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Everything posted by KerleyQ

  1. If Quinn really wants to make sure Liam stays away from Hope, she could always get him into bed herself.
  2. Brainwashing Sonny? That'd be like sandblasting a soup cracker.
  3. At this point, I assume there's a "Take A Number" dispenser somewhere for villains to wait their turn at kidnapping Robin.
  4. I just had a horrible thought - Ron writing Olivia and Lulu pregnant at the same time. Can't be cancer, Silas would have already detected it. Aplastic anemia it is!
  5. "Nikolas, it's right here, on page 22 of today's script." "OK, fine."
  6. If they write LiLo's pregnancy into the show, I hate to say this, but I wouldn't want it to be a "tock." I always find it sadistic when they make a pregnant actress play out a miscarriage or stillbirth. If they don't want the character to have a baby, then they just shouldn't write the pregnancy in.
  7. Same here. Given her Twitter meltdown over the Ridge recast, I was fully expecting to hate her, but she was the second most likable person in that episode, behind Tyler's wife (third most likable if you count Tyler's son).
  8. You know, Maya's gotten so delusional about this whole thing, I could see her coming home to find it up there and thinking "Awww, Rick put this up here because he sees me as the next Stephanie, the Forrester family matriarch! How sweet!"
  9. I think they would probably go on a case by case basis. If she had no preschool at all, I could see the thought being to start her in kindergarten. But, like you said, Disney show back-story. We've probably already given it more thought than they have.
  10. They also could have the story be that her mother started her a year late for some reason. I get the impression we're supposed to see her mother as kind of flaky, so maybe she just didn't have it all together when it came to "oh, my kid is school age now," and didn't get around to enrolling her until a year too late.
  11. I saw that episode of CWS. He was super creepy. At one point, it seemed like he thought they were going to go full bore with the "wife swap" theme. It was so icky.
  12. "Rick? Why did you bring that big portrait of Stephanie over and hang it on my wall?" "What? Why would I do that?"
  13. I think that thing was written vaguely enough to be about just about any actress on any soap. But, I could see why either BH or KeMo would dread what's coming with Jason, for different reasons. Not saying I'm convinced it's either of them.
  14. I had a similar thought - this will be tied into the big Brooke story line they're talking about. Brooke will develop a relationship with
  15. If the Scrubs popularity was a thing of the past, Ron wouldn't need to essentially build Samtrick on Robin's back. And since we're all but certain that Sam will reunite with Jason once he gets his memory back, this pairing is nothing but plot point. That he's trying to pretend it's anything else is insulting to viewers. He probably thinks that, if he keeps insisting this couple is the real deal, blah blah blah, we'll all be shocked, shocked I tell you, when it ends up exactly where we all see it heading. And this just occurred to me - the blind about an actress who hasn't warmed up to her new leading man - there was some assumption it was RH/Liz not being into BM/Jake or maybe someone at Days, but I wonder if it's KeMo with BM. Some viewers have noticed how hard she's trying to make Samtrick work, maybe she wants to keep working with JT and doesn't want to be paired up with BM for whatever reason? And, like the rest of us, she can see the JaSam writing on the wall, so she's trying to subvert it?
  16. People in PC should probably consider traveling the extra mile for a different hospital if they get sick or injured. Epiphany sends Liz home early to tend to her love life. Sam shows up at the hospital to talk to Patrick about their kiss (and kiss some more) in the middle of his shift (when he acknowledges that he's fairly busy, but he always has time for this). Because, apparently, the only time any of the hospital employees can focus on their love lives is during their shift.
  17. I was thinking the same thing about David Tom. I wouldn't imagine Frank wanting to work with him again. Just my two cents, but I read that spoiler like it's a current Y&R cast member. I realize they said "it's not Michael Muhney" but I took that as an acknowledgement that any rumor about a Y&R actor is almost always guessed to be him, especially if you add in that the actor in question caused a stir on social media. Whoever it is, I hope there's no truth to it or that the actor's interest is not returned by the show, because I'm not remotely interested in yet another stunt-casting "coup." And the odds are overwhelming that they would put the actor in exactly the wrong role.
  18. Ron trying to sell that this crap is Patrick "moving on" is complete BS. This isn't a story line about Patrick moving on, it's about setting up the most awkward conflict possible when Robin returns and Jason gets his memory back. Typical Ron. Kill off a legacy character (one who was just resurrected from his first "death") so you can get one good week out of it several months down the road. Never mind the many relationships you could have explored over the next few years as AJ rejoins his family. Let's kill him so we can do a good week of story about Sonny and Carly.
  19. Just started watching yesterday's show. So, Fluke is talking to Duke and TG is using one of his many lame accents? I guess he's lucky it's Duke, who clearly has lost any semblance of sense, so he probably won't even question why "Luke" is suddenly speaking with some pseudo Euro-trash accent. Also, clearly the wormholes are alive and well.
  20. Every time Maya has one of her "matriarch of the family" delusions, I envision that big picture of Stephanie hopping off the wall and going to make a house call to Maya.
  21. Yeah, I can't see the rebound thing there. From what I recall of their relationship build up, they didn't jump right into bed, they eventually said "I love you" to each other (they did, didn't they?), and it wasn't her jumping from Jason's death right to Silas. And if it's a rebound from McBain, she and McBain never really had a relationship established, and the Silas thing lasted longer. But, they have to plot point the Samtrick stuff to death so that it's oh, so dramatic when she finds out Jason is alive. So, any relationship that came between Jason and Patrick has to be insignificant. It's like a different twist on the whole "I've never loved anyone as much as I love you" line spouted on soaps to current love interests, even when we viewers know damn well that the character has loved a couple people at least that much in the past.
  22. I feel like we're now just biding our time until Olivia encounters him and sees a stone, out in the cold snow. "Why do I keep seeing a cold stone?"
  23. I think Sam and Silas probably had the better build up. With McBain, we had a guy who was last seen happily united with the mother of his child in another town. There wasn't nearly enough build up of why he was suddenly interested in some other woman in a town he popped in to solve a case related to the sister we never knew he had. That drunken kiss on the docks made him look like such a dirtbag.
  24. I'll feel like we got off lucky if we don't end up with Sam pregnant and not sure if Jason or Patrick is the father.
  25. I think that what contributed to the "rushed" feel was that we all knew, from pretty much the moment we knew ME was coming over, that we were going to get Sam/McBain (and, later, that we'd be getting Sam/Silas). When you know that there is almost a 100 percent certainty that two characters will be paired up, it's easy to see every scene as being done in service to them being a couple. It wasn't organic, it was "we're doing this, and we'll pay lip service to the stops along the way, but make no mistake, this is a pairing."
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