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Bryce Lynch

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Everything posted by Bryce Lynch

  1. I was thinking the same thing. They should have picked Noura because she is crazy and vindictive and they needed to convince her she wasn't on the bottom. There was zero need for Tommy to bring Lauren. I am on the fence about whether they also should have taken Dean instead of Dan. Normally, I would say yes. But, though Dan is very strategic, he is also a vindictive dick and might have been tempted to flip out of spite. Also, Dean is such a pathetic lap dog, that they didn't even need to throw him a bone.
  2. ITA about Dan. What a scumbag! Probably the least cool thing a young man can be is a freaking 4th grade teacher. In my experience mainly only weak, childish men teach elementary school I had to rip my oldest daughter's 5th grade teacher a new one after he tried to punish her for standing up for a classmate he accidentally injured by childishly throwing a ball at kids, without warning, during class. Tommy boasting about being an 4th grade teacher reminds me of Michael Scott telling the woman in the club he was trying to pick up he was a bank teller. because Ryan told him to say he was in finance. I am giving Karishma the benefit of the doubt a little. I think she felt pressured into the marriage by her parents, and felt the marriage lack passion. I don't think meant to insult him by calling him a "roommate" I think is meant, "He is an OK person to live with, but there is no romance." Earlier, she said that her experience on the island made her appreciate him being there for her. I never considered that Elaine might really know what extrapolate means. I can't remember Jeff's exact definition, but it seemed a bit off. Calling Janet's hubby's comment "sexist" is absurd. It is just like Missy and the "damned if you do and damned if you don't" situation she put Probst during the TC she was voted out of. If Janet's husband acknowledges that Janet faced obstacles, in a traditionally male dominated field, because she was a woman it is "sexist", and he doesn't that is also "sexist" As for Kellee, the moves were dumb. But, a player who breaks up a strong alliance by giving her idol to a non-alliance member (who promptly stabs her in the back the next TC), who counts on Noura to keep her dubious plan a secret , and who goes home with TWO idols in her pockets, when her name had been thrown around as a target, is in no position to talk about "dumb moves". She made two of the dumbest moves in Survivor history, back to back weeks.
  3. Dean is the type who would rather be a lackey and get mocked at the "cool kids" table than be liked and valued as a friend at the "nerds" table. He makes me think of Tony Soprano's "Jimmy Smash" story, except he is too clueless to even realize he is being used.
  4. I don't hate Janet. She was put into a very difficult position, and behaved heroically. But, it seems like the despicable behavior of the 2 worthless scumbags who gaslighted her sort of crushed her fighting spirit. But, her working with Dan makes it hard for me to really root for her. If she makes it to FTC, I hope she rips Missy, Elizabeth and Dan new ones. If Dan makes it to FTC (please no!) it will be interesting to see if any of his alliance mates call him out for the derogatory remarks he has been making about the non members.
  5. LOL. And a hard worker. There is something seriously wrong with Noura. I wonder if she usually takes medication that she isn't taking on the island.
  6. I think Tommy was welcoming Dean back as his bitch.
  7. I think delusional Dean just couldn't accept not being one of the "cool kids". It seems like he has spent his life being a sort of mascot to the cool kids, who laugh at him behind his back. He was the talentless, sawed off dweeb on some great HS basketball teams at St. Patrick's. Then he scored a total of 7 points in 4 seasons as a bench warmer, at Columbia.
  8. I think I might be done watching this season. It is no fun watching a bunch of mental defectives and sociopaths make idiotic moves. Dean is a total ass and Noura belongs in a mental institution. Tommy is an arrogant, condescending POS. Based on experience with my kids' teachers, I have found that there is almost always something wrong with male elementary school teachers. Dan is a sexual harasser. Janet has gone from a defender against groping to the groper's best friend. Elaine is the only one left I can stand. Can they try casting a few normal, intelligent human beings?
  9. Karishma didn't need Missy to save her. Missy needed Karishma to save her. If it was follow Missy's obnoxious orders or go home, sure, go along. But, Karishma put herself in a position to decide who went home and she sent Missy's obnoxious, bullying, sexual harassment lying ass home. I'm not sure caving to bullies is always the best Survivor play. If you can usurp the bullies, why not do that?
  10. They are optional, but most people want them, and I'd say very few regret having them.
  11. I haven't seen where Kellee said she was afraid of the backlash. The backlash that Kellee faced was the result of her targeting Missy, not targeting Dan. If Missy hadn't found out from Lauren that Kellee had put her name out, it probably would have been an easy Dan vote. Missy and Elizabeth behaved despicably, but that was on them, not on production. Besides that, if production HAD stepped in and eliminated Dan, without Kellee requesting it, she probably would have faced the same exact backlash (if any) that she would have faced if he was removed on her request. If removing Feely Dan really pissed off enough tribe members to hurt Kellee, she probably would have been blamed for his ejection, even if she didn't request it. There was really no way TPTB could shield Kellee from any possible backlash from ejecting Dan. That said, I don't think there would have been a backlash. Pretty much everyone was ready to vote out Dan, until Missy got it into her head that Kellee was double crossing her and she and Elizabeth executed their diabolical plot to gaslight Janet.
  12. I'm not so sure it was "backlash" as in the tribe turning on her than Kellee feared. It seemed more like she didn't want to lose Dan as a number and weaken her alliance. I have far more sympathy for Kellee than Missy and Elizabeth. Missy and Elizabeth behaved despicably. I think Kellee put pragmatism over doing what what right (at least initially). I am not so much knocking Kellee as defending TPTB. My view is that if the victims won't make make stopping the touching a high priority, why should production step in and make decisions that are against the expressed interests of the victims? These are grown women, not helpless children.
  13. It's worse than just fake looking with Jasmin and Sister Jasmin. It seems like they went out of their way to have surgery to make their faces ugly. Their cheeks and lips are grotesquely misshapen.
  14. Does anyone have any links to interviews where Kellee said she feared backlash. In EW she said: "However, Dan was part of our core alliance and to risk alienating him was to risk my allies and my game. I tried to address the issue and move forward with the game. I can leave this show feeling proud of that." If an alliance is more important to you than stopping inappropriate touching, why should the TPTB see the touching as more important? Kellee individually, and the women in the tribe collectively, had the tools to kick Feely Dan to the curb. Instead, they chose to put strategy first.
  15. Survivor absolutely is supposed to be a loose simulation of being stranded on a deserted island and forming a society. People do stuff on nearly every episode that would get them fired from nearly any job in the real world. Before talking with Missy, Kellee wanted to vote out Missy and keep Dan, because she thought Missy was a bigger threat. She was making a strategic decision to try to increase her chances of winning by getting Missy out. There is zero indication that Kellee feared backlash if she requested Dan be removed. I originally thought that Dan was being kept around as a goat, but over the last couple of episodes, it seems more like people are keeping him as an ally and a vote. But, whether the women kept Dan around as an ally or as a goat, they chose to put a rather marginal possible advantage in the game over fighting inappropriate touching and sexual harassment. IMO, that is on them (and any men who knew) not on TPTB. Kellee could have asked for his removal, which likely would have been done without the other players being told why. She didn't. The members of the tribe, including 8 women and 5 men, could have voted him out. They didn't. Kellee also could have idol'ed him out, but she felt hoarding idols was more important than making sure Feely Dan went home.
  16. I don't like her voice at all. But, that breathy, haunting tone seems to be kind of popular these days, at least based upon what I hear my daughters listen to in the car on trips. She sort of sounds like a much worse version of Lana Del Rey, who she listed as one of her influences. That could be why she made it so far on AI, though I still don't get it. I never found her all that smug on 90DF. She loved her hometown and thought it was the best place in the world and she was a mildly delusional, carried away, young bride, which is kind of par for the course. Her singing bothered me a lot more than her attitude.
  17. LOL. I am old too. I guess maybe I am getting more cynical in my old age. I believe in true love, but I guess I think that even true love is partially motivated by qualities in the other person that you want in your life. I also think that most marriages are not based on love quite a pure as yours is. Financial concerns are a big factor in a lot of people's decisions about who to marry. It is pretty common for women to want to marry successful men or men with potential to earn money. Maybe the Juliana's are just a little less subtle, and perhaps a bit more honest about money being a factor. I think a lot of people convince themselves the pretty girl or wealthy or good looking guy are somehow more virtuous than the the plain looking person of more modest means, because they don't want to feel shallow while they chase money and/or looks.
  18. I think the stain removal and painting for car maintenance, candy and accounting skills are about the purest, least cynical type of exchange in a marriage. My point is that a part of why people get married is that they believe the marriage will benefit them. In the worst cases, it is a gold digger woman and a pervy old man (or vice versa). But, even in the best cases, the ability of the other partner to enhance one's life in various ways always comes into play. That is why I don't judge the a more transactional marriage like Michael and Juliana quite so harshly.
  19. I think there are a lot of possibilities. There hasn't been a lot of loyalty in this season, from Day 1. Now we are getting to the point where players normally focus on the endgame. I could see a lot of the other players, most importantly Janet and Dan seeing Tommy and Lauren as threats and deciding it is time to eliminate them. I think Janet is the other one who most other players would see as a threat. Elaine should be seen as a big threat, but she may be far enough under the radar with her "Aw shucks, I'm just a redneck." act. I don't think anyone would be afraid to sit next to Karishma, Noura, Dean or Dan at FTC.
  20. Does he whip out the credit card after negotiating the price? If he tells them in advance he wanted to pay with a CC they might go along, but they would probably jack up the price 2 or 3%, or give him less on the trade in, to cover their credit card fees. The card points wouldn't be worth the extra costs, though.
  21. I think nearly all relationships, have always had some transactional element to them. In the old days, (and still in some places today) marriages were arranged for the financial on political benefit of families. Even in the purest love relationships, both parties are probably expecting something from the other. Maybe its only "country walks in springtime and a hand to hold when leaves begin to fall", but everyone is looking to get something out of a relationship. Women typically don't fall madly in love with a funny looking guy with no good job or money, and even if they do, they might not marry them. Men don't typically fall in love with women who they aren't in some way attracted to and don't expect sex from. Almost nobody gives no regard whatsoever to how a marriage will affect their financial situation. Prostitution is at the extreme high end of transactional relationship scale Let's call it a 10 If purest, true love is a 1 and the average marriage is a 5, I'd say Michael and Juliana are about a 7 or 8. I think they have some fondness for each other. I also think Juliana would settle for him, even if he offered her less. But, I don't think she'd be marrying him if he had Robert's bank account. On Michael's side, I think he likes buying Juliana stuff and spends more on her than he needs to, to complete the transaction.
  22. I tend to think the opposite. The women all seemed to feel they were able to control the situation and half voted to keep Dan in the game, and, other than Janet, who had been gaslighted, the rest (including Kellee) seemed OK with keeping him around, if it helped their games. It is an extraordinary thing for production to step in and eject a player. Has it ever happened? I remember the tribe basically voting out Brandon Hantz at Probst direction, but he seemed to want out, and there was a vote. Varner went out in a similar manner after outing Zeke. But, I don't recall production ever stepping in and saying, "You are being kicked out for your behavior." Survivor is not supposed to be a simulation of a typical, American workplace. It is supposed to be a simulation of 18 or 20 people being stranded on an island and forming their own society and rules and governing themselves. The women in the tribe outnumbered the men 8 to 5 when the Kellee vote happened. They had MORE direct power than women generally have to deal with a sexual harasser and they chose to keep him in the game. Kellee also apparently declined to pursue a formal complaint that could have gotten Dan ejected, and was originally planning to work with him. I think women should be empowered to stop harassers, and in this case I believe they were so empowered. But, they chose not to use this power to rid themselves of Dan. Given that choice, I don't think TPTB necessarily should have swooped in to "rescue" the women from an inappropriate toucher who they chose to keep around. To the extent this incident at all represents what goes on in the real world, it shows that women need to stand up and stand together against harassment.
  23. Sasha has the vibe of a rotten "Mommy's boyfriend" who resents his GF's child from a prior relationship. But, Dah-veed is HIS son.
  24. While it is possible he intended a double entendre, I took it differently. He loves cars, so a woman who can drive a stick, is "cool" to him. It is kind of like a beautiful woman who loves football. bowling, guns or whatever "guy things" the man is into.
  25. I had no problem with Janet eating. I sort of see things the opposite way. I think sometimes people who have no realistic chance of winning an immunity challenge, compete, rather than eat, out of "cockiness". I think Lauren analyzed the competition pretty well and realized it would come down to Noura and Elizabeth. Janet probably did a similar analysis. Janet read the tribe correctly. It was an "easy" near unanimous vote for Karishma. She, like everyone else, didn't account for Karishma's idol. But, Janet wasn't even the backup plan, as Elizabeth was voted out 7-0 on the re-vote.
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