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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Well, for all we know Malcolm already told her. It'd further tie her to him, so I wouldn't be surprised if Thea already knew. I wouldn't take two years literally - no one on this show seems to be able to keep their time straight.
  2. Could be, although there's a lot of potential drama to be pulled out of Thea not knowing for a while. But this show doesn't seem to wait on anything, so I guess we'll find out in a couple of months.
  3. Yeah, I was gonna say. Hopefully if she is Donna Troy it's just a name easter egg.
  4. It really is. I'm guessing the beard he had when he was picked up from the island was fake? Now that the jig is up regarding the time he spent on Lian Yu, I hope they don't let his hair grow as long as it was in the pilot. I get keeping it longer, so it's visually easier to tell where we are, but mid-season-2, where he looked like a dirty Tom Brady was perfect IMO. It's starting to get to the point where he'd have to wear it tied back for effective assassining or whatever he's doing for Waller, and I do NOT want.
  5. The "am I more than Oliver's crush" doesn't really make sense however you slice it. I know that we're going to miss a lot of the development of that relationship over the 5-6 month time jump (GRRRR), but Oliver doesn't even ask her out until the premiere, and they break it off by the end of that episode. By the way the producers described Felicity's reaction ("like a date date?") she's surprised he even goes that far. So, at what point has she become so burdened by the idea of being Oliver's "crush" that it actually becomes an identity issue for her? Plus, he told her he loved her. Not, "hey, I like you, hey l think you're great, hey, I'd like to kiss you," but that he loved her. Yeah, she thought it was a ruse, but SA and the producers have all hinted that it wasn't a bait and switch AND they also said that O/F have a real & raw conversation about what they mean to each other. SA even said that declarations were made. So, does Oliver tell her that he cares for her but doesn't reveal the depth of it, or does she not believe him when he does? Because a "crush" is not the terminology I'd use after a "real, raw conversation." SA said during the interviews at Comic Con (wrt the "cavalcade of women is going to stop" and "There's one woman in Oliver's life this year, and that's Felicity) that they were trying to sell some things in the premiere that would ring false if he entered into another relationship or had a fling. I'm sure part of that has to do with believing he can't have a personal life while he's the Arrow, but I wonder if part of that is because he wants to prove to Felicity that his feelings are genuine? He's always really cared about her opinion of him, and I bet it would hurt him if he laid his heart out there and she didn't trust it. Even if they can't be together, I can see him wanting to prove his feelings to her - to put her first and encourage her to be happy. Long-suffering Oliver Queen type things, but with emotional growth and selflessness. So, I just don't see how the "crush" angle comes into play. I really hope it was careless wording. Basically what I'm saying is that I really need to see this ep, immediately if not sooner.
  6. I wonder where Sara is during this Quentin, Laurel, and Nyssa scene. Hopefully she's somewhere still breathing.
  7. And I would pay good money to watch that. I just had to bid on State vs. Queen, haha.
  8. I agree - there are ways to get creative with it without wasting water, and there are ways to disagree with something that don't involve posting (an incorrect) meme about it that puts down the people who did do it.
  9. I think most of them are. The point was to do the ice bucket challenge w/in 24 hours and donate $10 (or more) or don't do it and donate $100 (or more). So on top of being annoyed about Caity's Instagram on general principle, I'm even more annoyed because it's wrong (and I generally hate it when people are condescending towards good-natured charitable campaigns). ETA: Caity has every right to feel how she likes about it, I just...like I wrote above - it's personal for me.
  10. I'm biased because a loved one passed away last year from ALS, and it's one of the most horrifying diseases a person can get, and there's not much awareness around it. Yes, there are people who are participating who are doing it for the wrong reasons and/or doing it without knowing why and not donating, and I agree that the celebrities should mention more about the donation aspect, but clearly the viral campaign is working since ALS charities are reporting receiving 10 times their normal donations this month. Could there be a better way to go about it? Yeah, sure. But I won't complain if that money eventually saves a person from having their body quite literally kill them. It's terrifying.
  11. The digital comics debut in September. The print editions don't come out until October/November.
  12. I'm enjoying the LoA-style hat...subtle, haha Also, excellent sleuthing !
  13. “Yes, he’s the villain-of-the-week for the second week of the show, but you’ll see that Team Arrow’s pursuit of him is part and parcel of a season-long storyline,” executive producer Marc Guggenheim says. So, is this a late announcement and Komodo's the VotW in "Sara" or did MG get his weeks mixed up?
  14. That could be the writer's speculation based on the name change though. When the producers announced that the ep title was "Oracle," a lot of people thought that meant Felicity was going to become Oracle and now that they've changed the name maybe the writer is assuming she's not becoming Oracle when in all likelihood she never was. Since the 'going in a different direction' isn't a quote, we probably shouldn't worry about it too much (although they've definitely given us reason to in the past, haha). ETA: Ooops, looks like I posted at the same time @KenyaJ did!
  15. She's sitting on Emily's lap. It looks like JB's kneeling on the bench behind them.
  16. Judging by the two instances where Felicity's mentioned her mother, I bet she's pretty embarrassed of her and probably of where she came from/her family situation. The "secret" probably has something to do with that. I wonder what brings her mom to town and if she has something on Felicity? Just MHO, but I'd like to see something where her mother comes to town with some kind of low-level ill intent and Oliver goes to visit her (as himself, not the Arrow) and convinces her not to use it, or something along those lines. Felicity's gone to bat for him so many times, it'd be nice to see him do something like that for her.
  17. Well, per the showrunners, "Sara" apparently has another meaning to it (I think it's an acronym for something), so if they don't want to set the precedent of having episodes named after characters, I can see why they wouldn't want to call it "Felicity." But they could've chosen anything that didn't make it seem like she was hatched in a Petri dish.
  18. Yeah, it's from the show's comic, so it's canon, and it is adorable. Shame they didn't do something like this on the show.
  19. I think these are terrible reasons/answers, actually. It's one thing to train them to initiate and/or hold their own in an aggressive fight, it's another to train them to defend themselves. Laurel forgets that she can defend herself when it's convenient to the plot, and we saw Felicity get some training from Digg and some pointers from Sara. Anyone who cares about either one of these women shouldn't want them to be completely defenseless - I mean, I get that context implies "training" to be "preparing them for street fights," but we really do need to see a more proactive approach from all of them regarding Felicity, and to some extent, Laurel. It's all well and good that Oliver likes Felicity to stay out of trouble, but she's been in it more than once and just because he shows her how to trip up an attacker doesn't mean she's going to suit up to raise hell vigilante-style. I'd actually like it if something happened this season where Felicity was able to deter someone physically (by strategically tripping them and/or using some kind of basic self-defense move), and let it out that she took a few self defense classes. I mean, nothing like taking out a member of the LoA or anything, but just...I don't know, putting the hurt on someone's henchman or something. She's savvy - she has to know it would behoove her to learn just a little bit. And it would surprise the hell out of Oliver, which I'm always a fan of.
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