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Everything posted by RandomWatcher

  1. Because of some stupid argument between BB19's Mark and BB9's Parker, someone posted an argument between Amanda and McCrae from a few years ago where she accuses him of cheating on her with his ex.
  2. If this is happening worldwide, will Arrow show any of it
  3. Tuesday? Damnit, I watch enough things on Tuesday as it is.
  4. And just in time for Mother's Day, BB15's Amanda is pregnant.
  5. Gotham's fate rests on whether on or not Lethal Weapon is able to find a new lead
  6. The Snappening is going to happen https://io9.gizmodo.com/oh-my-god-agents-of-shield-is-gonna-do-the-thing-1825823585
  7. Catie was acting as though she knew she wasn't going to be picked
  8. Why is it that I can remember more people who have been on Big Brother, The Challenge and American Idol than I can remember who's been on Survivor, The Voice and Amazing Race? If my brain wasn't filled with that, I would likely be more productive.
  9. Was that one of the competitive eaters?
  10. Glad they addressed the big gauntled purple alien in the universe.
  11. Who would be considered an Amazing Race All Star?
  12. http://www.tmz.com/2018/05/04/amazing-race-big-brother-edition-jessica-cody-win/?adid=hero3
  13. Call me a masochist if you want, but I would watch it just to see what happens
  14. I didn't think Talbot was crazy enough to do that /Oh hi Daisy's mom's grave
  15. So the land without magic used to be a land with magic before Gothal went 'must kill everyone' on it?
  16. So many questions were raised tonight. Can't wait to find out the answers.
  17. If I were to rank musical eps, it would go like this 1. Buffy 2. Riverdale 3. Once Upon a Time 4. Flash
  18. Birthday is having a boy http://forums.jokersupdates.com/ubbthreads/showthreaded.php?Board=BBAlumni&Number=27447811 Also, I follow her Instagram for whatever reason and she's still going full steam at working out.
  19. Heh, speaking of Terminator, Ghost Rider is now him
  20. Aw hell, stupid presidential announcement
  21. Colin Donnell may be returning https://www.cbr.com/arrow-colin-donnell-tommy-merlyn-returning/ Alternate Earth Tommy? Flashback Tommy? Original Tommy revived by Lazarus Pit?
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