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Everything posted by RandomWatcher

  1. Big Brother made TMZ again http://www.tmz.com/2018/07/18/big-brother-houseguest-n-word-again/
  2. Speaking of Swaggy, saw part of an Instagram Live where he was talking to Elena.
  3. If they did do Old School vs New School, where would you draw the line on old school?
  4. Took BB long enough to realize Sam had gone from doing an auctioneer voice to singing a country song.
  5. Is Scotty going for the Johnny Depp as Jack Sparrow look? /Also Swaggy is on Twitter. Don't know about Steve
  6. http://insidesurvivor.com/rumor-season-38-theme-and-title-34310
  7. Damnit, thought it had been moved to a new time at 8pm CST because of last week. Nope, it' s at 7pm again.
  8. One of Kaitlyn's pictures is blurred out.
  9. I spend so much time online that if I were ever to go on BB, I'm sure I would become incredibly bored within the first few minutes of being inside.
  10. Polidicking...I'm going to try to use that in conversation. I was so hoping that Josea was gone for good. Couldn't stand him on his BB season
  11. I wish Rockstar would take off those giant glasses, they look ridiculous.
  12. Kaitlyn might change her backdoor plans just because she felt Jessica and Cody were cold to her? That's dumb.
  13. Despite having the feeds, I haven't really been watching them as I've been binging Netflix. Took a break from watching Defenders to see what's happening. They're showing clips of BB4
  14. Just saw on Twitter that JC showed his dick to the HoH. If that doesn't get him put on the chopping block, nothing will
  15. While I'm glad that Sam stayed, do we really want Kaitlyn as HoH? She'll probably rely on auras and chakras to determine who she'll put up Rockstar looked like she was about to have a boob pop out
  16. Weird, thought the Wednesday show was at 7pm CST
  17. http://www.tmz.com/2018/07/03/big-brother-contestants-controversy-racist-comments-skin-tone-color-cbs-sun-tan/
  18. http://www.tmz.com/2018/07/02/big-brother-contestant-jc-mounduix-sexual-misconduct-ice-cream-scooper-houseguests/
  19. I need to get caught up on the Marvel shows, Fuller House, Unfortunate Events, and Voltron, I want to watch Altered Carbon.
  20. *sigh* I hate myself. I just subscribed to the live feeds and recently resubscribed to Netflix and have at least six different shows to catch up on. I'm not going to have free time to do anything else.
  21. http://www.tmz.com/2018/06/29/taylor-hicks-american-idol-eliminations-not-secret/
  22. From Twitter and Evel Dick regarding the feeds: More Watching the first HOH comp of BB10 on the feeds and man, has this show changed over the years. That comp was awesome.. this season 4 comps and none even came close. Don't forget CBS didn't buy that car Memphis won and they sold it, he never got it, lol
  23. According to Joker's Update and Twitter, Swaggy C (damn that name is annoying) and Bayleigh have apparently hooked up. SwagBay?
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