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  1. I really liked this. I agree that I'm interested in Roxy's abilities too. Hopefully they get a season 2 and can explore it more. I also want to know more about Billy and how he came to Nell. A lot of great acting and lots of fun.
  2. So I really enjoyed this episode and thought it was awesome but I do have one issue! The last time we saw Carson Teva in The Mandalorian season 3, he was stationed with Zeb. Now I'll admit, I'm not exactly sure of the timeline but they're trying to convince me that Carson came to help Hera but Zeb didn't?! Now I need a spin off to explain where Zeb is right now if he didn't come with Carson for this mission
  3. Was that another night? He definitely brought him home drunk & left without staying to watch a movie once but I thought they said that night of the murder, Matt left the bar right after the victim did.
  4. I completely agree with this. I know I gave off lots of "mixed signals" when I was younger because I was honestly too scared to be direct. It can be easier to just try to say the right thing to keep others happy and then take the first easy way out. I'm rooting for Portia! And I find her new hookup friend extremely attractive. I totally get the appeal! Ha!
  5. I was thinking the same about Jack but also during the flashback to what he said to Brady at the bar. Maybe he has given Brady one too many chances but I was really surprised that he was so condescending about "congrats on deciding not to be a drug dealer" and "you turned on your friends when you cooperated with the DEA" or whatever. Also, if the baby is Mark's then maybe his parents might like to know and have involvement in the baby's life! I honestly don't remember if Mel had a good relationship with them or not though
  6. Oh my goodness, yes! I was thinking the exact same thing watching the end of the episode. I think Mel & Jack's characters are made out to be so cutesie (I can't really think of the best word to describe it) that any scene with passion just falls flat.
  7. I've only read the first three books, Francesca has made no impression on me either in the books or so far in the tv series. Any chance you think they will just skip her storyline entirely?
  8. When Carmel is packing her bags she zips up a suitcase then the camera scan out of her room to show Masha walking over. When the camera scans back to Carmel she is zipping a duffle bag. This is why I assumed we entered Mashas hallucination. Am I remembering that scene correctly?
  9. THIS! Plus, by making up the message that their Dad was in trouble it immediately put the girls at odds with the CFM, seeing them as bad for potentially hurting their dad. If the whole point was for Hope to start working with Dad then why not make up a message like "I need your help Hope! I will explain when you get here! Ask the CFM lady in charge to please take you in her helicopter! Or if you have to see what the world is like, your friend Huck will be happy to road trip with you!" I'm glad this show is planned for only two seasons, it makes me more inclined to stick around and see what happens but yeesh, I thought this was pretty terrible.
  10. Lots of interesting discussion about Ben and mental illness. My uncle once burned his house down when he was off his bipolar meds and that wasnt even the most unbelievable thing he has done. I don't think anything Ben did was out of the scope of his diagnosis at all. I was absolutely so sad that Wendy gave him up in the end. Honestly, I expected him to actually "run into traffic" or whatever Wendy said and then she would still feel responsible without giving up on him. I really enjoyed all the scenes of Ben and Wendy together this season when they gave little glimpses into what Wendy was like before. Maybe it's because of the close relationship I have with my own brother. Although she does terrible things I still find myself rooting for Wendy to be and do better. I haven't totally given up on her like I had with Walter White by the end of breaking bad. Also, if Ben took screen time away from Darlene then I'm happy for that! I do want Ruth to get a happily ever after though.
  11. Nope, I agree with you. They certainly care about her but really all they did was talk a big game and actually do nothing. I'm with Ruth, she should be pissed! She was just tortured by the cartel not that long ago and asked to just move on about it and now she's being told to take a beating by some KC mob jerk and do the same thing!
  12. True, there wasn't a scene where Nick and Perez sat down and specifically laid all their plans out to us regarding the chief but they definitely did show them making quick comments to each other that gave the impression that they knew something was going on. Perez would also obviously put away her files quickly when the chief came over. It was in either episode 8 or 9, I can't remember, but it stuck out to me because I assumed pinning the murder on the chief would be Jen's way out. Also Judy had given Nick the file and told him to listen away from the chief so that he couldn't hear his own voice. I think you could also tell by the look on his face during that scene that he wasn't surprised to hear that the chief was dirty but was excited to hear he might finally have the evidence. Anyway, I really liked this season and am excited to see where they go next.
  13. I just watched and you are right. She said that she had his fathers bike in the storage unit but hadn't found time to go dig it out for him. Looks like he decided to go get it himself. I assumed she meant actual bicycle and not motorcycle because her whole point was that he's not driving yet.
  14. Regarding Rachel and her drug problem: didn't she tell Marty back in season 1 that she was in recovery? Am I misremembering? Maybe someone that's watched it more recently can chime in.
  15. I agree. I don't see how Benny being scared or upset when his friend was killed earlier this season or him checking up on her daughter is in any way at odds with him being AI in this show. If something happened to Jo or Mia, I can imagine Piper acting much the same way and searching out Grampa Ed in the aftermath. The only thing that makes this feel like a retcon to me is that if they had been dropping clues about Benny being an AI the whole time, people here would've been calling it out for weeks! Lol! That's the only way I usually pick up on upcoming plot twists- from reading someone much smarter than me figure it out here 🙂
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