that an unhealthy/toxic man loving her and acting as co-parent is better than being alone in life and doing all the single parent work (with backup from Grams and Grandma Laura). Elizabeth has really been lonely since her girlfriends and Lucky and Nikolas have all left town or died/been murdered. She chooses to shrug off facts like Franco once kidnapped Aiden, took an interest in helping Jake at least in part as a means to get (his obsession) "Jason's" attention and get close to Elizabeth, held Tom prisoner recently in what once was her art studio, ignores requested boundaries and perpetually whines likes a child, etc. I'm sad that Elizabeth is coming off as knowing she has settled for a relationship she's not truly happy with and is also not the best male role model in life she can give her boys, because Franco loves her and needs her and won't leave.
  23. Kevin/The Big 3 told Rebecca over the phone about what happened in Vietnam which caused Nicky and Jack to be estranged. I wonder if she just expected Nicky to be warm and embrace her as family when she said his eyes are like Jack's, since she and the kids don't express the grudge/hostility toward him that Jack did. I think she expected a Jack-like "Oh, you're so beautiful, you have great kids, it's wonderful to meet you" type-greeting, since she's not used to being around a traumatized, withdrawn war vet. It's that Pearson entitlement. She was clearly offended when Nicky didn't embrace her "sage" perspective on Kevin, especially the "hero-for-a-day" remark. It never occurred to her to consider things from Nicky's perspective - that talking about the worst time of his life with his adult niece and nephews, whom he'd never been invited to meet, would be painful to the point of him considering suicide (the gun on the table). Being around Jack's adult son is a reminder to Nicky that he lost decades of brotherhood with Jack. (Rebecca and Jack met at some point after Jack returned from Vietnam, they didn't have children immediately when they got married, and the Big 3 were about 17? when Jack died). ETA: I wasn't surprised at Kate's lack of enthusiasm in wanting to meet/get to know/help Uncle Nicky. She acknowledged that Dad lied to them. That means Jack was flawed; Kate doesn't want to remember him as other than perfect. Then she finds out why Dad and Uncle Nicky were estranged, and Nicky doesn't praise Jack nor does he praise the Big 3 for coming to meet him. Then Kevin tells her and Randall he can't abandon Nicky like Dad did. This conflicts with Kate's Daddy-worshiping perspective and doesn't help her in any way regarding her own self-image and future, so she wants to go home. Later, Randall brings up a memory of her perfect Dad yelling at her and throwing a plate, and she insists she doesn't remember that - only their fun fight. Her reaction is to try to block all that negativity out by going home and telling her husband about the kind of life she wants for their son.
  24. I get what you're saying, it's just sad to me because it's basically saying "I liked it because this isn't the worst possible romantic situation Elizabeth could be in." Elizabeth is supposed to be a mother who treasures her sons. Getting married in the jail, without them (and probably without telling them), especially given how angry and hurt Cam is at the moment, means she is putting Franco's toxic dependence on her first in her life. I liked that Cam *finally* got a chance to question his mother's judgement about bringing Franco into their lives and trusting him so completely. She didn't assure Cam that he and his brothers come first in her heart, her life; she defended Franco by insisting he was sick and he's not that person anymore. Yet, she knows that since being "cured" Franco did in fact lock her rapist Tom in a cage and torture him, and lie to her. IMO, the best moment Elizabeth has had since she became involved with Franco was the moment she responded to him, "It's not my job to make you better!" and told him not to come home because she wasn't sure she could trust him. There was a look in Elizabeth's eyes when Cam walked away after their argument, which I interpreted as sadness/resignation. It acknowledged that Cam's teachers and classmates see her as a weak enabler, and her accepting that as more or less the truth because she's so invested in Franco that she feels can't break up with him. Elizabeth choosing to marry the man who kidnapped her newborn son Aiden, strapped Lulu to a bomb, sexually violated and then mentally tortured Sam, used Jake to get close to her, has shown stalker-ish and dependent behavior, locked a man in a cage and tortured him while lying to her, shows me that her judgement has not improved since her multiple relationships with Ric. I would agree with you about the emotionally complicated and messy family dynamic if Elizabeth had chosen to marry AJ. He was her son Jake's uncle, brother of both Elizabeth's ex-lover and late best friend Emily (so it would have been a unique situation for the Q family). He had a history of addiction like her ex-husband Lucky did, which could cause trust issues to pop up. He had a perpetually adversarial relationship with the mother of his only child, and she has years of history of giving Elizabeth grief due to jealousy/insecurity issues. Whereas an Elizabeth & AJ long-term relationship would be complicated and messy, the Elizabeth & Franco relationship is just toxic.
  25. In his conversation with Beth before the Big 3 left, he thought Nicky was most likely dead by now. So Kevin would need support upon being disappointed/sad that Nicky didn't answer the door, as William did when Randall came knocking. Basically, Randall felt obligated to be a dutiful brother. He didn't care about possibly re-connecting with Uncle Nicky (most likely because Uncle Nicky had no connection to either of Randall's birth parents).
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