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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Probably because he's got her wired. He knew so much shit about all of them and what they did that while I was creeped out, it was almost a relief that he wasn't just a creepy phone pinger and surveiller when it came to Felicity? What are my standards coming to?
  2. I don't either, but who is paying those bills, man?
  3. I kind of had a rage blackout during this scene, but did Lyla quit her job so Diggle could stay with Team Arrow, which, for the record, does not even pay? Ray has J.E.R.V.U.S tho I'm laughing that we spent so many comments trying to figure out how Ray knew Oliver was the Arrow and no one guessed that he had facial recognition. BECAUSE OF COURSE HE DOES.
  4. Yeah, that's what's bothering me the most here. She went back to him like nothing happened. I'm glad he apologized, but they needed to work some shit out.
  5. Well, now we know why the timeline is messed up, and why Ray's in the hospital. Taking an arrow for his untrustworthy laaaaaaady
  6. The only part I liked was Oliver shutting down Ray's suit in 2.5 seconds flat.
  7. Removed because it's a spoiler, sorry! I blanked out - thought it was part of the episode.
  8. Huh. I need to go to more weddings! Although usually I'd be at the bar getting myself nice and situated while people were taking photos. I figure Diggle and Lyla wouldn't be worried about superstition, it just seemed a bit odd to me.
  9. All of the weddings I've been to have had photos taken after, because of the whole "bad luck to see the bride before the wedding" thing. Unless he meant groomsmen photos, in which case couldn't they just get them after the ceremony when Diggle and Lyla would have theirs taken? Also, why do I care?
  10. Back on topic regarding the sneak peek: is it a thing now to have photos before the wedding? Or is that something people only do in Starling City?
  11. Well, didn't they set up that he had all access to the mayor because he was giving the SCPD money or donating equipment or something? So that I believe - money can get you pretty much anywhere. Except for on the podium with the mayor, the police captain and an ADA. So yeah. He's there because he gave hefty amounts of cash to the P.L.O.T. Device fund. He's its #1 donor!
  12. "Ask me on the beach." I would not be able to handle it.
  13. Excuse you, he is a CITY LEADER. so yes haha
  14. Crack shipper Trollenheim second wedding of the season buy-in theory: Diggle mentioning how he and Lyla first got married in an ATV = foreshadowing for Felicity and Oliver getting last-minute hitched on the Arrowplane to Nanda Parbat.
  15. LOL, what exactly is Ray doing for the mayor's office that he gets to stand on the podium at a press conference? This show, I swear.
  16. I'd just be disappointed since I don't care about Laurel at all therefore I don't care about whatever insight KC has to offer about the show and Laurel's part in it, so it would be irritating to have to sit through that. Is there a way to know beforehand? I mean, I'll still go, I just want to know what I'm getting into.
  17. I bought tickets for his panel at WW Philly and there wasn't anything indicating KC would be on the panel with him. I really hope not.
  18. I don't think SA meant that Oliver is completely happy that the woman he loves is off with some other guy, but he wants her to be happy, so he's content that she's found that happiness. I think it kills Oliver that he's not the one having that life with her. Which is why hopefully that gives him the kick in the pants he needs to realize he can have that and then open himself up to it so Ray can just rocket off into the sun/his spinoff. If this thing lasts into the hiatus it'll kind of make me crazy, but on the other hand at least I won't have to get all the scenes between O/F that I'd like to see from reading a comic. Although, if O/F are just a constant will they/won't they, and they don't get to be happy at any point sometime soon, I'll probably lose interest. Well, I'll hopefully lose interest. That would make things easier, haha.
  19. Oh, haha. Yeah, maybe he takes off? Or maybe Cisco and Joe take him back with them (this is their crossover, right?) and he escapes?
  20. Don't they go to Central City in the Flash ep right before 3x19?
  21. True. I'm really curious if they're going to have him be magically good and perfect at this like they have everything else, or if putting the suit into practice is going to be where he finally stumbles. Ray's got lasers and rockets and shit, so theoretically Oliver shouldn't be able to best him in a fight, but I'm guessing (or, really, hoping) he will, since so far we've seen that experience matters more than "powers," like when Oliver managed to "beat" Barry. I really want him to win by exploiting a weakness in that suit. As for Oliver's objections to Ray's insta-vigilanteing, I'm hoping that this is a scenario where he's going to be right, and that Ray will be somewhat humbled (<---LMAO, I KNOW) by a mistake or two and then goes off to Central City to get things straight with the suit. Seems like Ray's superhero "journey" is going to be relatively short like Laurel's, with him trying out the suit tonight, going to get it fixed in CC, and then having his little crisis in 3x19 which must come from losing to Deathbolt at the beginning of the ep and then winning by the end? He'll save Felicity or whatever and realize yeah, he really can do this? Or does more come after that when the gang is NP?
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