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Everything posted by RandomWatcher

  1. Alex is no James H. I wonder what he would say if he wasn't down in Houston helping out.
  2. Production was probably majorly facepalming during this
  3. I think that would be my thing since I wouldn't have a clue to what kind of move to make at that moment.
  4. Dr. Will is taking questions for presumably finale night.
  5. I really hope Julie brings up all the bullying on finale night.
  6. Paul is giving Christmas chess lessons. If Paul hadn't won veto, wouldn't it be great if she backdoored Paul and told him 'And now the student has become the master'? I know it wouldn't happen because these people are sheep but it would be great.
  7. I'm not saying the pic they're in makes James R look like a pimp but well...
  8. Raven should be glad this isn't BB 15(?) where we could vote in what the have nots could eat
  9. Meanwhile, Jessica is hanging out with James Rhine and Jackie Ibarra
  10. *looks at own posts from Twitter* Last year: I was sure Paul had this This year: This season is a wash. Can they just go ahead and give Paul the money and we skip to next summer?
  11. From Joker's Josh: I haven't seen it the whole season but I see it now, Paul's entire game. Christmas: I see it too but it helps us. -
  12. Alex wants to go on all the reality shows. Ha!
  13. Paul won veto. I'm sure everyone who watches this is pissed
  14. According to the BBipedia, Neil left the show after finding out a relative was killed in the 2008 Northern Illinois shooting.
  15. I know Aaryn represented Texas in her season on I'm pretty sure most of the state went 'bullshit' when she got evicted. /Because of what she said, not because Texans didn't want to see her evicted.
  16. I'm beginning to think Paul's plan to isolate people began last season as he did a DR questioning why Devonne(sp?) was sitting on the couch talking to Frank.
  17. It would be great, if as a result of Josh and Christmas' conversation, Paul gets backdoored
  18. Assuming Big Brother is still around in 20 or so years, anyone else want to see all former houseguests' kids be on the show?
  19. Remember when Chill Town ran the game and we loved it? Now, not so much
  20. I know it's not going to happen, but it would be great if Paul was backdoored
  21. Now that Raven doesn't have Matt in the house, think she'll get really cranky from the lack of sex?
  22. Christmas' HOH letter seems to be coded. At least that's the impression I'm getting from Joker's.
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