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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I think maybe they're trying to show that she's still not that good with the hand-to-hand fighting - it's easier to swing at people with a heavy object than to land a punch? That's all I got.
  2. That would make sense if Felicity had been privy to the conversation Oliver had with Tatsu about how teaming with Malcolm would cost Oliver the thing most precious to him - she wasn't. So she wasn't aware at the time that Oliver was knowingly sacrificing anything. What he was doing by mansplaining her anger was attempting to invalidate it - it was probably easier for him to think that she was angry that he didn't want to/couldn't be with her than it was to think that she really believed that he had compromised his principles.
  3. I think it's kind of tough these days - the blush is a little heavy, and the clumpy lashes don't help, but HD close-ups do very few people any favors.
  4. I think her makeup is generally pretty, but those eyelashes have got to go. Both here and on Arrow.
  5. I think the camera flashes emphasize the netting and make it not look so good. It looks fine as long as there's not really bright light on it, haha.
  6. I mean, it could've been. But just before that she was happy he was home and told him she fantasized about him coming home and doing things differently (their relationship). If she had just said she didn't want to be a woman he loved that would be one thing, but since she was talking about him teaming up with Malcolm and then went on to point out what Malcolm had done to women he loved, the fact that she phrased what she said in relation to Sara and Thea made me think she wasn't so much talking about not wanting to be loved by him because he was undesirable or unworthy as a partner, but that she didn't want to be loved by him because he was showing through his actions that his love didn't mean very much/made him do questionable things.
  7. But the problem with that talk they had, and what Felicity said, was that it really wasn't at all about their relationship at all. It was about what love means to Oliver, what he does in the name of it. Felicity told Oliver that he was abandoning every principle he claimed to have by teaming up with Malcolm, in order to protect Thea, while turning a blind eye to what Malcolm had done to Thea AND to Sara, both women that Oliver loved. It seemed to me that she was saying "if this is what love makes you do, I don't want to be one of those people you toss away your principles for. If this is what love is to you, I don't want you to love me." I think if she really, really wanted to put an end to that relationship she would've said "I don't love you. And I don't want you to love me." But it's a writing issue too, and like others above have said, Oliver and Felicity can't talk it out or make any progress on that front until May - if even then.
  8. I think that dress is really pretty, as is her hair from what I can see of it, apart from that maybe being a bit too far on the side for a part - it's combover-esque, haha.
  9. Oh, please. Let's review: Oliver asks Felicity out on a date, he finally tells her that MAYBE he can be with her. The restaurant blows up. He tries to push her away immediately, and she puts him off. He tells Diggle, in front of her, that Diggle has a life that Oliver "can't have." He tells Felicity he can't be with her because he can't be Oliver Queen and the Arrow, but OMG don't make him tell her he doesn't love her! They're steady working together, doing fine, when he tells Felicity that he's glad she went through the things she did, because they made her the woman she is today, and she knows how he feels about her! Still can't be Oliver Queen though, sorry. Then he gets pissed off and off kilter when she says she's going to a work dinner with Ray, but he tells Diggle that he made a choice, dude! So did Felicity! He just wants her to be happy and btw Cupid, I know what it's like to want someone and not be able to be with them. You there, Felicity? Good. Listen to this one more time: can't be with ya, sorry! He tells Barry he needs to get over Iris because guys like them don't get the girl, but oh, before he goes off to Ra's he's got to make sure Felicity knows that he loves her...before he walks out. When he comes back? She runs into his arms, cries because she's so happy to see him. Then he tells her he's working with Malcolm Merlyn, something she vehemently insisted he'd never do. Her belief in him is a little shaken. When she gets angry and points that out to him, what does he say? That's not why she's upset, no. She's angry because he didn't come back wanting to be with her AFTER HE TOLD HER HE LOVED HER RIGHT BEFORE HE LEFT. That's how many instances of him dangling a relationship in front of her/letting her know his feelings without doing anything about them/telling her he can't be with her? I can't even be bothered to count at this point. Meanwhile, what has Felicity done apart from be excited about their date, give him time to think about what he was doing, and TELL HIM OUTRIGHT that once he told her it was over? That it was over. And then she stuck to her word. Dignity? Please. If Oliver was so worried about dignity, he should've thought about that before acting like an indecisive asshat.
  10. And that those who are killed off are mostly women, fueling character journeys and angst for men I bolded the point for you, since you seem to have missed it.
  11. Felicity was expressing disappointment in Oliver's life choices - it was Oliver who turned it around and insinuated that she was upset because he didn't want to be with her. So, he indicated a relationship was off the table with that statement alone. Deadshot murdered Andy as a hired hit. If Malcolm killed Sara as part of some League business on high from Ra's, you'd have a point. As such, Deadshot never drugged someone Diggle loved in order to kill someone Diggle loved, so the situations are a little different. Deadshot has earned Diggle's trust - Malcolm? He's done nothing but prove that he can't be trusted.
  12. I think the problem with this show isn't so much that they kill people off to further character journeys and fuel angst, but that killing people off is the only way they further character journeys and (mostly) fuel angst. And that those who are killed off are mostly women, fueling character journeys and angst for men, with the exception of Sara, who was killed (mostly) for Laurel's journey and identity crisis/angst.
  13. ...she didn't? She's still working with him from what little of them we've seen of them together since. She never told him that she didn't want to be his friend or his vigilante-ing partner. She never said he was beyond hope. She merely told him that if he reduces himself to working with Malcolm Merlyn who has done terrible things to women Oliver loves (sara and thea) in order to protect Thea, who Oliver loves, that she doesn't want to be a woman that he loves. Felicity's always been pretty vocal to Oliver when he's doing something she doesn't agree with - how is this any different? She told him she thought he was making a dumbass decision, one that she believed compromised the principles she believed that he had. From what we've seen so far, it was a dumbass decision. His principles seem to be mostly intact though. So far.
  14. For all we know he could tell her he was wrong and he wants to be with her the second he finds out they're dating. I mean, it seems like they aren't together yet, but that doesn't mean that Oliver hasn't thrown his hat in the ring - I don't think Felicity would drop Ray the second Oliver said he wanted to be with her. She probably wouldn't even believe he's serious or that he won't change his mind. Disclaimer: I don't think Oliver will tell Felicity he wants to be with her the second he finds out she and Ray are dating.
  15. I'm sure Oliver will make himself available as a choice at some point after Felicity starts dating Ray.
  16. MG posted on Tumblr that Felicity catches the bouquet at Digg and Lyla's wedding.
  17. I'm not sure why they haven't released the attendees from the cast - since BR is recurring through the end of the year, couldn't they just invite him anyway, regardless of what they may or may not announce? Paleyfest is during the mini hiatus, and all the main characters still seem to be alive after Nanda Parbat, so it's not like they're holding back an announcement because someone is dying before the panel. Maybe it is something to do with Stephen - but since he confirmed that he's not going to Paleyfest because of the con, he must've cleared it through someone first, right?
  18. I think it'd take all of two minutes, if that. Thea goes to Laurel, tells her what's up and gives her a heartfelt apology. Laurel's immediate reaction is forgiveness, then she calls up Nyssa who comes to town and picks Malcolm up for dear ol' dad.
  19. The summary didn't say that Oliver was going to save Malcolm for Thea, it said that because of his love for Thea, Oliver considered saving Malcolm. Which would make sense if he was concerned about Malcolm showing Ra's that video. And Thea doesn't know there's a video, so she could very well turn Malcolm in (at the behest of Laurel, maybe) thinking she's doing the right thing, not knowing that there's incriminating evidence against her. Although, since Ra's already wanted Malcolm because of the Undertaking, once he has him, wouldn't he be as good as dead anyway? He'd have no reason to tell Ra's Thea murdered Sara except for to save his own ass, but would Ra's really let him go for killing 503 people to find out who killed Sara, who he didn't seem to care that much about anyway?
  20. I wonder what "pretty good" is in this instance. Because Laurel SHOULD be pissed that he hid yet ANOTHER thing from her AND that she was right about Malcolm all along and he convinced her not to do away with him or let Nyssa do away with him. I expect her to be compassionate toward Thea since it seems like Thea goes to her voluntarily, and Laurel isn't a monster, so she'll realize Thea wasn't responsible for what she did. If she's even remotely nice to Oliver about it, man...I don't know. If she thanks him from keeping her from killing Malcolm when she had a chance or something like that...naw.
  21. I think so too. The only interaction I've really liked with them all season was their helicopter talk - and I think that's because it was the only one that didn't have weird romantic undertones or involve him pursuing her in professional/unprofessional ways. I think another thing that would've helped is if they hadn't made Ray's whole thing about wanting to suit up about his ex. It's noble and all, but he's not even a year out of losing someone he thought was the love of his life - and it's fine to move on, that's a good, healthy thing, but just before Christmas he was still feeling guilty for kissing Felicity and now he's kind of forgotten about Anna and is doing this thing to protect her? It's just too much. Oh, what could've been. I miss the summer before we knew of all of this and we were excited at the prospect of Felicity having someone woo her and love her and ugh...if I only knew then what I know now...
  22. This is actually the only thing I don't have a problem with with regard to this convoluted storyline. Malcolm could have any number of copies of that video on random USBs hidden in random locations - there's no way they could ever be sure they had destroyed every single copy of it. I'm sure that's not the reason why Felicity hasn't tried though - I'm sure she's just being plot stupid.
  23. So, Laurel and Thea turn Malcolm over to Ra's without running this by Oliver first (of course, because otherwise he'd be able to tell them why they can't do that - hello, video), and they must tell Ra's (or Nyssa, I guess, if she's the intermediary) that Malcolm killed Sara himself to keep Thea out of it, because neither one of them know about the video. Then Oliver has to go to Nanda Parbat to get Malcolm on the off chance that Malcolm will be shitty enough to show Ra's the video of a drugged-up Thea shooting Sara full of arrows (because let's face it, he probably is). Even though Ra's is surely smart enough to wonder how it got caught on video since someone would've had to have been standing there to do it - because surely he wouldn't believe Thea was dumb enough to videotape such a thing herself? The stupid might actually hurt me. Like...physical pain. She doesn't know about Thea or Malcolm. Oliver's kept all of it from her and asked Thea to do the same.
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