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Everything posted by KerleyQ

  1. Frank could probably spring for some water guns and pay some of the kids in his neighborhood like 5 bucks to stand off camera and keep shooting water at the actors.
  2. I think we all know it's only a matter of time. Sonny will be in danger, and Jason will come riding into the rescue. They'll exchange hugs and deep, meaningful looks, and their reunion will be complete.
  3. T-shirt! If only "explosive" was meant literally... I've only been sporadically watching during the summer, and every single time I see the name Naomi, I'm thinking about Nelle, and then I just get so confused by the context, since Naomi and Nelle obviously have very different story lines and scene partners.
  4. All I can picture in response to her wanting to comfort it back to sleep is her stuffing a pillow over a baby's face because it just won't stop crying.
  5. I can't get over Mo, with, presumably, a straight face, talking about how Julian is a psychopath who would slit Sonny's throat if given a chance. Thank God Sonny isn't like that, right, Mo? It's not like Sonny killed an unarmed man after jonesing for a reason to kill him even though he promised his son he'd leave him alone. I mean, that would make him right in that same league, right? So thank God Sonny never did anything like that. Or, you know, shot an unarmed cop in the chest at point blank range. Nope, not our patron saint, Sonny.
  6. And, if they do get together, five minutes later, the writers will get distracted and bored, and they'll just fizzle out for some new thing.
  7. Although at this hospital, being consistently unprofessional seems to actually be a job requirement most of the time. I have missed a lot over the past few weeks...do I even want to know why in the hell Franco was whining to a picture of a dog? I would think that if Claudette had anyone's kid, it was probably Griffin's. Although it would not surprise me to see her trying to pass said kid off as Nathan's, in order to get at his family money somehow. If the kid shows up in town potted in a plant, though, it's definitely Nathan's. This should be the official tagline of GH. I've noticed in the scenes I've seen of her that, at certain angles, the resemblance is uncanny. They've probably turned a supply closet in the building into the set for someone's apartment. Maybe we'll see a janitor accidentally wandering into the scene to grab a mop bucket. (Frank: "It'll be fine, no one will notice. We can't afford to re-shoot.")
  8. There is some inner perverse part of me that ships Sonny/Nina. I just want to see exactly how bad they would be. I said she'd be carrying that embryo the first time she fainted. I still think it's a distinct possibility. The killer should off Morgan. (Although I suspect that the entire town would secretly be letting out a sigh of relief that they no longer had to tolerate and coddle his tiresome ass.) Somehow, whatever Ava does to his medicine sends him to the hospital. The killer happens past his room while he's on another one of his self indulgent "why does everything bad happen to me??? And why did Kiki leave my side for 2 minutes to pee? Doesn't she know I need her??" whines, and decide to mercy kill him. (I'll just keep telling myself that's what's going to happen, and that's why BryDog needs to unload his Vette right away.)
  9. I just need someone on screen to point out what a whining little hypocrite Steffy is. Unfortunately, our only hope for that is likely if Steffy leaves Wyatt for Liam, and he snap and goes off on how she's no saint. The down side there is that it will just be portrayed as him having sour grapes, not the truth speaking it would be (sour grapes or not).
  10. I so want Hope to come back and be like "I may have my own issues with Quinn, however, my memories of being locked in a gondola while you ushered in a quickie marriage to Liam would like to call bullshit on your status as a poor little victim, Steffy."
  11. This is exactly what I want to see happen. I loved Wyatt/Ivy. It would be so perfect if they ended up together while Steffy ends up with Liam and finds that being with him isn't so exciting when they have no outside drama. Meanwhile, Ivy will be coming into work every day looking completely happy with the guy Steffy failed to fully appreciate.
  12. Does he realize that he makes it sound like he has to pay his bookie or something?
  13. Definitely this. They were so cute and sparkly, and then, on a dime, Ron decided he was no longer interested (because AJ was fat), and he just trashed the shit out of them. It's one of the reasons I loathe the mere idea of Niz. They ruined Liz/Lucky and Liz/AJ for that grossness. And AJ trying to help Liz with Jason's son would have been so much more awesome than Franco doing the same.
  14. As someone who always preferred Lucy/Scott, what's happening with Laura, Kevin, Lucy, and Scott really works for me. I know Laura and Kevin haven't had a ton of build up, but they're a nice mature couple who has been spending time together, are attracted to each other, and have now survived all the Cassadine Island stuff together. It works for me as a later in life love story. And I've always felt like Scott and Lucy were each other's soulmates, in that they get each other, and, no matter how many times they try to stay away from each other, their kind of unconventional love for each other has always been there. I thought LH and JL had chemistry, but Lucy doesn't need to hide any part of who she is with Scott, and she often had to, or at least felt like she had to, with Kevin.
  15. The only way I could legitimately buy her keeping it from him leading to a problem between the two of them is if she loses the baby before she ever tells him she's pregnant, and then she just decides not to tell him, and he finds out on his own. (Oh, who am I kidding? This show would absolutely saddle Liz with the duty of spilling the beans to him, because they cannot just let her get out of that hell.) Otherwise, what's the drama? That she didn't tell him the second she found out because they had so much going on with the malaria issue? The most that is worth is a little hurt feelings that you weren't the first person she told. That's not even actual argument-worthy. Having said that... If they use this to be a ridiculous big argument that leads to Jason having an ill-advised drunken hook up with new girl (whose name escapes me right now), who later is revealed to be Carly's daughter, I wouldn't hate it. I don't know if this show will last long enough for me to get Joss sleeping with Carly and making her head explode, so if new girl ends up being her long lost daughter, and she sleeps with Jason to torment Carly? I'm in.
  16. Since we know this is a show aimed at kids, I don't have too much of a problem with the majority of their relationship happening off camera. A Disney Channel show is never going to heavily focus on the adults' love lives. So, given that, I like that they addressed the elephant in the room of "are you just doing this to make Maya happy?" The actors sold me on their emotions in the wedding, so I'm fine with it. (And I though the wedding was sweet.) As for the Angela angle, I'm admittedly someone who was never a big Angela fan, so maybe that impacts my perception, but, having said that, there is a big difference between being "in love" with your high school/college sweetheart and being "in love" as an adult with the person you want to marry. I don't think it's disrespectful to a teenage romance to, as a 30 something year old say that they've never felt like this about someone, or that they've never been this happy. Because it's just two entirely different things. Also, nobody, in their 30's, as they're about to marry someone, is going to qualify their feelings for the person they're about to marry with "well, except for that person I dated in my high school/college. I really loved them, too, and we were pretty damn happy." And as the person getting married, if my friends or loved ones had said "we're so happy to see her so happy...well, you know, she was this happy with her ex, too, but..." I would have found that so inappropriate and disrespectful. Did I love the guy I dated when I was 17-20? Yes. Were we happy? Yes. But remembrances of that would not have been called for as I was preparing to marry someone else. And with Shawn, Angela was a long time ago. Sure, he was happy then, but Cory and Topanga haven't seen him like that for, what, 15+ years? Loved Feeny being there. Loved his "just go with it," and "I'm many things to many people." "Grandpa!" "No." Loved the Cory/Shawn scenes. That reminded me of Cory and Shawn being so attached at the hip at Cory and Topanga's wedding (I still laugh at "I have to talk to her now"). When Maya stopped Shawn and Katy as they were headed out for their honeymoon, I honestly feared she was going to ask if they were taking her, too. I was relieved that wasn't it, and I do appreciate that the show has made some effort in this episode to establish that they're a couple outside of their love for Maya. They probably should have done that sooner, but at least they addressed it here. Count me in as someone who felt it was missing something without Jack, Eric, or Mr. and Mrs. Matthews there for Shawn. If Feeny could make it in time to perform the ceremony, they (Cory's parents, anyway) had time to get there as well, and I don't buy that they wouldn't be there for him. Loved Topanga's reaction to Ava catching the bouquet. That's two episodes in a row now where Topanga has had those small reaction moments toward the end of the episode that weren't major story points or anything, but just cute/funny character moments. Danielle Fishel is really good at those little moments, so it's nice to see them writing them in for her.
  17. I guess I can kind of be grateful that the show is dead set on making Franco happen, so they probably won't go the route that will make my head explode - seeing a judge decide that Jake is in less danger living with the mob hit man, whose children (and the children of his BFF) have been repeatedly in danger thanks to his lifestyle, and the woman who sat by and watched him being kidnapped when he was a baby. I'm still finding brain fragments here and there from the time a judge decided that a child was safer with a mob employee than his mother, because she was dating a cop.
  18. And the baby will utter some trigger word that puts Jason back under her spell. Bonus points if she sneers derisively every time Sonny's in the room.
  19. I knew he still wanted to do Livvie/Caleb part 415 when he got ME back. I will laugh for days if he actually pulls the trigger on it again. I may have to just keep tweeting him vines of me laughing over and over again. He just cannot let shit die.
  20. Something that interested me in the survey was that Ivy is included in the various questions about all of the cast members. I definitely made sure to check the "would like to see her more" column on her.
  21. If she does, it would be the most interested I've been in watching her for years. Just have her randomly fainting in the background of various scenes.
  22. Absolutely. I don't need to approve of a character's actions to enjoy watching them, and OB is killing it in his scenes. His talent makes you fully believe that Julius is, in fact, that big of a douche bag who would blame the child he created for his cheating. While uncomfortable and anger-inducing, those scenes were still way more entertaining than the entirety of Steffy's run on this show (save the unintentional hilarity of any time Steffy runs). I'm holding out hope that the rest of the Avant family gets wind of how Julius is speaking to his daughter and they rip into him. The scenes will be excellent, I'm sure (save Nicole's end of the bargain), and it is definitely necessary. I'll forgive the writers for having all of his family so easily forgive him (I still hate that "I miss my husband" BS after Julius had done exactly nothing to earn it), if they were simply laying the groundwork for Mama Avant, Maya, Nicole, and Sasha to really tear into him when he shows that he really isn't sorry for a damn thing, and that he still refuses to accept that the person who was wrong here was him - the man who cheated on his wife, fathered a child, forced that child to live her life as his dirty little secret, and now calls her a mistake. When Sasha first told Nicole the truth, it seemed like they were laying the ground work for a complicated "we're rivals, but she's my sister, and that matters" kind of relationship between them. Nicole knowing how her father spoke to Sasha should be part of the build up of that relationship. And a big old "seriously?!??" to the show not having Eric or Brooke there. What the hell?
  23. OK, now I really want this. If she's Carly's secret child, she HAS TO sleep with Jason. I don't care how thinly the story is written to get that to happen, it just has to happen. (They can say that she slept with him some time between dock & roll and AmnesiaBorg. Whenever. Don't care. Just need there to have been sex between Carly's daughter and Jason.) I can never picture Jason as a hugger. It does not compute.
  24. Today's B&B is brought to you by rage. What in the actual fuck is wrong with these writers??
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