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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. I don't think he has hearing or comprehension problems. I think he was incredulous and trying to wrap his mind around the fact that he has loved and put so much faith in Portia only to find out she's been keeping a huge secret from him even when he had asked her directly about Trina and even during their wedding vows. She only told the truth because Trina confronted her and really sounded (to me) like she was telling Curtis she wasn't going to allow him to be a father because a) he broke her heart by walking away and b) Marcus was acting like the husband she wanted and he was excited to be a dad. The usual woe-is-me victimhood title that usually goes to the Carlys definitely goes to Portia for this Friday episode. Marcus Taggert is an awesome dad. That is all. Ava sneering at and taunting Ryan and Felicia being her side kick in it was fun. Mac threatening Ryan over the phone gave me old school Mac and Felicia v. Ryan vibes. I don't get why "the Hook" snuck into Wydemere that way. How could she/they have known Franco...er....Austin would be there and making a call (besides a plot point.) He was inside and all doors were closed. It's a beautiful day when there are no Carly/Carly spawn or love interest sightings and the only ones connected to the Carly/Sonny clan on screen are Spencer and Dante!
  2. She was also walking around to the guests with a video device, asking people to look into the camera and record well wishes/advice for the bride and groom. I guess Trina asked her to do it? Unclear.
  3. I disagree, because for the first time I saw the "fire" in nuTrina that I haven't seen since Sydney Mikayla left the role of Trina. The mental anguish she showed, and then the rage came in waves with every word that Portia said to excuse/justify lying to her and both Marcus and Curtis for 20 years. My favorite Trina part was her exploding "You're a doctor!!!" in a tone that I interpreted as: are you f-ing serious you self-absorbed delusional twit. Was this supposed to be a Friday cliffhanger episode? Because both potential baby daddies in the doorway as Trina's storming out, Mac knocked out by Ryan, and Ryan face-to-face with his two obsessions at Wydemere (awesome!!) seems like a Friday episode to me. Although Dante's "I'm confused" look instead of shock/horror when Maggie finally spit out "Ryan Chamberlain" did nothing for me. The only genuinely romantic Valentine's Day moment I've seen so far was Mac and Felicia being lovey, and the mentions of both Robert and Anna were good too. ETA: President Biden's remarks only took out a few minutes of the show
  4. You may be correct; I know that LW has worked with Howarth twice, when Carly was sort of paired with Todd, and then she was engaged to Franco when she thought he was her dead bestie's twin brother. That was before the writers decided that Franco would be Scott and Heather's son instead. As for the wedding, what was the deal with Portia's dad and brother leaving before she threw the bouquet, and Trina returned? Did I miss that they had to go somewhere urgently? Portia's fine with Trina missing the bouquet moment because "I don't want Trina catching the bouqet." Seriously, give up thinking that you have control over your adult daughter's life. Sure, Trina and Spencer are into each other and have had a rocky history. Yet they're being honest with each other, which is more than you can say about your relationship with your now husband. And of course Portia seems to think that Trina's text to Joss means Trina wanted some alone time with that bad influence Spencer. I really liked Stella's line to Spencer that this is a family matter and he's not family, when he mentioned secrets. It's a great callback to Spencer very recently asking Trina to leave the hospital chapel so he could talk with his grandmother and father about a "family matter." VW did a great job with Stella answering yet not answering Trina's questions and then the hug. Ava and Nina shimmying as Marshall played on stage was the best part of the wedding! Also, I think hell froze over when Sonny expressed gratitude to Ava for being a good friend to Nina, and seemed genuinely friendly to her.
  5. Yep! Actually Carly was sexing up Johnny at the time that little Joss got kidnapped from her house (by Jerry Jax, who injected both Joss and Alexis so they would be immune to the toxin he put in the Port Charles water supply).
  6. That's what I think, too. When the affair was first acknowledged on-screen, the writing for multiple characters made it sound like Trina already existed when the affair happened. Also, Taggert said he realized Portia had been having an affair that (last?) time he came back, because there was something "different" about her - he just wasn't sure about the identity of the guy. No way he wouldn't have pressed the issue about an affair if Portia was clearly pregnant. Curtis walked away from Portia upon finding out she was married. However long later, Portia and Taggert decided to divorce. I rolled my eyes at how contrived this Trina's bio father storyline is as of this moment. Portia is determined to have her perfect wedding day, and keeps her mouth shut while Trina decides she must leave the wedding moments before her public toast to her mom and Curtis, to persuade (demand?) that Aunt Stella come and make the day a completely happy one for Curtis. Btw, does Stella even know Spencer? When Joss told Spencer she still thinks he's not good enough for Trina, I wish he had said, "Well you're definitely not good enough for Cam," instead of "ok" re: her indirect line about Dex. Does it not even occur to Heather that she just gave Ryan a weapon he could use to kill her and leave with Esme, instead? I've thought Heather is supposed to be delusional but not stupid. (??)
  7. I was really disappointed that lightning did not strike Joss down when she snapped at Sonny that his nephew is selfish and inconsiderate (re: Spencer and Dex). The hypocrisy, wow!! You'd think Spencer had screamed at or tried to assault Dex during the ceremony in front of all the guests. So, you have to stand up for your new boy toy to his boss? How pathetic. And then her disdain when Spencer apologized as they were seated.... I can't with Portia crying with fear/regret as she's about to walk down the aisle to Curtis. Sam is back to her old look of wearing a black bra under a white/light colored shirt?
  8. A) Yep, he both looks and acts like RH is back to playing Franco except with a different character's name. I suspect Nikolas was not entirely dead and so Austin somehow injected him with something that keeps him alive. (Remember what Helena did with Stavros to bring him back to life.) B) It really did!! I thought, "shiny purple garbage bags??" That's beneath Ava!!!
  9. It was hilarious to me (my guess is, unintentionally funny by the writers) that she pouted lightly to Trina about not having a date for Trina's mom's wedding but she's glad she's date-less with Trina at a wedding, then Trina grinningly announces she has a date ... and they both turn as Spencer walks in. It seems Joss has yet to confess to Trina that she's doing a mobster. I loved that Trina wouldn't let Joss avoid speaking to "Cam's grandmother." Speaking of which, Laura looks absolutely beautiful! Sooo, Britt died saving Joss's life, Cam is heartbroken over being cheated on and dumped by Joss, Joss's once and future SIL is in the hospital dying of cancer BUT the big thing on Joss's mind is that she doesn't have a date for her best girlfriend's mom's wedding. Who doesn't love seeing Carly behavior when the actual Carly isn't even in the episode?! UGHHH I give Katelyn Mc. credit for great acting (the best I've seen from her since Willow learned about the death of her bio son from Chase). Willow's emotional scenes with CD/Michael got to me and given her history (Harmony, cult, etc.) what she said about her choices makes sense from her perspective. (My interpretation: all she knows is putting others including children first/ she doesn't really see her life as an individual inherently valuable. Turning away from the heart necklace Nina gave her confirms this.) Good Finn-Elizabeth scene(s), with her being firm about her actions and desires. Also, loving the look of Becky Herbst's hairstyle/color.
  10. A) I thought that was so obnoxious and in-keeping for how characters like Carly and Liesl think. Liesl supposedly loved Franco as a best friend, Elizabeth and her children were Franco's family, and Scott is Franco's father. She should want Scott to take care of Franco's widow, but as usual she only thinks of herself. Did Scott leave Liesl's side during Britt's memorial? No, she was gushing over niece Nina and expressing happiness at the birth of Nina's granddaughter at the time Elizabeth contacted Scott, not sobbing alone over "my Britta." B) I assume he'll rise from the grave. The stuff with Nina and Austin and Nik's body seems to vague for Nikolas to be truly dead. I like the name WIllow chose for her daughter, mostly because Amelia is my middle name in honor of a family member. When she said "Grace" I thought, hmm, does Carly know her new granddaughter has the same middle name as her old rival Robin Scorpio-Drake's daughter? Just for this moment I would like Jason to appear and say "Hopefully, Michael's daughter will wear the name as well as Robin's daughter does." LOL Speaking of, I think Nina may have surpassed Carly's long-time hatred of Robin and Brenda. I swear Nina lives rent-free in Carly's delusional mind.
  11. It looks like just moving forward on Ava/Franco to me, as the show should have done instead of using legacy character Elizabeth to make Franco happen. Ava and Franco kissed when Franco and Elizabeth were trying to set up/trap Ava and Nikolas. For however long, Franco thought Kiki was his daughter resulting from his pre-Port Charles relationship with Ava.
  12. Thanks, that's very nice of you to say! I'm glad that in today's show in her parting comment to Spencer, Laura validated what I've been saying all along- her guilt over leaving/not raising Nikolas has always stayed with her. That's the real reason she has never seen him as the selfish, weak man he really is and why she's never been REALLY hard on him, more like heartbroken about him whenever she finds out about his latest reprehensible actions. She believes he wouldn't have made such horrible mistakes and choices if she had not abandoned him on Cassadine Island when he was an infant. There is the additional pain that Nikolas is the only of Laura's three kids on screen, having a real relationship with her. Lulu is still in a coma, and all we know about Lucky is that she speaks with him from time to time. The last time she actually saw him was when she and Luke rescued him during TG's retirement storyline/the return of little Jake. While it's sad that Laura is so determined to never give up on Nikolas, it makes total sense to me. Then you have Nikolas proving yet again what a very stupid man he is, telling Ava he's letting go of the fantasy of reconciling with her after the baby is born and instead is going to take Avery away from her with Uncle Victor's help. A smack with a small statue is cliche though. I guess Finn is going to now show up at Windemere to confront Nikolas about using/manipulating Elizabeth and see Ava trying to drag Nik's body somewhere? I was wondering if Spencer's line that Nikolas should have stayed dead was the show's way of saying casting MC was a mistake, in addition to the obvious anvil that Ava was about to smash him over the head with the metal eagle?
  13. She did! I watched live today. I haven't watched the show (except clips) since probably Genie Francis's anniversary show, when I wanted to see Laura and Elizabeth scenes. There is so much UGHHH and WTF-ery about GH that much of the time, I just go looking for scenes involving Elizabeth's family, Laura with family, and young adult Spencer and Britt. Chavez is doing a terrific job with the Spencer character. As for today, I laughed that a temp (?) Heather had a "private" loud whisper conversation toward Ryan about Esme and Nikolas, while no more than 5 ft. away from Esme. I had a major WTF reaction to Sam holding onto Dante's arm and promising Jordan cooperation with the police like she's always been an upstanding citizen, then after Britt's memorial talking to Jordan again like she had been obligated to attend. Yes, I know she's now dating Dante, but she's a former felon who was jealous when her now presumed dead mob hitman ex-husband had feelings for Britt. Why was she there? Why was Dante there, given his and Lulu's history with Britt? I was expecting Spencer to get up and give a moving speech about who Britt was to him; instead we get Scott briefly getting up and claiming to have known Britt well. It's so disappointing that Spencer's screen time all got focused on anti-Nikolas/save the unborn baby stuff. Trina shouldn't have to say hey, this day isn't about you or your father, it's about Britt. Why did no one acknowledge that it was Josslyn's life Britt saved? Jordan, Dante and Sonny all know it now if the others don't. Also, given how often the focus is on Sonny in this show, I would think he would have let it slip to Spencer that he was grateful Britt saved Joss after she saved his best friend Jason ... only to realize Spencer didn't know Joss was the intended Hook victim. (I want to see Spencer find out that Joss left Britt alone to die, and the same night cheated on Cam.) Well played by GF: Laura's horror at seeing (temp! thug-looking) Nikolas manhandle Elizabeth as he was basically yelling in her face. You could almost feel her flashing back in her mind to the days of Stavros being violent toward her. l loved how she shut down Nikolas whining "sorry I'm not the son you wanted." I laughed at Finn's look of surprise/shock when Elizabeth confessed she was never pregnant with Nik's kid. Really, dude? The jokey vague reference to Britt once setting Emma Scorpio-Drake's doll on fire "I heard it was an accident" made me roll my eyes. Yeah Brad, you weren't there and neither was any one else attending the memorial. UGHHH that the episode ended with Sasha, Maxie, Nina, Sonny etc. fawning over Michael and Willow's newborn and Sonny calling her "the future." Since Britt was Nina's cousin and that baby is Nina's granddaughter, it should have ended with Nina saying something about Britt's legacy of medical care and playing a part in bringing this new life into the world. Terri's big surprise for the mourners is that a tiny portrait of Britt goes on the wall under Lila Q's giant portrait? Britt was a chief of staff, I don't see why that is such a big deal.
  14. NuJordan looks like she should be Curtis' little sister, or some young medical professional who's into TJ and wants to take him away from Molly. I can't get over how Liesl somehow thinks Anna should have called her and now they can kinda be friends. Finally, Anna vaguely resembles her real self by bringing up how Liesl tortured Robin. Liesl freely did that because she was devoted to a psychopath; she talks like she did it because she was Faison's hostage and had Stockholm Syndrome so Anna should just get over it. Please!!! A) It has nothing to do with rights. Jason was a hitman who also would physically harm someone to send a "message" to someone to back down or disappear. Terrorizing or torturing someone in the afterlife is absolutely in his wheelhouse. Her son Nathan was a police officer and had a rep as a kind guy; he would never terrorize someone even if they deserved it and she knows that. The one action, which people noted was out of character, was when he freaked out (prior to coming to Port Charles) upon finding out that his ex-wife cheated on him with priest Griffin, and shot Griffin. B) No. C) Yes, it's still Hudson West; he turned 14 on March 3 and SoapHub wished the General Hospital star a Happy Birthday. He has of course matured since he was cast six years ago. He's much taller, his hairstyle has changed/gotten thicker, and his voice change = puberty. The recast Webber son is Aiden, which occurred over the summer. (I'm still upset about it.) This is the most perfect, beautiful reaction to the episode!!! Yup, he saw Elizabeth and then Cam at Kelly's in December. She mentioned there was "someone" in her life but wasn't sure it was going anywhere and his response was that he remembers what it's like to be in love with her so the guy is stupid if he doesn't want her. So I thought the Show might be gearing up for a Drew/Elizabeth/Finn love triangle, silly me! He said he would come see her and the boys, and then that was completed dropped, which is absurd because he's the ideal guy to comfort Jake in the losses of Franco and Jason. Jake was much closer to BM's Jason-then-Drew than he ever was to SBu-Jason, Drew considered Franco a brother/friend, and Jason was his bio brother. There should at least be a mention of Drew reuniting with Jake and Aiden if not all three, but no the Show prefers Drew just be a constant stand-in for Jason in Carly/Carly and Sonny scenes. UGH!! Yes, Hudson West is still playing Jake, he's just grown up a lot since he was cast in 2016. Soap Hub wished "General Hospital star Hudson West" a Happy 14th birthday this week. He's been on other shows/in other roles as well in recent years. We can agree to disagree about comparing Jake to Michael in those scenees.
  15. Yes. he's being wasted on Carly and Sonny. TempSam told Spinelli that Drew has been good with Danny as Danny is grieving Jason, but of course we don't get to see him have that relationship with his nephew even though BM's Drew and little blond Danny actor had good father/son scenes together when Drew was presumed to be back-from-the-dead Jason. Seriously. Before the characters identified it as a painting by Franco of Elizabeth, I thought it was supposed to be a creepy (sexual) painting by Franco imagining what Betsy was like when she was young. The woman in the painting looked like she could be a young version of the actress who played Betsy during the "newborn Aiden kidnapped; Lucky rescues his son" storyline. I don't think HW is channeling CD at all. West has been a great child actor on this show. It seems like he's playing Jake as he's supposed to be: a teenage boy who's angry that Franco and Jason, his stepdad and biological fathers, are both dead, he clearly doesn't like that his mother is dating Finn/moving on from mourning Franco, and he doesn't want to start to "build a bond" with Finn one year after Franco's death. He resents Finn questioning him in his own home, and feels he and his brothers can take care of their mother. Jake should have been worried/upset at the thought of someone breaking into their home. instead his reaction was like, "oh cool, Franco's painting is here for us. I don't want him to be forgotten." It gives me the impression that he could have helped the stalker, that he doesn't think of these actions as terrorizing Elizabeth - more like a reminder to his mom that Franco was supposed to be the love of her life. Teenagers are just learning to express themselves. I feel like HW played Jake as a young man who doesn't want to lash out at Finn in front of his mom and make her feel worse, but is angry. sad, hurt and resentful nontheless. With Chad Duell's acting, all I ever see is Michael's entitlement and righteous indignation that he picked up from being raised by Carly, Sonny and Michael. The non-acknowledgement during Cam and Jake's conversation that Drew is back, was glaring in my opinion. Even a "I'm grateful that Uncle Drew has survived, though" would be something. JAKE. BM's Drew was a huge part of Jake's life after Hudson West was cast as Jake. Jake loved Drew first as his dad and then as his uncle. CM's Drew and HW's Jake should be having scenes where Jake gets support in mourning his so-called father since Jake was much closer to Drew than he ever was to Jason. Jake once thought baby Scout was his sister, but she's still his cousin. Drew should get to have scenes of being Scout's dad and Danny and Jake's uncle/father figure. If the Show really wants a triangle with Drew, Sam and Dante, they can have KeMo attempt longing looks as Drew goes off to spend quality time with the kids - something her "great love' Jason never did. Dante can pick up on the looks and play jealousy.l ETA: Mac has made comments about his family being back together, etc. so why has no one mentioned Facetiming with Robin if she can't actually show up to visit, so she can "meet" Bailey Lu and see that her beloved Uncle Mac has recovered enough to go home? Btw, hey Felicia, way to dismiss/forget your other two grandkids, who were babies before BaileyLu. Good thing Maxie's first two kids weren't there to hear Grandma's most beautiful baby ever comment.
  16. I missed a lot of today's show here in MD because of the POTUS press conference. But aside from Trina finally (IMO) telling off Joss, I rolled my eyes at: Felicia's car being the one Maxie flagged down for help as she found the road AND Felicia knocking Peter out/down as he was about to shoot Maxie ... Peter getting away from Anna, Dante and Drew shooting at him. How is it that Drew, who is not a WSB agent OR a police officer, part of a 3-person team to capture Peter at that cabin/home? And then Dante just sits there nonchalantly trying to get info out of the WSB traitor/Victor informant who got shot?? Sam is just such an awesome, stealthy PI that she .... manages to kick the only object in her vicinity on the docks and thereby had Victor's good searching for the source of the noise. Esme's thinking that she's so clever to get a pink case resembling Trina's for the phone with the J/C sex recording and that people will actually believe Trina has been so angry and hurt that she would set up a recording device that night at the cabin, and would then share the recording with whomever to embarrass her friends. Carly thinking if she gets to stay in the house she has shared with Sonny, she gets to keep Avery/be with the girls every day. I'm not clear on whether Sonny is indicating Avery will stay there with Donna, or move into the Penthouse with him. ETA: I enjoy seeing Laura and Robert interact, however Sam's presence makes it less so.
  17. There have been some good Robert and Anna moments here and there. Also, how could you not get a good laugh at Carly burning with jealousy when she confronted Nina about what really happened between her and "Mike" in NF, and Nina told her the truth. Plus Carly can't go running into Jason's arms for comfort now, which makes me grin. A) Neither does Carly. They are each completely self-centered. B) Liesl also pushed Britt regarding Jason, knowing Jason could not be a good long-term partner for Britt. But this is also the woman who has shown the only reason she "changed" is because she was heartbroken that Faison shot and killed Nathan. She has never taken responsibility for the fact that ultimately, her enabling of Faison has a lot to do with Nathan's death. Nor has she ever flat out given Robin's family a heartfelt apology for what she did to Robin as Faison's accomplice. The line from years ago that "Robin came back; Nathan never will" is NOT an apology!! And she' still shows hostility toward Anna and Robert. Lady, they owe you NOTHING!!! I agree LA was great in those scenes. This also shows the softer, gentler post-NF Sonny can connect well with /good for his daughters, whereas Carly and Michael want the bloodthirsty version of Sonny who is vengeful against those who have wronged either one of them. They, especially Carly, have no use for this version of Sonny. Carly wanted both Jason and Sonny entirely in love with/devoted to her alone. She clearly doesn't really want her marriage, and she can't turn to Jason now, so she doesn't know what to do. Victor and Peter's conversation touched on Drew's brainwashing. So I don't think that storyline has wrapped up yet. It was paused while Peter was in the hospital. He can be involved in different storylines after that. I like his scenes with Scout and lately, Ned. A) Smart man!!! B) I also thought Kristina said "Mom." Al C) He said he was thinking about Oscar. I assumed he went to the bridge to remember Oscar because that where Oscar and Josslyn put their "lock of love" (School locker lock?) He ran into Carly, again. I call total b.s. on her "Josslyn and I miss him" comment. ETA: I don't like Drew being around Carly and Sonny, but I get it. The man was a Navy SEAL; he feels like Jason played a big part in his escape. Jason was Monica's son too and unfortunately meant a lot to a bunch of people Drew knows, so Jason presumed dead means Drew feels guilty. In the armed services, it's "no man left behind" and they feel a sense of duty in taking care of the families of the fallen. In this case. Jason wasn't a service member, but that fact doesn't make the feeling any less real for Drew. I would LOVE to see Drew take Aurora, the company he started for his kids, back from Michael. I was super annoyed when Michael was talking about Wiley and Drew said "don't forget Scout." Yes, asshole, ELQ is supposed to be Wiley's future. When Sam asked you to take over Aurora, she specifically said until Scout was old enough to take on her late father's company!! I thought LH Sam's tears were supposed to indicate she feels guilty for possibly having feelings for her ex-husband (since he's a genuinely good man and his behavior with the kids is what she wanted from Jason!!) when she's with Dante and sees he's been hurt in the line of duty.
  18. That's exactly what he seemed to be saying! I expected her to say "Are you seriously holding me responsible for not seeing my face in your dreams?! A) Yes!!!! B) That whole exchange between entitled brats Joss and Spencer showed me that they fit together as co-conspirators/possible love interests and they DO NOT deserve Cam or (in the future) Trina. Cam and Trina are waaaayyyyy too good for them. I assume this is a rhetorical question? This is different. The Dawn of Day cult was about rules and consequences. As far as family goes, she only had her mother in her ilfe and so that cult was her family. In this case, she values Wiley as her adopted son above all else in her life. Scott got in her face and told her "you'll go to prison and won't see your son if you don't obey the law right now." There were no such laws/consequences for her regarding sleeping with Michael and lying to Chase's back while married to him. She stood to lose Chase from her life, but she already demonstrated that it wasn't really a loss/consequence for her because she's under the delusion she has everything she wants with Michael and his family The most compelling dramatic work I've seen recently on this show was Lynn Herring/Lucy offering Sasha empathy when sharing her past about Serena and miscarriages (brava LH!!), Nina telling off Michael and Willow, and Carly confronting Sonny. Seeing Michael and Carly humiliated was very satisfying. This seems like the first time karma has daught up to Carly, relatonship-wise as her anger and pain at Sonny and Nina reminds me of what Robin went through when Jason just wouldn't force Carly to stop being the other woman in their relationship. Carly was very manipulative/obsessively "in love" with Jason as Sonny has been with Nina, and now she can't go running and crying to Jason about Sonny - hahahaha! I assume she will at least try to latch on to Drew as a Jason substitute. To clarify, I think JW and SM have done terrific work with the Liam birth and death storyline, but I just don't care because the writers haven't invested in them to make me care. They flirted, had a ONS, she got pregnant, they had one date and other than that have been entirely focused on the fantasy of raising their son. They didn't have a real relationship, or struggle with infertility as a couple, for me to be heartbroken for this "couple" or believe the "ILYs" on Christmas ... which turned into the show propping the Corinthos Fam yet again about love of "family" when Sonny and Brando don't actually have a relationship. They've had a few conversations and are cousins in some way. My reaction to the Christmas scenes: "So... Brando and Sasha are the new/replacement Morgan and Kiki. Got it." Does anyone else think it's weird that in a matter of months, the Show has re-cast/SORAS-ed a half dozen child characters: Wiley, Aiden, Donna, Rocco ahd Charlotte (BOTH of Lulu's kids), and Danny?
  19. I didn't see those scenes as Drew being a Jason butkisser. I see it as Drew behaving in character given his recent history. Drew has been a prisoner for two years, while his family thought he was dead. Jason was the first biological relative he had seen in two years when had to be yearning for connections to family all that time. He's an honorable guy who was a Navy SEAL; of course he's going to feel tremendous gratitude toward Jason for the role Jason played in the rescue/ saving him from Peter as well as guilt (because of Monica/Qs, Danny and Jake) that Jason didn't make it back to Port Charles. IMO that felt like Monica wanting to think of Jason as a good/loving father to Jake and Danny, and also justify his absence from the Q Family Thanksgiving. i.e. "Oh, Jason must be with Jake, Danny, and Scout - that must be why they are all not here tonight." And today Carly told Britt that Jason paid to have the bridge rebuilt - conveniently leaving out that the bridge was so meaningful to him because of ROBIN and their relationship. I assume the montage of LW's Carly kissing Jason during the SJB days, the various times she's told him she loves him, and the recent so-called Carly-and-Jason-in-love scenes, was intended to show the audience that Carly is absolutely still in love with/obsessed over Jason regardless of her echoing Jason's "we want things to go back to normal" statement. Well, DUUUHHHHH. It seemed like her slamming the door on her ended relationship with Jason, and going all in with Dante because she doesn't want to focus on her pain and sadness about Jason or Danny losing Jason. I laughed that afterward, there was no glowing "that was amazing" etc. from either one of them. All she had to say was "That was a long time coming." WHAT?! They went from casually flirty together sprinkled with a few kisses to Dante putting Rocco and her kids to bed in her house, and them talking like they're a domesticated, committed couple with a blended family? This Show.... It was all Sarah Brown, not LW. It was Carly remembering all of the so-called greatest of her and Jason. Yeah - Molly didn't even get to be in the Thanksgiving scenes with TJ and the hospital crew or her mother's Thanksgiving gathering. I loved Alexis today - the "fresh hell" line was hilarious/awesome not to mention her lines to Victor, LOL. I thought it was Victor when Nikolas and Ava showed up. When Victor asked about her daughters, all she said was they had other plans. Why weren't any of the three there with Alexis since they're supposed to be so grateful she's out of prison and it's Thanksgiving?! Did Sonny or Alexis mention where Kristina was for the holiday? Sonny showing Spinelli compassion, giving him a hug when he was crying about Jason, and offering for him to stay the night tells me MB is definitely trying to play Sonny as a changed man post-Nixon Falls.
  20. Well, I think you'll at least sort of enjoy a couple of recent episodes. It was good to see the Robert and Anna dynamic again last week at the hospital (I think it was 11/16) and again on Cassadine Island this week. I really thought for a moment Robert was going to shoot Peter in the hand when he reached for that gun on the floor, and I laughed at Peter's reaction when Anna put her very solid boot on Peter's reaching hand. Also, Anna's line (hospital scenes) about Robert and Valentin's egos was genuinely funny IMO. That was my reaction to his scene with Olivia today. Hey Olivia, why don't you just not wear heels when you're going to talk to someone in the hospital? Yup, Carly and Willow's hypocrisy in acting like Nina is the worst human on the planet makes me wish Wiley had a loud tantrum in front of the three of them about how much he loves Grandma Nina and doesn't want to leave. Does Sonny even know that Ava gave Kristina the manager position before selling him the bar? As far as I know there has not been a single mention of Kristina re: the bar since Ava sold it to him. So true! I rolled my eyes when Sonny was telling Gladys that Carly can give her pointers about being a grandma because Wiley adores Grandma so much, I watched today and saw that both Rocco and Danny have been re-cast/SORASed. Both boy actors look like teenagers to me. And neither young actor looks anything like DZ+ER or SBu + KeMo IMO. Did the writers (and KeMo) forget that Leo is also Sam's brother? Her teary conversation with Dante sounded like she only vaguely knows who Leo is as she thought about her memories of her late foster brother. I knew the door knock sound was Drew. I laughed at the confused/somewhat surprised/utterly joyless look when she answered the door. You would think someone she wasn't expecting showed up because they left keys behind. Nice acting there KeMo, geez. It's still weird that she's acting smitten with her ex-lover's son and ex-ONS/stepfather's nephew. Honey, you are not even close to becoming "a little blended family." Preview: Not looking forward to Carly cornering Britt about Jason. Shut UP about Chase, Ned. UGH.
  21. Yup and Yup. Olivia should be incredibly embarrassed at the way she kissed her good friend Robert in the middle of her place of business, and then acting like she doesn't owe any explanation because she barely considers Ned to be her husband now. Really, then why are you still living in his family's home? Bitch, your stupidity got Robert punched. You owe him an apology! Not to mention Ned, for having the audacity to want to make sure your son whom he loves as his own gets the attention he needs. So bit shot former CEO of ELQ, an international business, doesn't get that fraud involves loss of money and identity theft involves using someone's personal information/ID etc. for calculable gain. Guess I missed the part where Nina tried to pass herself off as Sonny Corinthos or "Mike" or got "Mike" to spend a lot of money on her. I think the Show met the asinine bar back when Patrick took Robin to court for visitation with her pregnant belly, because he was angry and hurt. Did you see the episode where Victor told Anna yeah he gets that she's mad about his part in Robin being held captive, but she should get over it because "Robin ultimately walked away unscathed." Anna didn't really react to it. Robert would have probably grabbed Victor by the throat if he heard him try to shrug off Robin's trauma like that. I liked Robert saying to Olivia's face he doesn't hover/smother his daughter the way she loves her kid (s). If Ned said that to Olivia, she would have slapped him for sure. I smirk at the anvils that Carly's going to find out either from Phyllis or in court - not from Sonny - that "Mike" and Nina were in love. Did anyone else catch Willow telling Harmony she has love/a family with "Wiley and his daddy"? Hope she enjoys a life of constantly reassuring Michael how much she loves him. I half expected him to help her climb on the table today when she offered to get up and tell everyone in the club that she loves Michael Corinthos. Also, Cam Webber is a mature, sweet boyfriend and Joss soooo does not deserve him. I don't buy for a second she really thought he might dump her if she waited longer to have sex. Much as I'm thrilled to not hear Elizabeth called "Biz" during her birthday party, I don't understand why "childhood bestie" and all nurses were missing/the only females present for it were her little niece and her son's girlfriend.
  22. This, and Robert's line yesterday to Sam in response to her"you can't do this to me!!!" protest have been the true highlights! Sam being angry at Anna made me roll my eyes so hard. Honey, Anna is a WSB agent; you are a convinced felon out on parole. She may no longer be part of Sonny, Jason and Carly's world but she sure still has the entitled behavior. I am really hoping it's at least in part an act, since Drew shot the guy who was holding Valentin at gun point and he and Valentin were making their way across the bridge together when Peter shot Drew in the bullet-proof vest. Same here. The idea that Peter can shoot both Valentin and Drew multiple times and escape while Robert shooting didn't hit Peter once is absurd. Considering all the experience Anna and Robert have dealing with Faison, no way could this ridiculous Daddy wannabe outmaneuver them (again). Drew didn't "let" Valentin get shot. Peter was toward the side and then in back of them. I think the storyline is aiming to show that Drew is trying to fight the conditioning, and also wants to take Peter down. He can't do that if Peter gets away and/or lets Peter kill Obrecht, who has empathy for Drew and is the one person who has a strong understanding of Faison's mind control work. Totally agree about keep Peter off screen. Shove him back in the freezer and lock it this time!
  23. My reaction to "MY grandson" "MY hotel" was UGHH, typical Carly. With a personality as self-absorbed as Carly's (Sonny's, too) humans, property, etc. that are connected to her are hers and hers alone. Not to mention, the mother of his son was married to his best friend at the time the son was conceived and born. He is hardly a good man who has led an exemplary life. I wish someone would send this to the Show. Amen!! If the Show really wanted to do a story about a black man or woman facing racism, I would be on board for any of the others. Shawn however, is, in fact, a criminal. This was my favorite. I also thought, Sonny really is dumb if it takes a comment from Nina for him to remember and think about walking in on Carly and Jason in the bedroom. I had the same scrabble thought, LOL!! He noted when he barged into the bedroom that night that they were all dressed up, and they acknowledged that yes they just got married a few hours ago. They had been drinking champagne, standing feet away from the bed. Now he says they told him they got married, but he didn't realize they had literally just gotten married and it was their wedding night. Do you see bright lights on, and a board game on the floor or bed? Sheesh, such a dumb ass. Think, Sonny. Can you count the number of times you've seen Carly and Jason dressed up, standing close, in her/your bedroom over the years? This is in my opinion spot-on how Steve Burton has played the "Jason and Carly are getting married, Jason is falling in love again" storyline. He practically left a smoke trail behind when Britt texted him while he was in Sonny's office, and then he surprised Britt with both how fast he showed up and the "we" about her plans as they talked through what she knows about her mother's disappearance. It seemed clear that he is absolutely, totally on board to do whatever Britt wants or needs and still has feelings for her that he pushed down when he and Carly agreed to get married. Meanwhile, Carly is all emotional with Sonny as she tries to talk about her feelings regarding Jason, and him. I kind of laughed when Sonny said he chooses her and their future - he sounded like he just woke up from a nap.
  24. I think the Sam and Elizabeth mentions were because he has a son with each of them. i.e. the point is that even after he's had a kid with a woman Carly was determined she, not that woman, be his top priority. There's also the factor that there isn't a reason for people to be talking about Robin and Jason's relationship from 20 years ago, around Britt now esp. because Robin left Port Charles with her husband and child. The only thing I didn't like about that scene was Britt's opinion that Elizabeth is still carrying a torch for Jason. I believe the "torch" is residual hurt that he chose Mob life with Sonny and constantly saving Carly from herself over trying to be normal and safe/domesticated with her, Cam and Jake. Who could blame her if that still stings. I don't believe for a second that "we want things to go back to the way they were." No, Carly is accepting that her husband is back and her fantasy of being Jason's wife is gone - that he is not holding onto whatever so-called "feelings resurfaced" just before Sonny showed up.
  25. I've gotta give credit where credit is due: aside from Brando kissing Sonny's ass. Joss with Cam and Esme, and Sonny wanting Carly to kiss his ass about fatherhood, today's episode was excellent soap writing. Britt shutting Carly down (especially after Carly's "I'm the price of admission" line as she was encouraging Britt to be with Jason) was AWESOME. KT owned it and I genuinely laughed when Carly looked offended at the mentions of her behavior regarding Sam and Elizabeth. Trina angrily shutting Spencer down as he was "complimenting her" and trying to talk his way into her good graces, was AWESOME. Ava going into her former badass mode face-to-face with Spencer and having him arrested was AWESOME. Alexis shutting down Nikolas's whining, telling him to put his big boy pants on and be a father was AWESOME. Is the Sasha actress back from maternity leave now, wearing a big belly? The line about bedrest but doing better now makes me think so.
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