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Everything posted by RandomWatcher

  1. Picking an album for me would be a problem since I don't really have any favorite bands and just listen to whatever is on the radio.
  2. To much makeup? Has she not gotten a good look at Raven?
  3. He didn't compare himself to Seacrest. I was just using him as an example of someone else who will be doing that. And speaking of Christmas, I hope production is either paying the doctor extra or threatening to sue if the doc even talks about the show.
  4. From Jokers: Paul doesn't understand how people can have sex in the BB house with all the cameras on them. Saw Elena naked. Moving to LA and will be like Seacrest in that he's going to go back and forth from LA and NY Apparently had feelings for someone in the beginning of the season. Doesn't say who Doesn't care what the Internet thinks of him Wants to go on The Amazing Race
  5. The Night King has a blue eyed dragon now. Kaiba's going to be mad when he finds out.
  6. I wonder how Cody and Elena are doing at the jury house
  7. They were briefly talking about politics last night, so I wonder if Zingbot said something.
  8. Just read these gems from Evel Dick on Twitter: Matt was impressed by how long Paul's beard is Raven whipped her pants off and said her's is longer Raven called up Steve Jobs and told him how to make an iPhone Raven's ancestors were the first people on earth with red hair
  9. Apparently Jason got a letter saying his wife is pregnant
  10. Bet they're planning on backdooring Mark
  11. Apparently Jessica has been sick since getting out of the BB house.
  12. Just read on Twitter that Jessica is going to pop the question to Cody at the finale. I hope she's kidding. Sure, it might steal Paul's thunder when he wins, but still.
  13. If I were Cody, on Thursday I would stand up and say something to the effect of 'since you're all Paul's puppets who are going to vote me out, I see no reason for a vote' and then just walk out the door.
  14. I hope on Thursday, Cody tells Julie that it was a horrible idea to give Paul three weeks safety
  15. Earlier I was reading on Jokers that Cody said he wants to have four kids with Jessica. I wonder how she feels about that.
  16. I hope when Zingbot shows up, he/she? zings some sense into these people.
  17. On Thursday, Cody will vote to keep Jessica, Mark will vote to keep Elena and Matt will likely vote to keep Raven. The others will likely do as Paul does and vote out Jessica.
  18. Going by Joker's Updates, seems that Jessica and Cody and Matt and Raven are always having sex. I don't recall this many mentions of showmances doing it on other seasons.
  19. Other than the overall secret of who killed the brother, no one can keep a secret in this town for very long.
  20. Having never read the books, I just finished the Netflix series and found the whole thing to be moderately entertainingly bleak. I'm not sure if I would watch another season
  21. That umbrella is something the Penguin might use.
  22. I bet Sarah started to see red when Bananas made that comment about buying the house with her money. That guy is full of himself.
  23. I didn't love it, but I didn't completely hate it. I'll likely stick with it because I have nothing else to watch on Thursday night and I'm not about to binge watch Supernatural.
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