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Everything posted by RandomWatcher

  1. But would they bring back Work Naked Day? Didn't she say she would have issues with her foot for the rest of her life?
  2. Da'vonne isn't voting for anyone Seems as though most of the BB update sites are wanting Cody to win.
  3. What are the chances Christmas votes out Josh tonight?
  4. Winning, though in Paul's case I don't know if you can call it that, PoV comps
  5. Just saw a tweet from Dani Donato saying she can't believe that Paul tied her record
  6. Last night Rachel tweeted that she thinks that Paul is one of the great BB players. Andy, EvelDick and others thought she was nuts. And Jessica just tweeted that you have to an CBS all access account to vote otherwise you'll be able to vote more than 20x.
  7. I don't see the point of putting on pants for the DR
  8. Kevin's reading the Bible. Looks like he's somewhere in the New Testament.
  9. BBAD is on and the feeds are up. Nothing is going on. Kevin has a bowl of ice cream.
  10. Anyone remember the singer Aaron Carter? He's tweeting Jessica. Seems he wants to hook up
  11. I wonder how Janelle feels about Paul beating her record
  12. Voted mostly for Cody and Jessica, but did toss a few votes to Mark and Elena. I'll do the same tomorrow. Oh for the love of Big Brother.
  13. Josh has said a lot of things recently but he hasn't gone through with it.
  14. I can't wait for these idiots to get out of the house, get on Twitter and try to suck up to past houseguests only to get severely mocked.
  15. Saw an Instagram video of The Challenge's Johnny Bananas and he said he would like to go to on Celebrity Big Brother. He thinks he could dominate the game.
  16. The Challenge has the same problem as Big Brother. No one wants to get blood on their hands. And Leeroy just tweeted that while Camilla has posted online about how sorry she is, she has yet to reach out to him.
  17. There's something I've been wondering about lately. When a person is picked to host a Veto comp, can that person turn it down?
  18. And Jordan just tweeted on her Instagram that there was a question about Big Brother on Jeopardy today: Jordan Lloyd was locked in a house and spied on 24/7 on this show to win $500K (Which she said she would use to buy a house)
  19. Screen Junkies wants to know which is the better reality show: Big Brother Project Runway Great British Bakeoff
  20. EvelDick is not voting for Kevin for AFP Caleb is voting for Cody for AFP
  21. http://www.usmagazine.com/entertainment/news/big-brothers-jason-dent-paul-is-toast-now-jury-wont-vote-for-him-w502369
  22. I like this dream. To expand on it, I want Julie to say that Paul won but the money is going to charity. Then Jessica proposes to Cody. Elena accepts a date from Mark. Then we all watch as Paul's head explodes.
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