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Everything posted by RandomWatcher

  1. But at least they would be playing their own game unless Paul's beard can detach itself and attach itself to someone else.
  2. Can you imagine if there was a super mega All Star season and they brought everyone back? Sure, they would to have super size the house, but still.
  3. Dr. Will's thoughts on this season https://www.inquisitr.com/4481157/big-brother-legend-will-kirby-talks-season-19-explains-why-paul-abrahamians-dirty-gameplay-works/amp/
  4. Amber's in the running for Maxim's finest. Then again, so is Jenna from The Challenge.
  5. I know, does Christmas think this is The Amazing Race or something?
  6. I can only imagine what this season would have been like if no one had been hypnotized by Paul's beard and voted him out as soon as his three weeks protection was over.
  7. That was Amanda hooking up with McCrae and he was actually a pizza delivery driver. I don't know why I remember these things.
  8. First of all, these people are idiots not giving Xs to Bananas I'm sure Sarah loved being reminded of the fact Bananas took her money Tony's a dog and I saw on Twitter that he will talk about this on the reunion show.
  9. Who's better at manipulating people: Paul or Johnny Bananas?
  10. Meanwhile from Twitter, both EvelDick and Amy (BB3)) may have to evacuate due to Irma and Andy is still proud of the fact he voted out Amanda and blamed Elissa for it.
  11. Speaking of Caleb, I wonder if he ever apologized to Amber about being so damn creepy to her
  12. To all of you in the path of Irma, stay safe and evacuate as soon as you can. I'm on another forum where a poster has said she's staying put. We're all telling her that is the worst idea in the history of ideas.
  13. In news outside of the BB house, Jessica is doing her Bold and Beauitful scene today
  14. I'm looking forward to seeing these people on Twitter trying to suck up to former HGs and getting mocked by them.
  15. The first time I watched the live feeds was 15 and I think I watched nothing but the feeds that summer. I remember having to constantly mute the sound whenever Gina Marie was talking because my nieces and nephews were in the room at the time.
  16. When Alex did bring up Cody's daughter, I wonder if production had security on the other side of the door just in case Cody snapped.
  17. Damn, is Cody going to have to show up at their homes with his daughter just to prove she's real?
  18. You would think even a casual viewer is against Paul just from what they see on the eps.
  19. I can only imagine what the BB after party is going to be like. I'm betting all former HGs that show up will want to hang out with Cody, Jess, and a few others while Paul, Alex and the rest of the Paul Squad look on wondering why they're being ignored.
  20. If I was on BB and was asked to be a pawn. I think my words would be 'on behalf of the viewers, *bleep* pawns
  21. I've just started the first season of BB Canada to see what it's like.
  22. Watching a live Instagram feed of Natalie and someone from BB Canada and she said she would only do BB again if it was a BB US vs BB Canada thing
  23. The only thing I'm enjoying this season is the comments on Twitter from past HGs.
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