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Everything posted by KerleyQ

  1. Sonny asking Carly what she likes best about being married to him? All of the vomit. All of it. I'm going to need to print out a picture of Molly's hair to bring to my colorist. That was pretty much the highlight of the episode, other than JE's being generally awesome.
  2. If this is done right, there should be some cumulative damage to his relationship with Sonny (and Carly) as Michael suffers through AJ's death, Sabrina's, and now Morgan's.
  3. Finally saw the pre-explosion wave and could not stop laughing. BryDog delivered a "little boy waving from the bus before he heads off to his first day of kindergarten" wave there. St. Jasus has really lost his touch. He had to back off and call for help before trying again to get to Morgan? The Borg would have had him out in a heartbeat.
  4. I don't want a reveal that BryDog Morgan wasn't the real Morgan. This Morgan is the shithead Carly and Sonny earned. I flove that the only child that is genetically both of theirs is a complete and utter fuckwit. That is who their offspring should be.
  5. You know someone is "the one" when you spend all of your marriage having daily romantic flashback montages about someone else.
  6. Not surprised to see SBu leave. With JFP and Pratt gone, there was nobody there to kiss his ass, tell him he's the best ever, and generally ensure he'd get plentiful screen time. This is why he left GH, too. Guza was gone, JFP was gone, and the new regime wasn't going to do the same shit they had been doing for him (like going way over his guarantees pretty much every week). I'm pretty sure he's got a nice little stockpile of money, from the amount he raked in at GH over the years and his outside stuff (juice pyramid scam and I believe he has some bars or restaurants with one or two other former GH actors). So he'll take a role on a soap if he's going to be coddled, and as soon as that's not the case, he's ready to check out. Now I just hope that nobody at GH starts sniffing around and kissing his ass to get him back there. I'm relying on your notoriously cheap ass to work for us, Valentini!
  7. I want to see the alternate version of GH that writer is seeing - one where Morgan is remotely interesting and BC is that good of an actor. Because that shit doesn't ever show up on my TV.
  8. The only reason I can see for them to have to choose between RoHo and SBu is money. And, let's face it, RoHo is one of the last people Frank would cut for money if needed. We'd be saying goodbye to people we actually want to see on our screens first. RoHo, MB, LW, RBu, MSt - all safe.
  9. John is seriously uptight. I can totally understand why he's not into the whole settling down and having a family thing - kids in his house would drive him insane. I did crack up at Bryan's face after the back to back "if you come across a gator, you get what you asked for" and "if you're up late, let me know, because I have a lot of guns" rules. Their mother may have been my favorite this episode. I loved when she got up and went over and stood in a corner when Nikki, John, and Brie were talking about sex. And when the girls insisted on continuing the conversation, she effectively shut it down by talking about her sex life. Honorable mention, though, to John's "I'm a one armed man and she has no neck!" explanation of their sex life. It's kind of hard, though, to reconcile the uptight, formal drawing room, all the men must adjourn to the cigar room after dinner, guy to the guy who makes 12 year old boy jokes about boxes. And, no, Brie, when it comes to tearing up someone's lawn and adding something to their yard for your own use, it's not better to ask forgiveness than permission. They do definitely need to all sit down and talk about Josie, though. The dog has anxiety, and that's a lot of change - the cross country flight, new house, new people, etc. And if Bryan and Brie are tense because they're worried about upsetting John, and John is tense because he has all these extra people and their dog in his space, that's going to stress even a relatively low key pet out. The preview of John teaching Brie to drive stick? That's got disaster written all over it. I'd imagine it's a difficult skill to pick up when you're constantly worried you're going to piss off the person teaching you. When I was in my teens, one of my brother's friends volunteered to teach me. I went with it because he was the single most laid back person I'd ever met. If the worst happened, and I damaged, or even totaled, his car, he would have shrugged it off.
  10. I love this typo, because I can see Morgan being too stupid to do his own collage.
  11. This show has given me an idea. If anything ever happens to incapacitate the owners of the Bulls or Bears, I'm showing up at the hospital and telling everyone I have their POA so I can take over running the team. Who'd ask to actually see something like that, after all?
  12. It'd be rich if Steffy was indignant on Aly's behalf, too. Speaking of Steffy/Aly/Ivy, does Steffy not remember that, not long ago, say, shortly before she got involved with Quinn's son, she was running around getting in the face of someone who she had caused physical harm to, who actually had a valid restraining order against her? But now she thinks she gets to dictate whether Quinn, who has never physically harmed a member of Steffy's family, gets to be around? Bitch, take every single seat. I wish more than Eric would call her entitled ass out on the fact that all of her anger and "fear" is based on her belief that, if not for Quinn, she'd be with Liam now instead of the man she willingly married five minutes after she got a text from Liam blowing her off. Specifically, I wish Wyatt would call her out on it as he's tossing her packed suitcase out on the front lawn. I'm finding that neither Caroline nor Ridge hold any real interest for me apart. Loved them together, but actively loathe Ridge now, while being grossed out by Caroline/Thomas. And, yes, Thomas went from enjoyable with Sasha to skeeving me out again the second he and Caroline shared screen time today.
  13. I'd give anything to see at least one character point out to him that sometimes douchebag behavior is just douchebag behavior, and he can't blame his BPD for everything.
  14. I can't find a single source to back this claim up.
  15. I don't suppose anyone will take my bet that Sonny's pain gets more screen time over a TJ death than TJ's mother gets? Anyone want to bet against that? Anyone? Hello?
  16. Of course she went catatonic. It's what the women do. I'm feeling generous, I'll chip in extra so he can hit Sports Clips and get the hot towel and neck massage. Just cut that shit, Roger.
  17. I'll be shocked if TJ doesn't die. I can picture the story meeting now - "OK, who can we kill off in this big dramatic story? Nobody important, but it will still be super important." "We could bring back the black kid and kill him off." "Perfect!" TRi is way too good for this shit.
  18. As a viewer, I often feel victimized by Morgan's existence? Does that count?
  19. His take on how Claudette/Griffin happened is a bit odd. A woman went to a priest to talk about how unhappy she was in her marriage. The priest counseled her and helped make her better in some way, she was appreciative, so, to celebrate, they fucked? While she was still married? And he's so very "how could they not?" about it, selling it as the natural outcome of encountering someone who needs help who is then appreciative of the help you give them. When he says that he and RP broke a painting and tried their best to mess up the set during the physical confrontation between Nathan and Griffin, all I could picture was Frank muttering "that's coming out of their paychecks."
  20. Think of how convenient that would be when he starts filming in his backyard to save money.
  21. I don't see how any of Eric's family can watch Quinn in his room in today's show and not get that she actually loves the guy.
  22. @ulkis, you're running right out to get that "Why Bryan Craig is Leaving" article, aren't you?
  23. I wouldn't say he's thriving over at B&B. I can't remember the last time he was on screen. I know! I was yelling "well, now your fingerprints are all over the evidence!" at my TV. There are a lot of things I'll put up with, but a stupid Anna is not one of them. She is not that dumb.
  24. This. Quinn needs to go to someone in the hospital's administration, tell them that she is Eric's wife, and that the man keeping her from his bedside is also one of the people who browbeat and harassed him into this medical emergency, so, allowing his vile spawn near the patient, they may be jeopardizing his health.
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