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Everything posted by KerleyQ

  1. I'll love her forever if she the person she kills is Steffy.
  2. Scanning through MB's Twitter feed, I have to wonder if he doesn't genuinely dislike CD. It seems like he enjoys doing that passive-aggressive "I'm just kidding" picking on Chad thing. He'll say things like "Morgan and Dante, my two sons!" in response to a picture of CD, DZ, and BC. Just looking over the past day or so, I found a couple instances of that, and, judging from some of the fan responses, it sounds like he does it regularly (none of them were calling him out for it, more like "oh, haha, he's always joking with Chad like this!"), which seems kind of passive-aggressive to me.
  3. Agreed. It's especially concerning that we're watching this play out, and we're reading those comments from BB while, at the same time, there's a real life story where a judge is going easy on a rapist because "prison would have a severe impact on him."
  4. It looked to me like Farkle overheard that part of the conversation. I was expecting to see some moment where he, at least, got over being mad at Riley, because she was (at least partially) right.
  5. Exactly! They didn't have to write in Caroline taking that pill. They didn't have to write in her getting incapacitated. They could have had her simply buzzed enough to make a poor choice, but still with it enough to actually make that choice. This wasn't Rick drinking at the cabin and then having sex with Maya when she showed up. Why introduce the medication to the story if they simply wanted it to be an ill-conceived drunken hook-up on Caroline's part?
  6. When he says "that's not the story we're choosing to tell," I wanted to punch my PC. It IS the story you told!
  7. Well this one hurts no matter who I off... Shag AJ Marry Lorenzo Kill Zander (reluctantly) Next: Tracy Monica Bobbie
  8. Cory definitely played it wrong, but I did laugh at his big smile when Simone pulled that white skull out, keeping her and Thomas around. I wonder if he would have made the same decision if there wasn't a 50/50 chance Thomas wouldn't even have to compete in the elimination.
  9. Spencer looked like the actor just popped over on break from filming his Disney Channel show, because that's what his character looks like on Stuck in the Middle.
  10. Honestly, I'm surprised that spoiler doesn't say "unthinkable" instead of "unlikely."
  11. Nurse Amy. While wandering the hospital trying to find some new gossip, she comes across the hospital killer who does us all a favor and offs her to keep their secret. Sonny. Jason.
  12. Of course Jason is going to be the one who solves a crime the PCPD can't. After that, all he'll need to do is kill someone, and he'll be back to full-fledged Jason Morgan.
  13. You had to love the scene of the hit man and kidnapping accomplice/mob moll bemoaning how the police don't do their job right. This show... And am I supposed to care that Cujo is dismayed that she may have been wrong about her new insta-friend? Maybe if she wasn't in such a hurry to pee all over the leg of every new guy in town, christening them all her new BFF, she could take some time to find out what they're like? Also, if the current victim wasn't related to her, she'd be going to the mat for Finn, proclaiming his innocence for the world to hear. Not to mention, it's not like she has a problem with hanging out with criminals. She even specializes in friendships with those who kill.
  14. Kelly Anne definitely had some work done. She showed up on one season, and I didn't recognize her. I hate that we live in a society where girls that young feel like they need to get work done like that.
  15. Soap logic: We need to go to absurd lengths to cover an actress's real life pregnancy if her character isn't, but we can't spring for some body make-up to cover a tattoo with an actor's wife's name in a heart.
  16. While acting-wise, Mama and Papa Avant always knock it out of the park, the Avant family scenes today really pissed me off. First of all, Julius, you didn't just "make a mistake." You repeatedly chose, day after day, week after week, year after year to deny your child in order to cover your own cheating ass. And when your wife and daughters don't forgive you quickly enough, you lecture them on how to forgive you? And that shit ends in Mama Avant asking him to come home because she misses her husband? The reveal was so, so good. But this? Sucked. Apparently the show was far more concerned with using that secret as fodder for the Nicole/Zende/Sasha bore-fest than in letting the adults work on their issues.
  17. Ashley is definitely the worst one in that whole situation, by far. So, basically, she hooked up with Jamie because she wanted some attention that night, and he was showing interest. Then, after, she decided to rip on his body, knowing that there are cameras all the hell over that house, calling it "disgusting." Really, Ashley? Was his body "disgusting" when you had sex with him multiple times that night? Was his body "disgusting" when you were flipping out in jealousy over the idea that he kissed another girl? What a complete and utter bitch. And then her claim that the show "did me dirty," by showing that? No, bitch, you did Jamie dirty by using him for attention and camera time and then going all superficial mean girl behind his back. And she's so unused to being a decent human being that she needed Cory to prod her to do something as basic as saying "I'm sorry"? I felt so terrible for Jamie having to see that like that. It would have been bad enough if they just aired it during a Challenge episode, but to put him up on stage like that, keep pushing him to talk about whatever feelings he had for her, and then blindside him with that? Heartless and unnecessary. And since she decided to bring superficiality to the party, if anything, Jamie's out of her league, not the other way around. He's a cute guy with a seemingly nice personality. She's a rapidly aging (20?!?!?), superficial, drama seeking attention whore. It's not even close. I hope he realizes that and doesn't let that initial stab of pain from seeing that linger. Also, I really hope they don't pair them up for a future Exes season.
  18. I've never been clear on why, exactly, Johnny and Jessica are rivals. It seems like it goes back to their RW season, but I'm not getting exactly what the issue is. Was there some big blow up? I kind of suspect that he hit on her and she wasn't interested, resulting in him being a raging bag of dicks for eternity, but I'm just guessing, since I haven't watched RW in years.
  19. I am so happy to see Johnny go for multiple reasons. First and foremost, he's one of John's allies. I love when he loses his inner circle piece by piece. Second, he's a huge asshole to Jessica. Just beyond all reason. He couldn't even be assed to be halfway decent to her in their final moment there. I'd be perfectly happy to never see him again, but I'm sure he's ready and willing to become a regular. Simone and Ashley are both annoying, but, Simone's not wrong, Ashley is crazy. I did laugh at Simone aiming staring Ashley down as she pulled the white skull.
  20. Note to self: It's good you were out shopping for vacation supplies during GH today. Do not fire up that DVR. Do not.
  21. They really don't get it, do they? Sonny having a twisted viewpoint where he rewrites history to make himself look better is one thing. The show portraying that viewpoint as the good and honest one is another entirely.
  22. Wes is one of the few who treats these challenges like you should - it's a fun free vacation to somewhere you'd likely never go on your own along with the chance to hang out with some people you don't get to see on a daily basis and a chance to pick up some cash doing some (sometimes) cool things you wouldn't ordinarily do. The only thing he seems to take personally is the whole feud with John thing, and, even that, I don't know if he genuinely takes it personally at this point or if he just knows it's what the show is looking for from him, so he obliges and plays his role. Plus, he's not on every single one, so, when he does show up, it's a nice surprise instead of "oh, look, this asshole again" (John). And, he always seems to make an effort to get to know the new people each season he's on instead of automatically discounting them as fodder for eliminations.
  23. I hope poor Laura and Kevin aren't saddled with his obnoxious ass. I say let Uncle Sonny have him. And I hope he ends up burning that house to the ground. With Sonny, Carly, and Morgan all asleep inside it.
  24. Agreed. That one feels like a deal breaker to me. It's wrong on pretty much every level.
  25. He's probably afraid one of those godless foreigners will try to eat his Snapchats. (That remains one of my favorite clueless BryDog Twitter episodes.)
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