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Everything posted by NurseGiGi

  1. I can see why Scot got confused about the bags since that's the first time I've seen Blair pick them up. And guess who was running to the mat holding both bags? Yep, Daddy. I'm so glad they're gone, maybe now I can relax and watch the race.
  2. My conclusion after watching these episodes is that it's very scripted and everyone has their roles. Most of our "volunteers" are looking for future reality tv roles or, in Robert's case, a for real acting gig. Poor Jeff, however, is just a walking target and I think would be in real danger if the other inmates were violent offenders. I was really hoping to see a show that was realistic but I guess the liability would be too great a risk. Robert still gives me a creepy vibe, though. Ick.
  3. I would start watching TD again if Michael Rooker became a permanent cohost. I'm disappointed and disenchanted with the show and have been all season. The second half was a definite improvement over the first half but this damn cliffhanger bullshit is just, well, bullshit. And the only way I see a deflating of ego for Gimple and Kirkman is if they have a ratings dip next season. If that happened I would love to see Gimple and Kirkman on TD trying to spin a tale around that one.
  4. Didn't she also tell them in the first episode that she has had extensive Survival training? I seem to recall someone commenting in a TH about her bragging about it but not actually being able to follow through on any of her claims.
  5. I, too, think Alecia was a pretty bad player and hope to never see her again on the show. However, I think she was placed with Brawn because they hoped for some drama (good tv!) and they obviously got it. I'm placing the blame of her being there past the first episode on the Gruesome Twosome because they were complicit in keeping her there even though they knew she couldn't help win challenges. They cut Darren (not sure if that's his name and too lazy to look) for making a simple mistake and this poor decision seemed to irk even Jeff so yeah, they made their bed.
  6. I fully expected to see the teams racing to the mat holding hands and singing Kumbaya. I'm desperately hoping there's a disgusting food task in their future.
  7. I don't watch Big Brother so I'm not familiar at all with Caleb. I have seen Parvati play and I don't care for her at all and hope I don't have to watch people flirting their way through the game. Male or female, makes no difference. I think last season was awesome so I'm expecting this season to have some degree of suckage since Survivor seems to not be able to have back to back good seasons. At least none come to mind recently.
  8. And I made a twitter account just so I could follow Cap'n Tightpants! *hangs head in shame* I've never told that to anyone else in my life. I would love to go to a Comic Con just to see the cast of Firefly. Oh, I almost forgot. This is the TD topic. Um, yeh, I hated Marilyn Manson, too.
  9. Clowns give me an irrational case of the heebie jeebies.
  10. I think I should be awarded Mal and Jayne. I've watched Serenity and Firefly too many times to count plus I own the DVD AND Bluray versions AND I have the special edition of Firefly on DVD. So. Oh, and of course I watched when Jayne was on Castle. I record TD, just in case, but I don't usually watch it. I don't like it anymore but wanted to check out the hot wolf but I didn't really find him very hot. I WILL be watching Mal (ahem, Nathan) and hoping that Chris will keep his mania to a minimum for once.
  11. Well, I had to watch TD just to see the Hot Wolf. Too bad Carrie Underwood was there, too.
  12. I watched the 'Nebraska' episode from Season 2 yesterday. Glen looks like he's about 16. What am I talking about? They all look so healthy and naive, never realizing just exactly how bad things will soon get. Kinda sad, really. Now, that scene of Rick in the bar looking so intense and serious just before the shit hits the fan? I replayed it about 10 times. I was drooling so much I think I got a little dehydrated.
  13. The one thing I liked about the episode was that it was a NEL. I hate to see people eliminated right out of the chute before they've had a chance to get over those beginning of the race jitters. I don't like the gimmick but then I tend to not like gimmicky seasons of TAR or Survivor which I think sets me up for disappointment before the season even begins because I don't see this type of format going away anytime soon. I'm an old fuddy-duddy, I know, but the constant mugging and squealing really got on my nerves. I hope they settle down soon or I'll have to watch the season on mute so that I can at least enjoy the scenery.
  14. I would watch a show with Aubrey and Leslie traveling the roads of LA, stamping out crime wherever they find it. Besides, I think I would watch most anything set in LA. All I have to do is hear that it's in Cajun country and the theme song to "True Blood" pops into my mind. I don't know if the husband was or wasn't involved but it does look hinky for him to show up at an interview with all those lawyers. But, I don't blame him for doing so because the ID channel and The First 48 pop into mind. I would like to see them solve it but I don't know how that will happen since they can't match DNA. I'll tune in if they do another show simply because I grew to like the detectives involved. I didn't care for Rodie at first but I realized this episode that I do find him entertaining in some weird way.
  15. It comes on Tuesday night, tonight, on Discovery at 9pm CST. I think this is the last episode of the series.
  16. I agree with both Jenkins and WQ. I've watched enough ID channel and The First 48 to know that you never, ever say anything! And I would never in a million years take a polygraph. Those things are so undependable and there's a reason they aren't allowed as evidence but on those crime shows if you refuse they automatically think it's suspicious. However, if I could afford a lawyer I would try to help out. That's some interesting information, iluvobx. Everything makes sense now. I wish they had thrown a line in there about their lack of funds back then. I'm sure I'm not the only one thinking they had screwed the pooch during the original investigation. How did you find this information? I'm a terrible googler myself.
  17. I decided to give Colony a try, too, but didn't make the decision until the 3rd (I think) episode so I'm pretty confused. I know there's a resistance to something but don't know what the something is. I'm going to try to catch the first couple episodes so I can decide whether it's worth my time. I'm kind of afraid to get into it after my experience with "V" tv series. Those damn rebels planned and planned and never accomplished a damn thing. When I was just a wee youngster my parents won a console radio/stereo system from the VFW. My father had purchased a ticket from a buddy and forgotten all about it until they got a drunken phone call in the middle of the night. My mother answered the phone and hung up on them thinking it was a prank call. Anyways, I sure wish I had that thing now. It was really nice and I have fond memories of listening to Hermans Hermits and the Beatles on that thing. And pretending I was Diana Ross.
  18. No wonder Rodie wanted to revisit this investigation. Judging from everything I've seen so far the original investigation was bungled from the get go. And only a cursory conversation on the phone with the ex? I'm calling it now. At the end of the investigation we will again see Rodie in his lawn chair telling us how he still doesn't know who killed Eugenie but that he will never give up. Then a fade out to the LA Bayou.
  19. I was just wondering how you and the fam are holding up during the great TN blizzard! kj, I really want that poster!
  20. I know!!! I loved! the Eagles, well, still do. WTH people! And by the way, who would have ever thought Joe Walsh would out live ANYONE in that band!!
  21. I know, me too. It's a very weird feeling and I don't know how to describe it. I listened to a lot of Bowie and I feel like that nostalgia has been yanked out from under my feet.
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