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Everything posted by NurseGiGi

  1. NurseGiGi

    S06.E02: JSS

    Very interesting. But you have to promise the unfair wolf will target FPP!
  2. NurseGiGi

    S06.E02: JSS

    I love this post and while I disagree with some of it I think you make some excellent points. You know, when people ask me why I watch a show about zombies I try to explain to them that's it's not the zombies that interest me, it's the people. And your post is a perfect example of why it's the people. Carol was outstanding, I thought. And writers, please, please don't ruin Morgan for me. Or at least redeem him because letting those people go after seeing them hack! living people into bits is pretty unforgivable.
  3. Hell yes. I really hate when people do that. Something else I hate? When someone actually says LOL, lols, or ohemgee. It makes me irrationally angry and maybe even a little stabby.
  4. Yes to this! How stupid that they just wasted that express pass. The VF task seemed pretty straight forward and the other guy could have done it. Plus, why pass up a once in a lifetime opportunity like that?? I would give my right pinky finger to do it. And that country is so beautiful! I actually liked Justin this episode because he finally toned down his OTTness. (yes I know that's not a word) And the Texans need to look at them and learn and then move on to their own race. I hated the focus this episode on their rivalry. Oh, and Denise's reaction to being blessed with a spitting was hilarious. She seemed to be the only one who didn't take it in stride.
  5. How ironic that he gives the TH about saving Abi in 2 TCs. How'd that work out for you, Jeff? I'm sad he's gone, too. I found him very entertaining.
  6. I'm really not liking this twist and hate that one tribe got screwed over like this. I don't enjoy watching one group of people flail and starve.
  7. I just want someone to ask why they thought it would be a good idea for Daryl's hair to be a walking mood ring. It bothers me. A lot.
  8. If you will look up to the very top of TWD forum page you will see a section titled Past Seasons. Click on the one for S5 and you'll find pages and pages and pages.........
  9. I'm late to the party here but wanted to rewatch the episode before commenting. Also, I never watch the episode live anymore because there are so many damn commercials! I don't really have much to add because everyone else has said it better than I could except you all got me thinking about the horn. I was absolutely sure it was the unfair wolves until I saw someone mention that it could be someone in AS trying to signal that they are being attacked. After all, the people left in the town think they're just doing a dry run and wouldn't know they could be attracting all those walkers. I can't wait for next Sunday so I can find out. I really enjoyed the moments of levity that were in this episode, something that I think has been sorely lacking in previous seasons. The exchange between Morgan and Michonne was my favorite and I've already rewatched it several times.
  10. Yes, I don't buy it either. Those same traits that we are seeing on Survivor are still there in every day life it's just that some people are able to hide those things until the right trigger comes up. I've seen her being very nasty to people, mostly to women, and I expect that in bigger doses in real life those characteristics still come through. A few nonstressful lunches won't typically trigger that sort of behavior, either. After her interviews I was willing to give her another chance because I can believe that a torn acl combined with the stresses of Survivor could make you act in a way that you normally wouldn't. But this time around she doesn't have that excuse and she's shown us what she's really like. I really, really regret throwing a vote her way. ETA: Abi is a mean girl of one. On steroids.
  11. A giant cheese wheel. A giant awesome friggin cheese wheel! I vote for a weekly cheese wheel update, also. These writers have to be partaking of Z Weed to come up with an idea like this. No other explanation. ETA: Doc definitely gets the best lines. "There was pie." I really does explain it all, wayne67.
  12. I was sorry to see them go. They were likable and pleasant and seemed to really enjoy the experience.
  13. I'm not minding Team Texas, either. I'm not rooting for them to win, either, but I don't dislike them. Justin would annoy the hell out of me, too, and he's probably much worse than he's been shown. I wanted to like Team Green, too, since they're big fans of the show but Justin should know that being loud and overly obnoxious is not a good strategy. And I can't quite decide if he's being OTT for screen time or if he's just that excited to be playing. I really, really dislike James Earl's mom (can't remember he name right now) but I like him and wish he was racing with someone else. He would probably be my favorite if not for her. Team Cheerleader truly annoyed me when they were hugging and kissing on the local's. I just don't think it's cool to get all up in someone's personal space like that and it seemed to make them uncomfortable. And finally, I don't like God bothering in the race. Just don't like it. Please, guys, don't do that again.
  14. Shane didn't lie to her, he really thought Rick was dead. Shane was visiting Rick in the hospital when the soldiers came and started shooting everyone and if I remember correctly, Rick flat lined during the commotion, Shane listened for breathing and could hear nothing. I don't think Lori ever really believed him, though. You should really rewatch season 1, in order, followed by season 2. On rewatch I always pick up things I previously missed. Oh, and also I think it was in season 2 where they showed the flashback of Shane in the hospital. My kitty came from a person I know who will take in cats in need and this little girl and I just clicked. I knew she had a cold when I got her but had no idea it was so bad. She's back to playing this morning and looks like she feels so much better. It was still a hassle getting her meds in her, though but I'm getting better at it. I've become very attached to her in a short time. I apologize if my post is pretty scattered. I worked 12 hours last night and didn't get much sleep before going in so I'm kinda spent right now.
  15. Nachomama, the kitty has a very, very bad cold and I took her to the vet today. She's already doing better after a shot and some drops but, damn, I had to give her drops in her eyes and nose tonight and some liquid antibotics. Needless to say, the scratches on my arm show that she almost won the fight. Thanks for asking. :)
  16. One of the things I vividly remember from Days Gone By is when Rick makes his way to his house and keeps wondering out loud of it's all a dream. That would be my reaction to the scenes he awakened to. Such a great pilot, probably one of the best TV pilots I've ever seen. I'm catching the marathon, and why, I don't know because I have every season on DVD. I just can't seem to resist, though. Anyway, I just finished watching the first episode of season 2 and it reminded of the muppet recreation of Rick talking on the walkie talkie. I know the scene is supposed to be very moving and all but I laugh every time I see it.
  17. Agree with your whole post except for the part about being back next season. One and done for me. The yacht is dependent on fossil fuel, right? So is their intent to just bob around in that one spot? Confusing.
  18. Ronin Jackson, what an excellent post and expresses my feelings exactly. There are many problems with TWD and each season is always inconsistent. However, those problems will never be fully addressed because, well, money, and I keep coming back because the things I love about it outweigh the things I don't like. I wish some of the show runners would be held accountable for their lack of following up on the concept of Fear. I would love to see a real interview with real questions instead of Chris Hardwick trying to gloss over just how much they missed the mark and disappointed their fans.
  19. Everyone playing Survivor this season probably breathed a sigh of relief when they found out Abi would be there. She's the perfect goat and I'm sorry to say I think she will last a long time for this reason only. She is a horrible player and will never win but she will definitely be there until after the merge because, well, goat. I would think it would be exhausting to be around her all the time on that island. Hey, Shirin. Remember that smug look on your face when you orchestrated Vytas's ouster? Well, you also orchestrated your own early termination this week, too! Of course, this week wiped the smug right off your face.
  20. I think once Abi's feet hit the sand she sinks waist deep into paranoia and it really brings out the ugly in her. It makes her do some really dumb things and she apparently just can't keep her mouth shut which alienates everyone. I was hoping she would come on this season and play smart and maybe show us the nice person that others say she is. But she just can't seem to help it. Having said that it made me uncomfortable seeing the others back in the shelter laughing and making fun of her. I hope Abi remembers how this made her feel because she can be pretty cruel herself.
  21. Yep, I'm terribly disappointed in FTWD and don't think I'll be back next year. I don't hate-watch shows, I just move on. My cat is a she, not a he as I first thought. Which is good since the name she has wound up with is Pinky. Kitty Cat Pinky, actually, to appease both of my grandkids. And I'm afraid she is already very spoiled. Sigh. I have 2 new WD t shirts. One with Herschel's farm on the front, the other with a Top 10 Walker to do list. I would love to have that Michonne bag, though.
  22. I skipped the hospital episode, too! Great minds and all. I rewatched the last episode of season 4 before watching season 5. I still hate FPP.
  23. That would have been very cool, indeed, Jbody and Ghoulina. Makes me wonder how TWD would have turned out with Darabont still heading it.
  24. The AMC exec who said this was talking about TWD, after their hugely successful first season. So, yeah, cheap ass bastards. As I've said before, Fear is nothing but a cash grab and they wanted to make as much money as possible and to hell with the story.
  25. I agree about this article. It brings to mind the story of the AMC exec wondering if we couldn't just hear the zombies instead of showing them. You know, cuz budget. It appears they have managed to do just that in Fear.
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