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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I don't think she knows a thing about writing, but I think it's difficult to argue that she knows how to keep her audience engaged. Those are two separate things. But this isn't about her, since she's not the author who wrote those blogs about Arrow. I just don't think Jennifer Crusie's opinion can be dismissed as badly written at all. She probably gave more thought about Arrow and its plotting than anyone on the writing staff ever did, haha.
  2. So? People who write bestselling books have some idea of what stories sell since they're, you know, selling them. Cruise wrote well thought-out criticisms about the way the plots were being written and why they weren't working as well as they could. Presumably she knows something about plotting and engagement, even if you don't like what she's plotting and engaging people with.
  3. Haha, it was pretty good. About half of it is the conversation that panel is a part of.
  4. I think that's kind of what that person was going for by tagging him though. Calling people out who tag you in their tweets is giving them exactly what they're asking for, haha.
  5. That isn't ever going to stop though. Not ever. Especially if he keeps getting roles based on cartoons/comics where people go in with certain expectations. Personally, I think it's counterproductive to engage people like that, but I don't blame him for being hurt by it. Especially since he seems to want to be a star so badly, and this is his big movie break. I mean, if he's going to slip, I'd rather him spend all day responding to nasty tweets rather than slut shaming people's daughters on Facebook in the same post where he complains about how difficult it is to have a daughter, haha. It's just that for his own well being, he needs to learn to let it go.
  6. I mean, I do enjoy that he is uncensored and that his social media is run by him. I really would't want that to change, even though he does occasionally say the problematic/sexist thing. Someone on his team has to have told him to ignore Twitter/FB hate, he just needs to listen to them.
  7. Oh no, I get that it would be a difficult thing to read. It's just that people aren't going to ever stop tweeting nasty things at him, and it will get worse when the movie comes out. He just has to ignore those people and not respond, because responding just makes it worse, because they know he sees it and it gets to him.
  8. The funny thing is that the tweet wasn't really all that insulting. She didn't say SA would make a shitty Casey Jones or that he shouldn't have been cast or that he couldn't act (maybe she's said it before, but she didn't say it in that tweet), just that in her mind someone else would've been perfect. It's like, of all the things to respond to, he chose that? What a waste, haha.
  9. Yeah, it'd be different if he used the guy for some kind of publicity, but it seems like SA reached out to him privately, and the guy is the one who brought it up, so...unless Morrigan2575 meant something else by that.
  10. What was there to take lying down? All that person wrote was that she thought someone else would be better in the role. It'd be one thing if he responded to someone who expressed their opinion that he was a shitty actor or couldn't pull it off or whatever (which would've still been stupid IMO). There isn't anything wrong with him responding, it just is and always will be a pointless waste of time to respond to people who are trying to get a response out of him. He's playing right into those people's hands, and they're not ever going to go away, so he should get in the habit of ignoring it. I wonder how he's going to deal with people hating on his Casey Jones after the movie comes out? Because it will happen. Is he going to retweet negative reviews with a nasty comment? Ahahaha, I can't wait.
  11. It's not that I think what he wrote is bad, it's just never going to get him anywhere. People are going to hate on him for as long as he's getting work (and probably after, for the work he did get), and it's just not worth bringing any attention to - he ends up looking worse in these situations. Especially since that person now knows that they can get him to respond, so they're going to keep trying. As are other people who want to get a rise out of him. I like to live by the immortal words of Ice T: Have a great day, and make your haters sick. (no Twitter replies necessary)
  12. I know that on twitter, people who have verified accounts get an @ reply when just their name is mentioned, so I don't think much of him responding to tweets where he isn't tagged, but I just think it's a bad idea to respond to people who are obviously trying to get under your skin.
  13. Yeah, but he doesn't know that she's lying, unless he took the time took at her accounts. He saw someone talking shit about him and responded. He's an off-the-cuff guy, which does entertain me, but nothing good is ever going to come from responding to those people (and it does make him look bad). If he's gonna do anything, he should favorite those tweets, haha.
  14. I wondered if he contacted that guy when he went to the Jays game, and I'm glad to see that he did. He really is very good to his fans. He also really needs to learn how to ignore tweets like the first one.
  15. I think the only reason why Nyssa was on Lian Yu was so that Ra's could tell Quentin that Nyssa found her there so Quentin could get upset at Oliver for never telling him that Sara actually made it to the island.
  16. I don't think they'll be able to resist temptation at all, but I don't think the change in timeline will be permanent. I think it would happen in an ep near the launch of LoT and they'll lead us to believe it's permanent in a cliffhanger-like manner, but things will go back to the way they were.
  17. I actually don't think LoT will be that much of an issue. Since they're traveling through time to stop Vandal Savage, seems like they could stop whatever future event they're trying to prevent without any effect at all (obviously, since it's in the future), and if they travel back in time, then they'll stop whatever threat was going to mess things up and then the timeline continues as it already did. There could be an ep or two where they get a taste of what would've happened if they hadn't succeeded, and then somehow figure out how to right the timeline. I think The Flash is the main issue, but the easiest explanation for that is the Arrow people are mostly unaffected by timeline shifts since they're ignorant to the fact that time has changed and make the same decisions they already did. The original Flash timeline was already messed up (since Barry becoming The Flash was supposed to happen later), and nothing happened to the Arrow timeline, apart from Barry becoming part of it. Whatever multiverses Barry spawned in the finale of The Flash can be dealt with over there (again, since people on Arrow would still be on their main timeline and ignorant of the others), although I suppose it could be played for laughs it the timelines somehow blur, like with two Barrys showing up in Starling or whatever. Not that the EPs will necessarily handle it that well, but I don't think it has to be an issue.
  18. I wonder if the time/timeline Arrow's in is the sort of placeholder for the LoT characters? A marker in time that they start from before they travel to wherever to do whatever? Then they can just go back for crossovers and whatnot. And with The Flash's multiverse whatever going on, perhaps the focus will still be on the secondary timeline that we've been watching all year? So, the time traveling and multiverses will take place outside of the main timeline, which is the one the people in Starling City are living in?
  19. If they did something like that, they should prepare themselves for Arrow to take a major ratings dive. Nothing would piss people off more than to find out that three years worth of investment in characters and (good or bad) storyline have been erased, especially when the idea of time travel hasn't even been mentioned on Arrow. There are ways of dealing with time travel in the Arrow verse. The Arrow we're watching can exist in its own timeline that is unaltered by events of other timelines, or our characters can be aware of timeline shifts (in the event of crossovers into other timelines). Or the EPs could just ignore the fact that there are other timelines happening in the universe. Given the fact that Oliver and Felicity return from their road trip in the premiere (based on what tidbits we've gotten in interviews), the road trip still happened despite the singularity over in Central City, so I'm guessing multiple timelines aren't going to be an issue here. I suppose they could introduce time travel in the middle of the season, but I'm not too worried about it.
  20. There was a reason for Oliver not to tell Felicity about the plan though (even though it was, indeed, shitty) - Slade had them bugged. I mean, yeah, it also served to trick the audience, but there was in-show reasoning for it, since Slade had already managed to intercept the cure from the STAR Labs guy by bugging Felicity's phone.
  21. Since MG just recently spoke about how much mileage they (the writers) get out of Oliver having his head up his ass, I'm not sure that's anything that's going to change anytime soon.
  22. Well, yeah. Kinda. It really wasn't the best narrative idea to have her be so angry and mean to a guy who we were watching lose everything week by week. She had every right to be angry and mean, but it felt like too much (IMO) to show the anger alongside Oliver being broken down on Lian Yu. My rational mind, of course, knew that she was ignorant of everything he'd been through, but every time she'd get angry with him I'd think, "Lay off, this dude was tortured, god." Not sure how it could've been done any differently. Maybe if they'd had her be angry and at the same time curious and somewhat sympathetic to what had happened to him? IDK.
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