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Everything posted by KerleyQ

  1. I had such second hand embarrassment for her when she said it. Then he said it back, and I thought "well Liam will just say that shit back to anyone won't he?"
  2. I love you's already? What is wrong with the people on this show? And do Ivy and Wyatt have any self-respect?
  3. I just got an image of MSt acting out Nina being eaten by a polar bear. The Soup would have to call it a day after airing that clip. Nothing will ever match it.
  4. Rest in peace, Diem. God bless her friends and family. I know it wasn't rational, but I was really holding out hope she'd get a miracle somehow. it's heartbreaking to see what this disease can do to someone so determined and full of life.
  5. She didn't have to have crypt sex with Sonny, that was her own stupidity. If she can't stop herself from tearing off her clothes and going at it with the Moobster in a fucking crypt, that's on her.
  6. I think it would be hilarious if Sonny says he's going to take the fall for Carly, expecting her to say "oh, no, Sonny, I love you! I can't let you take the blame for me!" and go off all half-cocked trying to implicate herself and save him, and, instead, Carly says "thanks, that'd be great, I need to get out of here."
  7. Pip could run shit. Maybe if Milo takes over and she runs it for him, she could finally find out who killed her son.
  8. The last Michael saw of his apartment was that tape from his parents boning on his sofa. I'd imagine he'd have some concerns about being able to get it up in his apartment right now. (Or he's hired someone to burn the whole damn place down.)
  9. That was basically the impression I had of that whole thing, too. It came across kind of like Dayzee felt like she was special enough to become involved with the Forrester family, but Maya wasn't on her level.
  10. That's Sonny. Because the mess isn't that he killed someone and is facing the consequences. The mess is that he failed to kill more, to cover his tracks for the first murder. It's not wrong that he killed AJ, it's wrong that people insist on holding him accountable for killing AJ.
  11. I assume it will take place on Ron's Twitter account.
  12. Can we get Real Andrews to film for one day so Taggert can stop on down and do a jig outside Sonny's cell? On a related note, Duke, you are the worst. Just the worst. Duke's over the top sucking is one of the reasons I really need Julian to be undercover. I'd love for it to turn out that Duke is going to jail for sticking by Sonny, in his efforts to "get Julian Jerome" and it turns out Julian is one of the good guys. Maybe Julian can join Taggert for that cell-side jig.
  13. What really bugged me was Cris rather flippantly saying that Brandon Marshall "went crazy" in the locker room a few weeks ago. First, we're talking about a guy with an acknowledged mental illness, maybe we can stay away from that term? Second, he's a team leader who is frustrated by the complete lack of effort from the team (the whole team, good Lord, if I see one more tweet or column acting like Cutler is the biggest and most glaring issue this team has...) and he got a little loud in the locker room. No shit. That happens. I'd be far more disturbed if there wasn't anyone on this team getting pissed and telling the whole team that "we need to be better."
  14. I don't know how I never noticed the pictures before. But I read this before watching yesterday's show this morning, and cracked up when I saw them. I was more on Hope's side than Ivy's during their scenes yesterday. First, Ivy went with the whole "you're just like your mother!" line of crap. Bitch, you don't even know her mother. I appreciate that Hope stood up for Brooke this time and made it clear she considers it a compliment. Then, before Hope even said it, I was saying to my TV "have you ever been in love before?" It's not an on/off switch, Ivy. I do think that Hope should have gone with saying that Ivy needs to have empathy, not sympathy for her. There's a difference. She doesn't have to be like "poor widdle Hope, she can't have all the men!" But, understanding that Hope and Liam are going to still have lingering feelings is the way to go here. Ivy's the one who was gung ho for Liam to go on this trip, even not initially fessing up to him that they'd be going with Wyatt and Hope until he dug deeper into her invitation. If you don't like Hope shooting those glances at Liam, why insist on dragging him along on the trip with her and Wyatt? Not that she should have to never do anything or go anywhere with Liam if they're dating, but dragging him along on this work trip, this early into their relationship (and when you know that he and Hope are both still dealing with the rather fresh pain of tanking their relationship), when she's going to have to repeatedly interact with Wyatt and Hope, was just a really bad idea on her part. If she genuinely wanted to have a fun trip with Liam in Amsterdam, she could have arranged to stay a few days after their work stuff was done and had Liam meet her out there for a little vacation. She still gets to spend time with Liam there, and none of them have to deal with the awkwardness of the four of them being in each other's faces. Yes, Hope made her choice, she has a husband and a baby on the way, and Liam is no longer hers to lay claim to. Absolutely. But, it's understandable that she and Liam both still have issues seeing each other with someone else. Side note: I would have died laughing if, when Hope asked if Ivy has ever been in love, Ivy blurted out "yes, I'm in love with Liam!" It wouldn't have surprised me, given this is the girl who had already written to her father all about him before they ever even had a date. She's WAY ahead of him on their relationship timeline, even more than Wyatt was with Hope back right after they met. I feel like we may as well find out that, when Ivy went into the river, she was switched out and replaced by Steffy, who had gotten plastic surgery to look just like her so she could get back into Liam's life without dealing with their baggage.
  15. Why was Maxie wearing what appeared to be her pajama top? I cracked up at Carly, when they were talking of the possibility of Franco killing them all, said "I don't care about Franco, I need to get to my son!" Well, that would be a lot harder to do if Franco kills your stupid ass, honey. I don't like Franco, but I did appreciate him screwing with the minds of his idiot prisoners. Bonus, it required little effort - no need to go to the trouble of making/obtaining a bomb and wiring it up when you can just tell that brain trust that there might very well be a bomb that goes off if they open the door. And Jordan, what are you doing looking to Shawn to come up with the answers to save you all? The man is a buffoon, and you're a supposedly smart and quick-thinking undercover agent. You're really just going to sit there and leave your fate in his hands? Dante, just a thought, but you might want to put your phone on do not disturb and not answer personal calls when you're in the midst of a potentially dangerous situation. "OK, hang on, let's stand down a second here. The wife's on the phone, she might need me to pick up milk and diapers on my way home." Scotty smiling in at Sonny getting his mugshot was the highlight of the episode for me. There was a certain camera angle of Morgan yesterday where he reminded me of Monkey Fist from Kim Possible. I don't know that I'm ever going to be able to unsee it whenever he's on screen now.
  16. It's so disappointing. I had such high hopes that, despite who his parents are, he'd grow up to be Jax's son, a smart business-minded good guy. Rather than watching Kiki and Morgan raise their sister (or sister/daughter), I'd rather see Morgan grab a clue and disown Sonny (again) and have Michael and Morgan living in the Brownstone raising the baby (after they kick Kiki out). Monica can be the baby's honorary grandmother.
  17. While I love Alexis, I don't want Michael to go hang out with anyone who has enabled the mob crew in the (distant or recent) past. The only exception I'm willing to grant there is Dante. Considering that he's angry about Sonny stealing his life with AJ, it makes the most sense, to me, for him to go to the Q's. He may not have much of a relationship with Tracy, but he should go there for Monica.
  18. It will be similar to Quinn being held responsible for Ridge's dunk into the sea, because she showed him the picture of her and Bill in bed. Quinn's done enough crazy to blame her for in other areas, but Ridge's dip into the sea was not a remotely foreseeable outcome of her showing him a picture. I think one of the reasons I liked Hope's statement about needing time to get over her feelings for Liam is because it's the first time she's seemed to be truly honest with herself about her issues here.
  19. Oddly, I didn't have a problem with Hope's saying that she still has feelings for Liam and needs time to feel OK with seeing him with someone else. Yes, she's married and should have moved on, but reality is rarely that clean and neat. If I was in Ivy's shoes, I wouldn't have had a problem with that. Would it feel awkward being around her? Of course, but Hope's feelings are at least understandable there. Now, all the "I don't want Ivy to model!!" bullshit? Yes, that's crap. Have issues seeing the girl with your ex like that, sure (and God knows it goes both ways, Liam isn't thrilled to see Hope and Wyatt together either), but don't try to undermine her at work or deny her opportunities because you aren't over your ex yet.
  20. I've always loved the Olivia/Lulu relationship. Like you said, you don't see that kind of close, genuinely loving and supportive relationship between a MIL/DIL on TV very often. And you get the feeling that, as much as Dante is her son, and she worships the ground he walks on, she'd still call his ass out of he was in the wrong in any conflict Lulu and Dante have. One of the reasons I couldn't watch much of Everybody Loves Raymond was because I have that MIL, and while Olivia has the cooking and the overbearing thing down cold, she's the polar opposite of Marie Barone when it comes to her relationship with her DIL. Basically, any time Olivia isn't in the Sonny apologist role, I like her, to varying degrees. I hope that for all her "that woman has Sonny's baby!" anguish, we get a scene where she reads him for filth for what he's done to Michael. I want everyone in his life, save Carly, to rip Sonny a new one and make it clear they stand with Michael. (I know, I know, Morgan's a lost cause for the time being.)
  21. I'll be happy if he starts it off with "seriously? In the crypt at Michael's father's funeral? That's low even for you." He can follow it up with "have you heard from Kristina? She was here last week to see me. She seems to be doing well." (I still miss my Johnny/Kristina/Ethan trio, dammit!)
  22. Jordan can get in line. Sonny stepping backwards to give his son more room to get between him and the gun pointed at him was priceless, and it really tells you everything you need to know about Sonny. Before that, when they kept panning to Morgan and Dante, BC had an expression on his face not so much like he was in agony over his brother holding their father at gunpoint, but more that he was really bummed that he got to McDonald's 5 minutes too late in the day to get an Egg McMuffin. Since we know that we won't see Sonny and Carly go away for any length of time, the best punishment I can hope for is that they both have to face losing both Michael and Jason - their two most prized possessions.
  23. I hope Carly (and, likely, her now useless mother) plays the "but Joss needs her mother!!!" card, and Michael says "no, her father's on his way to get her, I spoke to Jax already about this." I've been waiting God knows how long for Dante to slap the cuffs on Sonny and read him his rights. I practically needed a cigarette. And, I'll give credit, Mo did make Sonny look like he knew he was losing everything in that moment. Too bad he likely won't, but it was fun for now. And I'll just sit by myself and say that I think BM has WAY more chemistry with BH than KeMo so far. I got polite interaction with the mother of the kid who hurled himself at his legs out of today, and that was it on his end. He gets a light in his eyes with Liz. I still hate that we're likely to get the Liason/JaSam wars part 1,000, but I hold out a tiny hope that Ron sticks with his Caleb/Livvie re-do and leaves NuJason freed up for Liz.
  24. She was already in that mode, though, of him being her replacement Jason. I don't remember when they first had sex, but she knew it was possible with him before she found out he wasn't Jason's twin. Also, by that point, she had the whole angle where she was this "saint" who could "save" him from his background, from his crazy mother, etc. Hell, I'm sure there was at least some element, in her always the victim mind, that Heather was trying to hurt her by taking away the Jason twin thing. Yes, the relationship progressed beyond the point where she knew he wasn't Jason's twin, but I don't think it ever would have if it wasn't for that initial phase where she thought he was while she was going through the forever (or so she thought) loss of Jason in her life.
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