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Everything posted by KerleyQ

  1. Hillary has NM. VA tightening. She can still lock it up.
  2. FL is always the last one fully counted. The FL GOP has made it so fucking difficult to vote in the Dem areas of the state that they have people in line for HOURS after the polls close. I was hoping that we wouldn't even need FL, so it wouldn't be necessary to go through the FL roller coaster again.
  3. Less than 1 percent difference in VA right now. Blue counties still to come in.
  4. I just saw that Virginia is back within 1 point. Hopefully she still pulls that out.
  5. I just saw someone say the Detroit Free Press called Michigan for Hillary. Let's pray that holds up.
  6. Yes. Everything he's picked up is on his side of the line in the 538 "Snake" graph.
  7. Right? I'm trying not to even look at it right now. But, it sounds like the areas where she's likely to garner the most votes are the ones that haven't checked in yet (because the GOP in Florida tries to make voting as difficult as possible in those areas). When I saw her with a lead in TX, nearly half the precincts were included. It would be fucking amazing if she takes Texas. I can't even put into words how awesome that would be. Yep. Hillary is likely to do better in the more populated areas, which means that her wins are going to come in later (except for the gimme states like IL, NY, and CA).
  8. I laughed my ass off when I saw that their new "thing" is that Chelsea took money from the CF to pay for her wedding. When that one gets proven completely and utterly false, will they start in on the grandkids next? Will they say Charlotte's buying Girl Scout cookies through the foundation to be the highest seller in her troop? (Side note: It appears that Trump actually did pay for Shithead 1 or Shithead 2's Boy Scout registration fee from the Trump Foundation back in the day.) I'd be willing to bet that, at minimum, Laura voted for Hillary. I think both likely did, but they won't publicly acknowledge it out of respect for the party or something. I'm also willing to bet that both of their girls voted Hillary, as did Barbara. (Barbara loves the Clintons to pieces.)
  9. I think Ivana is still negotiating post-nuptial payoffs to keep quiet during the election. There was this hilarious interview with her earlier, I think possibly even still during the primaries, where the reporter asked her if she thought Donald is a feminist. She answered the question. Then, her spokesperson called the reporter later to change her answer. Then called a little later to change it back. This happened a few times. You could just picture this behind the scenes back and forth "that money isn't in my account yet, now it's going to cost you more," back and forth to get her to give the right answer. I don't know if anything will beat the fact that the only thing Tiffany could come up with to show what a great, loving, involved father he is was that he called her, from across the country, when her friend passed away. The man is flying to 5 states in one day in some instances now, and he couldn't be assed to spend a little in person time with his daughter when she lost someone she cared about. Combined with the one of Eric doing the same to his wife, it makes me think that just maybe the Trump women have been privately expressing their displeasure with the campaign. I would not be remotely shocked to hear that he didn't even vote for anything other than the POTUS race. I wouldn't even be surprised to hear that he crossed off Pence's name on his ballot so that, in his mind, his ballot was one giant love letter to himself. If she's smart, she had that sucker amended in her favor twice recently - when the campaign started, as payment for her standing at his side for the duration, and, again, when the "Grab 'em by the pussy" tape came out. I'm thinking that's why there was a lapse of time between the tape release and her interview with AC. She was making sure the amended prenup was signed, sealed, and delivered before she went out and tried to publicly cover him with her grace. I'm envisioning the party pushing Pence out there to concede for him. That will, of course, be followed by an epic Twitter rant about what a loser Mike Pence is.
  10. While driving a little while ago, the mid-day DJ on a local radio station (a woman) played, in a short time, Roar and Sit Still, Look Pretty. My son said to me "I'm sensing a theme here. I like it."
  11. Ditto. Hell, I'm Native American on one side. As such, I'd like to ask Coulter to get her nasty immigrant (I assume she was born in Hell) ass out of my country. My Mom's a moderately Conservative Catholic. She said "If they'd nominated Kasich, they would have had my vote. Not this." My theory is that he knew the Bridgegate investigation could not go well for him, and Fuckface von Clownstick promised he'd pardon him or something. Am I the only one who thinks that Melania has been subtly trying to subvert this whole mess all along? The plagiarized speech, the Pussy Bow shirt (twice), describing her husband's behavior on social media as what she'd fight as First Lady, essentially telling Anderson Cooper that her husband is a child who was easily manipulated by Billy Bush...
  12. I'm convinced he has some "Trump correction factor" he's adding in to his number after he runs them. Like he's bumping Trump's odds up 5% in each model or something, just to cover all the bases. Decent healthcare and pantsuits?
  13. My favorite part of the whole thing is that when he was pressed on that, Don Jr. tried to claim that he hasn't taken it down because he doesn't delete his tweets. It's a representation of his thoughts in that moment, live, as information was coming in. Because, you know, history books would suffer a great loss if we don't have an accurate record of Donald Trump Jr's every thought in the moment, no matter how wildly inaccurate.
  14. I love how there has been this theme (mostly pushed by his camp) that quoting Trump is somehow a dirty play, or, when done by the media, makes the media biased. It's so absurd. What universe are we even living in now?
  15. I adore the Twin Cities. But, yeah, even with my preference for cool weather, their winter is a bridge too far for me.
  16. Kudos to Scott Clifton for that bored as fuck look on his face as they sat on the couch talking about their "love story." We're all that bored with this ridiculous "I've always loved you" history ignoring bullshit, Scott. I think my favorite line was his "this was always my fantasy." Um, yeah, and those Hope montages you had on the daily while married to Steffy were, what, exactly, Waffles?
  17. I said to my husband the other day "so, Trump got Chachi, and Hillary got the Fonz." That pretty much sums it all up.
  18. Illinois I'd have taken Blagojevich back over either Rauner or Quinn. (But, gun to my head, I voted Quinn. Rauner had the stink of Koch brothers all over him.) We were just up there over the weekend, and I saw way too many Trump/Pence signs for my comfort, along with non-stop Trump ads whenever I watched TV. Is it just the area I was in?
  19. I was on a long weekend trip and didn't see Thursday or Friday. Please, for my sanity, tell me that this is exaggeration, and we really weren't intended to be treated to Waffles instructing every inanimate object in sight to welcome Puffy back to the fold. Please? I hope the sand was still wearing its "Team Hope" t-shirt.
  20. It amazes me that any of them can shut off their soul enough to say "hey this guy we can't trust to run his own Twitter account? You should totally let him control our nuclear arsenal." How do they sleep at night? Even if they don't give two shits about the rest of us, do they not realize that, like the rest of us, they are, in fact, not impervious to nuclear weapons? Absolutely. Reading Gen. Flynn's Twitter account, you start to realize why Trump says he's smarter than the Generals. He's assuming they're all as stupid as General Flynn. I can so easily see Trump (or Don Jr or Kellyanne) RT'ing this proudly, as a sign in support of him. "Look, everyone loves Trump!" I love when they stupidly RT something that is actually a rip on him.
  21. I think that, initially, she stayed with him through the various scandals because she knew a divorce would derail both of their careers (especially hers, politics would be very unkind to a divorced woman whose husband cheated on her). But, I think at some point along the way since then, with his health scare and now their grandchildren, they've settled into the kind of marriage I suspect a lot of grandparents have. It's not fiery and passionate, but it's loving in its way. And you can see how proud he is of what she's doing now. I suspect she appreciates how much he's able to set his ego aside in all of this (a lot of men would not be excited to become the first man to serve as "First Lady," but he embraces it and seems really into it. That may have been enough to undo whatever lingering issues remained for her. I think that's also why Trump's stunt with the women backfired - they're both past it. It's not an issue to them.
  22. My impression, for what it's worth, is that there is mutual affection and respect there. I think that, at this point in life, Bill realizes that she's put up with a lot of shit, and that he may not really deserve the level of grace she's shown him, publicly or privately. I know he's a skilled speaker and all, but I bought his DNC speech. I think that while he clearly strayed over the years, she's the one woman he's always had the highest level of respect for, in terms of her intelligence and her drive.
  23. It's amazing how the Trump/Pence campaign has managed to portray their own qualities as bad qualities that the opposition has. It's so bizarre. Trump's continuing to lump Hillary in as the "wealthy elite" while he, himself, claims to be a billionaire. Then we had Pence at the VP debate repeatedly using "career politicians" as a slur against Clinton/Kaine. Really, Mike? What is it you've been doing for around 30 years now? That nobody calls them out on this shit is one of the many mind-boggling aspects of this campaign.
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