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TV Anonymous

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Everything posted by TV Anonymous

  1. No, it is not towards you personally. It is more to my frustration watching this show that steers more and more as police procedural as The Flash. And do you know the punchline of the episode? Alexis bravely face the muzzle of a loaded pistol and got the murderer to lower such pistol just by saying "This is not who you are," even though such murderer has successfully murdered the Air Marshal and managed to stuff his body in a suitcase. She just melts in front of Alexis. What about that?
  2. Oh man, this is a bad, bad crossover for me. I detest Chicago PD with all my heart. However, I follow Chicago Fire and Law & Order: SVU. The usual crossovers were that cases arose on Fire and get resolved on PD, with sometimes L&O:SVU bridged. In those cases, I just let the story went without care about the final result. However this time, NBC pull the trick for me and viewers like me. They swap the schedules of PD and SVU. Therefore, it would be totally weird for me to watch the beginning and the end without the middle on PD.
  3. What kind of idiot not frisking a clearly dangerous and violent inmate before putting him in the wheelchair? What kind of idiot putting all-viewing security monitors in the infirmary that leads to the execution chamber? What kind of idiot putting the control of the prison's locking mechanism in the internet?
  4. If Shelly is supposedly a teacher in Washington - and that is where the accident supposedly takes place - I wonder why her minivan sports New York registration plate.
  5. Gee... what a subtle way to cross-sell Avengers: Age of Ultron, show. So we have to watch that movie to get the resolution of this episode. For me, it is even worse than the crossover of Chicago Fire, Law & Order: SVU and Chicago PD.
  6. The wi-fi works in cargo hold and in lavatory? And it allow high definition, real-time video telephony? Okay then...
  7. Which telephone provider(s) provide cellular services for 39k' above the Atlantic Ocean?
  8. It is not their fault that this show is THE most watched 30 minutes show in North American TV - if not in the world.
  9. I guess I am one of the five people that watched this episode. :-)
  10. Agree. It used to be just a comedy about situations that become funny because of some unintended consequences. Therefore, sit-com. Just three episodes in, I feel like the presidential staff is made up of idiots who do not know anything about anything who keep on making mistakes even a fresh graduate can not afford to make.
  11. Ed Beers and Ed Kea were indeed born in the Netherlands. But both of them moved to Canada when they were very little and started playing hockey in Canada. Therefore, I would not categorize them as Dutch product, but rather Canadians.
  12. Hey, Tatsu Yamashiro moved from her cabin around Nanda Parbat to Volantis and became a Red Priestess!
  13. I do mean that apartment, among others. Look at that apartment. It is nice but not extravagant. And for the eight seasons we have been watching them, Raj never made unbelievable purchase on his own. And this is a scientist who made a planetary-object discovery. Plus, since he comes from a wealthy family, he can safely assume that he does not have student loan, or any kind of loan for that matter. Point is, IMO Raj is fully capable for supporting himself financially.
  14. What if in that interview she said, "I am going to use my half of the million dollars to do..."?
  15. So from Germany they went all the way south to Namibia only to get back north to the Netherlands? Maybe whoever sponsors the travelling part of this season gives TPTB more than before. IMO it would be more interesting if they take the high-speed train across Europe before fly out of the continent. Is the hot tub in the canal for real? If so, why? From superficial point of view I regret that female racers do not show much skins in the tub, just Laura and her tank top. Also, who goes in the hot tub with the robe on? Also, I feel strange that the greeter is a junior hockey player. A long-track speed skater would be much more appropriate as the Netherlands is never a hockey country.
  16. While the episode itself is funny and entertaining, I do not like the characterization story of Raj. In fact, I dislike all the scenes of the conversation he has with either of his parents. Let us face it. Raj is a grown up, working in a very prestigious institution and he seems to be quite successful in his work. Yet he is asking for money like teenager, and acting like one too in the conversations. Looking at what he has and at his lifestyle, the notion that he somehow needs financial help is simply unwarranted. Our story is about intelligent yet awkward nerds, not about spoiled brats nor deadbeats.
  17. YMMV of course, but I feel Stan is the one who gets away with almost everything and whatever he does pretty much he does with impunity. 1. Nina was a rather innocent staffer at the rezidentura except for skimming some money and Stan turned her for his benefits. 2. After turning Nina, Stan followed where his penis wanted to go and got laid with her. 3. To cover his track Stan killed Vlad, Nina's friend and nothing happened to him. 4. When the time came that Nina needed his help he did not do anything. 5. Now that his marriage is in trouble Stan lusts for Nina to come back. In all facets of Nina-Stan relationship (professional, personal and sexual), Stan is the Karma Houdini. In another note, I may be slow, but what is the significance of March 8th 1983?
  18. Castle premiered one year after The Mentalist did. At that time viewers drew the parallel between the two shows as the premise of the shows was similar: a civilian with unique and special skills helping the police solving unusual murders. The police handlers of both shows were (relatively) beautiful women with whom the civilians eventually fell in love. However, now that The Mentalist is over, I can say that in its journey its story, mythology and character development were better. While the Red John arc was tedious at times, it was eventually over. Once it was over the show was rebooted and started new. Once the reboot did not work as hoped, the show was ended. Point is, The Mentalist IMO was more able to keep what the show was about without going to the realm of the unbelievable.
  19. When learning that the culprit was a shapeshifter, I hoped that he was not a meta-human but rather a relative of Sam Merlotte. Imagine the crossover potential. Who would be faster? Barry Allen or Eric Northman?
  20. Invisible suit? Underground mission to Mars simulator? Time traveler? And now memory alteration and removal. Maybe the genre of this show needs to be changed from police procedural to fantasy. More and more the show is getting as realistic as The Flash.
  21. I want to know the make and the model of Daisy's laptop, the one that Tom stole and eventually destroyed. I do want it. With that kind of battery power on that laptop, I will need only to charge it once to last days. Remember that that laptop was never turned off (not even on standby) otherwise the video signal would stop. So the law firm that Juliana worked for just let her office be vacant and undisturbed for that long after her death? And it is certainly not for investigation as there is no police seal on the door.
  22. Could somebody offer a plausible explanation on how Matt is able to track Daisy and then waiting outside the balcony with his limping legs?
  23. For fellow Canadians: Tonight (17 April), because The Amazing Race runs a two-hour episode, Grimm will not be available on CTV. It will be instead available on CTV Two at the same time it is aired on NBC (20:00 EDT). In places where CTV Two is not available (Quebec, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and the territories), the episode can be found on NBC without simultaneous substitution. Next week (24 April), Grimm will be back on CTV following TAR.
  24. Ragnar can not die, can he? He needs to die as the legend goes that . I like Lagertha's all-female commandos. However, I do not understand why it has to be all-female. Is it something historically valid with a good technical reason, or is it just for dramatic effect? As well, I like the Franks' war engineering. From last week multi-spear launcher and this week spiked wheel of death.Meanwhile, the Vikings relies mostly on brute strengh. I applaud the use of old French in the show. I do not understand the conversation among the Franks. Well, for that matter I do not understand the conversation among the Anglo-Saxons as well. Kudos for the use of old languages. The Paris of this show, is it only l'Île de la Cité? That is the small island in the middle of the Seine. However, that island is far, far away from the sea. Watching Athelstan's explanation and the Vikings' approach to Paris, I have the impression that it is close to the mouth of the river.
  25. If Quebecois means a translation of Quebecer, that is the demonym of those live in Quebec, yes I am. If however, Quebecois means a member of la nation québécoise, then I am certainly not. I am an English-leaning allophone Asian.
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