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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. 1x18 airs after 3x18, even though 1x18 happens before 3x18 time-wise. Not sure how much sense it'll make because it seems like 3x18 picks up where 3x17 left off, so it's not like they had time for a trip to CC in there.
  2. Not sure I want that, honestly. They said they took a long look at what didn't work last season, and look at where that got us, haha.
  3. Yeah, I've seen so many complaints that the relationship just doesn't work as a romance, and it's like...how do you even know? They haven't been IN a romantic relationship. The problem isn't putting them together, it's keeping them apart. I hope they just put them together next season and let the relationship live out however long it does, because IMO they've gone too far in to make it a will they/won't they kind of thing at this point. Oliver has already told her he flat-out loves her. He tied the return of his humanity to meeting her. There's only so much more mileage they can get out of keeping them apart (and by that I mean no mileage, because we're not even to the end of them BEING apart and it's already tiresome).
  4. I didn't think that he would out himself, I thought Quentin would out him once he found out he was the Arrow.
  5. Well, Stephen did tweet (or Facebook, I can't remember) that he felt like he was on the Walking Dead set, so...
  6. Since MG mentioned the Omega virus in a tweet right about the time that he tweeted that he finished 3x23, I wouldn't be surprised if Oliver managed to save the city from the virus, and got a pardon that way. Or something.
  7. I won't watch it regardless - I'm really wary of these show runners at the moment; I'm hesitant to get invested in any of their other work.
  8. I think she's supposed to go far for him in 3x19. Seems to me like the whole pursuit of the Arrow by the SCPD has to be tied up soon because I can't imagine that Quentin would take off to Central City while the Arrow's still on the loose?
  9. Since Ra's is kidnapping Quentin this week, he must tell him that Oliver is the Arrow. I think he's got to lay low because he's wanted as Oliver Queen and as the Arrow. I would be legit surprised if Ra's doesn't tell Quentin - otherwise what's the point of kidnapping him? Really, what's the point of kidnapping him at all, since he could just pull a Slade and release Oliver's name. So complicated with these villains.
  10. I think he's taken into custody only because of the pics with Diggle and Roy (and another with Felicity) in what looks to be an interrogation room in the BTS stills for 3x18. It could be someone else for sure. I'm not sure how Roy in the Arrow suit would figure in if that happened, unless it's a rehash of S1 where Oliver's taken in and Arrow is still out running around.
  11. I think Laurel's going to break him out (or let him out, I guess), and that's why he's going to be sidelined in 3x19 - why Felicity's going to insist he stay hidden, because he broke (or was broken) out of jail.
  12. No, but knowing the way things go on this show, we probably won't find out what this version of the LP can do until it's already been done to someone.
  13. ^I agree. My perception is cloudy here because normally I would say yes. Train, train, train, prepare yourself up to your eyeballs. But because I don't really want to watch Laurel get that training, I don't really care if she has it. I'm willing to watch her be insta-good if it means I don't have to have storylines focused on her taking her lumps. This last ep was a perfect example. She has her cast and Oliver brought it up so we know she's been working with Nyssa. If they want to get her all buckled up and part of the storyline without showing me the other parts, I'm 100% good with it.
  14. I don't know, but Quentin's going to find out that Oliver is the Arrow this ep, since this is when Ra's kidnaps him. I wonder if this is also the ep when he makes his way down to the foundry? That could blow up the show - they wouldn't have that home base anymore. It's one thing when every villain from here to kingdom come knows where your hideout is, but another when the cops do. That could be it. Not sure Oliver would be able to come back to Starling -that's where I'm scratching my head, because what, is everyone just going to up and relocate? Is Oliver going to go on the run next season while the others stay in town and fight crime? No thank you. Maybe it is just as simple as the foundry being located by law enforcement and Quentin finding out that Oliver is the Arrow. Not sure - they also killed off Bronze Tiger in the comics, so it seems like a movie thing, not a specific character thing. I think maybe Waller's storyline is going to be tied up this year, and next year Oliver's going to get in with HIVE or get in with Lt. Shreive (unless he got killed off and/or something happened with his storyline and I missed it - I don't pay too close attention to flashbacks, haha).
  15. It's interesting that while yeah, there's the murdering going on, even without that everyone's doing illegal things. Quentin's whole deal was that he knew vigilantism was wrong and he was wrong to get into bed with the Arrow, and yet he knows the identities of THREE people involved and Oliver's the only one he's going after/shooting to kill? I'd take this more seriously if he at least arrested Roy, Felicity and Laurel, even if he didn't make anything stick there.
  16. Yeah, I know, I just...she's pretty competent for what she does for the most part, isn't she? She can hold her own well enough, apart from the times she's blatantly needed to be rescued in order to remind us that she still needs work - she hasn't gotten herself nearly killed in a while. Progress!
  17. I mean, it could be. But it looks to me like the police station, and it seems to have the same lighting as the photo with Diggle and Roy, which also seems to be the police station. Given that it seems DC made Arrow kill off Deadshot because of the Suicide Squad movie, I'm guessing Waller's role next year is probably going to be very minimal, if she's involved at all. I think the game-changing things will be Oliver being outed, and joining the League.
  18. Well, it seems like she's not really hesitating so much as not doing it very fluidly. Oliver and Roy just hoist themselves up over the barrier, and it looks like she's got to climb it. Once she does she seems to jump off pretty easily.
  19. Well, we know from the stills that are released that she gets out of the hospital at least once, because she was in the police station (visiting an arrested Oliver, I assume).
  20. I think it's impossible to be "fully trained" before going out and being a masked vigilante. There are always things you can only learn on the job. I do think Laurel went out too quickly and that she's still a liability to the people who are out with her, but they're not concerned enough about it to leave her behind, so I'm not gonna be. Of course, plot dictates it, but...y'know.
  21. What? This Black Canary has been in the field for a month or two - and yeah, it's pretty daring to jump out of a window and onto a rope dangling from a helicopter, but it's another thing to stand at the edge of a ledge and consider jumping and landing on a concrete surface. She probably hasn't done too much of that.
  22. It's probably her stunt double, but she looks about how I'd think a person who's just getting used to being pursued would look getting ready to jump off something high.
  23. As of now, just Central City. Intriguing as the idea may be (even though it would be a huge mess), I don't think time travel is going to be a thing on Arrow.
  24. I don't know, you can tell that she realized she misspoke about being the "first/only superhero" or whatever she said. And looking at it on a superficial level, since she's talking herself and her character up, Black Canary is traditionally considered a superhero, so since she's Black Canary (regardless of what stage of training she's in) now, she's considering herself a superhero. I don't think there's anything wrong with what she said, really.
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