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Everything posted by RandomWatcher

  1. Also going by Joker Updates: Omarosa is sick of reality shows where women don't get along
  2. Anyone else disappointed Ralph didn't wind up riding around in someone's cleavage?
  3. RandomWatcher


  4. While I wouldn't mind seeing Neil Patrick Harris, I do not want to see Johnny Bananas nor Terrell Owens
  5. Just read something on io9 that Ward is somehow returning.
  6. I'm wondering if Victor was hoping whatever food he got, it would taste like slop
  7. I just now looked at the list and saw BB's Josh on it. If he starts banging pots and pans like he did on his season, Abram will likely kill him.
  8. Jessica and Cody? Really? Bananas is like Paul in a way so maybe Cody won't put up with any of his BS.
  9. And apparently Natalie is throwing shade at BB's James saying that at least Bananas can win comps
  10. They have BBers on The Challenge. Why do I get the feeling a Challenger will be on Celeb BB?
  11. Just read on CBR that the mutant attorney in the flashback is an actual character from the comics . Figured she was just a character made up for the show
  12. Cory just tweeted this. No, I don't know why I follow him either 1. Eddie left bc Alicia has a restraining order against him 2. Victor made that deal with me 2 days before saying let’s take Bananas out, y would I just make that up 3. It’s Johnny show 4. Only the fake survive
  13. I think the only reason Natalie is flirting so much with Bananas is because he likely reminds her of James from her BB season.
  14. .Twitter is full of naked women..at least that's what a friend told me.
  15. And I guess because of that Twitter war he got into with Paul, EvelDick's Twitter account has been suspended.
  16. Bananas and Natalie. In a weird twisted way ,I want them to work and then Natalie do to Bananas what she did to James.
  17. Not sur e what started it, but EvelDick, Raven and Paul are in a Twitter war
  18. Bananas flirting with BB's Natalie https://www.usmagazine.com/entertainment/news/the-challenges-johnny-bananas-flirts-with-natalie-negrotti/
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