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Everything posted by idiotwaltz

  1. I feel the same way. I don’t like any of the Lark-centered plots this season. I’m not sure if it’s the actress or I just don’t want to watch potty-training on TV. I never felt this way about Edie on Grandfathered or Hope in Raising Hope. Those shows used their toddler actors better. I liked all the other segments this week, with my favorite being Middle Child Day. Matt being lifted out of the net made me LOL.
  2. Watching Birthright. Enjoying the Hotch/JJ interaction and his acknowledgement that she has to go through the horror of seeing hundreds of victims across her desk, many of whom are her age. Also enjoying: JJ’s shiny hair Prentiss wearing red Reid’s sweater vest The elderly detective on the original case kind of looking a real-life version of Jasper from The Simpsons.
  3. Joan mentioned Colleen was sick, so I guess she stayed home. I laughed quite a few times throughout the episode, and I liked Baked!Sam a lot, especially when everyone was freaking out over Tim’s injury and Sam nonchalently stands up and gives her Thanksgiving speech again. Why is Clementine still having Thanksgiving dinner with them? I thought she and Tyler were divorced?
  4. This was basically Limelight 2.0 except Limelight was better. I have a theory that the writers don't expect the same people watching the show now were watching the show 10 years ago, so they are basically re-packaging old episodes as new episodes and don't count on any current viewers noticing. There was also that episode earlier with the masks that was a retread of About Face. I didn't like this episode. I didn't hate it, I was just bored. I didn't miss Lewis or Reid. I kind of envied them because whatever they were off doing, it must have been more interesting than watching this episode. The cases stopped being realistic years ago, but at least they were engaging. The plot of The Uncanny Valley (lunatic turning people into dolls) is practically in the realm of fantasy, IMO, but the writing sold it and more importantly, it provoked some sort of emotion response, whether it was worry for the diabetic woman's safety or sympathy for the UNSUB. I don't get that with recent episodes anymore, not even the premiere. They're just so ... blah.
  5. Mine too! I liked Simmons’ exasperated eyeroll right before he went after the tattoo parlour guy. I liked the episode, it was an improvement over last week’s. The snakes didn’t bother me but I had to look away during the scenes with the tongue-splitting and whatever you call what the UNSUB was doing to her forearm. I wouldn’t call it torture-porn but it was unsettling, which I supposed is kind of the point, so. I liked that Reid broke the case by noticing the real estate agent signs in the crime scenes, but I do not believe for a minute that any doctor would take orders from a random person just like that, even if that person is an FBI agent. Especially if the FBI are technically only assisting local law enforcement with the investigation. I also liked Garcia’s octopus mug!
  6. I LOLed when the baby turned out to be Cheeto!
  7. Hated it. Hated the COTW, hated Garcia talking to her toys, the whole bunker set up (from the fakest looking fake rock to the ipod broadcasting soothing music and the ridiculously healthy-looking children), hated the cliche ending of all of them piling into the elevator. I rolled my eyes so many times I lost count.
  8. I really liked Elle and Morgan’s friendship in S1, actually. I think they were squabbling in the car in Charm and Harm, and then of course their ill-fated vacation in The Fisher King. (Although I don’t understand why people would spend their time off with co-workers. I get along with mine very well but if I had to spend vacation time with them, I would probably turn into an UNSUB myself.) I also liked Elle and Reid’s friendship. I guess I just really like pre-PTSD!Elle.
  9. I’m glad this show is back! Ive always enjoyed it, even the weaker episodes. Did they SORAS Lark? She was born in the pilot so she should’ve just turned two. The child actress was a bit older, I thought, at least 3 to 3.5. I liked the paci plot the best out of the lot. I hope they find Tank.
  10. I didn't watch any of the Morgan-exit arc, but I, too, was always under the assumption that he and his family moved to Chicago.
  11. I'm pretty sure you took the best thing out of the episode and made it even better!
  12. Maybe because I went in with insanely low expectations, I didn't hate it. I actually paid attention for most of the episode, minus the Garcia drama. I can't stand Morgan's gnome beard. I loved JJ's terse, "He's dead" in response to Alvez' question about where Colby Baylor is now. JJ was so badass back then, without even trying. The lawyer might've been bad but the idiot doctor was so much worse. Hank is really adorable.
  13. I haven't seen this yet but Seriously, is this the same sister whom FFF tried to eat when he was 7? And she still let him near her own son?
  14. The first eight episodes of Season 1 were golden. Years later, the last 5 mins of the S1 finale still slay me.
  15. I didn't dislike this one as much as some of the others above, but yeah, this is one of the weakest episodes yet. Amy and Dina were downright unlikeable. I laughed at the Baby Hitler exchange but it automatically reminded me of a similar joke in Better Off Ted a few years ago.
  16. When your boss says, "I'm impressed with your calm and practical approach with the client," your reply is, "Everything I know about client management, I learned from Criminal Minds."
  17. Yeah, I thought that was weird too. I only ever really re-watch Seasons 2 to 7 and apart from JJ, I don't recall anyone ever calling Reid "Spence." Sometimes the team would call him Spencer but "Spence" really crept up ... last season? (Honestly I don't remember 90% of what happened in Seasons 8 to 12 aside from the prison arc and Entropy.) To be honest, I don't find Matt Simmons any more or less interesting than Stephen Walker. Or Kate Callahan. At least we kind of got to know Blake. I want to like Simmons because I'm glad that there is an Asian in the main cast, but sorry, I got too bored. Cute kids though. I got a good laugh out of the Linda problem, because that's my boss' name. She's not a bank teller. It's good that Reid seems into teaching his seminar but he really needs to shave. As for the case ... I was waiting for my hard disk to defrag during the episode, and I felt more tension about the defragging than the case. Then again, I hadn't backed up my vacation photos, so that may have influenced things.
  18. I cracked up when Glenn was reading the tornado manual. I find this show much more enjoyable when they don't focus on the Jonah/Amy will-they-or-won't-they.
  19. Here I am thinking how happy I would be if my job required me to take 30 days off for every 100 days I worked. Reid really does need a haircut and a shave, stat. I'm not into facial hair. Luckily I'm only into the ladies so it hasn't been a problem for me in real life. I would totally watch a show about what Reid does on his 30 days off. In between lectures he can foster kittens, knit a scarf, play chess with a hobo, etc... and it would probably still be more compelling than the case of the week.
  20. I find Mateo insufferable but I do like his friendship with Cheyenne. I cracked up at the Lego Ninjago line too. Dinah is still my favourite.
  21. I agree with the others above who feel that the Emily-torture scenes were too long. I found themhard too watch. Also, I feel like I've watched this before, both in Minimal Loss (a much better episode) and Lauren, so I wasn't all that engaged. I enjoyed PTSD!Reid but I can't stand men with unkempt hair, so I want to order him to get a haircut and shave immediately. Not a huge fan of Emily's motivational speech at the end and rolled my eyes at everyone's repetition of "wheels up" a bit, but I'm so happy that Hotch found some happiness!
  22. I can see that, actually. But then again, back in Season 6, there was that horrid storyline with Morgan and Ellie Spicer that never got anywhere and basically never happened. So we might get another episode about Reid (two episodes with some focus on Reid, can you imagine? Messer is so generous). But I agree it would not make sense for Reid to adopt the baby if it's not his. I would imagine that it would take some time for Cat's parental rights to be terminated even though there is no doubt they would be, then social services might want to identify the biological father's family, and if no one is willing to take the child, then it goes into foster care until it can be adopted. Even in situations where an infant is placed with a foster family shortly after birth, it could take over a year before the adoption can be finalized. Reid would have to jump through hoops if he really wanted to adopt Cat's baby. IMO, they would not be particularly interesting hoops to watch on TV either. My heart sinks a little at this news. Lucky is one of my favorite episodes ever, and I love, love how they ended it. I have extremely little faith in the current batch of writers so I'm just expecting they botch this entirely.
  23. I assume what Messer means by "fallout" is that there will be one throwaway line in one episode to remind us hey, remember when Reid went to prison that one time? And then it will never be mentioned again until Season 28 or something. I'm so sick of Scratch. I'd like it if he died of dysentery off screen and we never have to hear about him again.
  24. Just watched this again and Elle breaks my heart so much: the way she falls apart, quickly and brutally; Reid's attempt to reach out to her in the hotel room; her fistbump with Morgan. I'm so angry that Hotch and Gideon thought it was a good idea to use her as bait, and at the way Gideon told her off at the end. The local PD reminds me of a non-hilarious version of Amy Santiago from Brooklyn Nine Nine.
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