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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I agree. I don't know how they do it. They really are incredibly special people.
  2. It really bothers me that Stardust paints his ears black. IDK why.
  3. I think he said he asked for the, "I'm done chasing after you," to be added. IDK if "I've loved you half my life" was originally in the script or not.
  4. She probably thought that Oliver being with Felicity would be bad for HER, haha.
  5. To be fair to Sara (to whatever extent you can be fair to someone who is actively cheating with her sister's boyfriend), she wasn't objecting to the number because she thought there was something wrong with it generally speaking, she was objecting to the number because her sister was stupidly thinking she was going to settle down with someone like that.
  6. I cannot imagine the Queens and the Merlyns sending their children to public school.
  7. The buckles are there, they just aren't very noticeable.
  8. I know they do. I was expressing my opinion that I think they're wrong, and their characters suffer for it.
  9. No one needs an "island." No one needs to be beat all to hell to become a hero. All they need is a good enough reason to want to put on a ridiculous suit and try to help their fellow people. Laurel went through her "island," but it wasn't anything that would make her want to do that. When she finally suited up, her reasoning was some nonsensical combination of "it makes the pain go away," "I wanted to help this one abused woman," "I was always head for a mask" or whatever in the hell she said, and "Oliver is dead and the team is gone, and I'm going to do this in their absence." And the ridiculous thing about it was that they had every opportunity to give her a reason to do it when she was with CNRI. They should've had her get super emotionally involved with her clients, watch them get beat down by the system, and want to go outside of it to help them. Why they didn't, I'll never understand. That would've made it pretty easy to root for her. Doesn't matter anyway, what's done is done.
  10. If he proposes in the winter finale, then I'm guessing we're in for a breakup - Felicity would probably say no (I'd guess it would be because of daddy issues, IDK).
  11. There was a guy on a pod cast that I watched a while ago - I can't find the guy's name or the pod cast - but he was hired by DC to create concept drawings of a lot of the costumes on Arrow. The costume designer would then bring those concept drawings to life. I'm not sure if it still works like that, or if the same guy is still providing the concept drawings, but that's how it worked during S1 and S2 (the guy was interviewed toward the end of S2). The person who is ultimately to blame is the one who okayed it. Anyone can provide input and throw something against the wall, but the person with final approval (Berlanti? IDK) is the one who lets it stick.
  12. I don't think Sara was acknowledging any love there. I'm 99% sure she was being sarcastic.
  13. Yep. And it involved one of my favorite things that Oliver has ever, ever said on the show. Mei: "How do you know my sister?" Oliver: "Medical school." Mei: "She never mentioned any American friends. You are American, right?" Oliver: "I dropped out...of medical school, not America."
  14. Laurel and Oliver were such tacky bitches with that window scene. I know it was a plot device, but yuck.
  15. I'm not TOO picky about fic, as long as the two main characters are at least somewhat in character, and there isn't sexual or domestic violence, and the writer has somewhat good grammar and punctuation. Felicity being Oliver's EA doesn't bother me, as long as it's an AU, a retelling of S2, or a fic set in S2. I don't filter out the O/F tag on AO3, but I read the tags and warnings, and if something looks off I don't click on it. I do find that I don't really care about stories involving the LoA at all. The only one I'm reading now that involves them is the Stop the Presses series. And one whose name I can't remember by andachippedcup.
  16. I never noticed them in the show, thankfully. But they were the first thing I noticed when I looked at her costume when it was revealed.
  17. Maybe they were something she had lying around her house that she used at the gym when she was training with Ted? I mean, she also had the buckles outfit lying around somewhere for...whatever reason. Although it seems pretty pointless to put any kind of gloves on in the first place, since the main draw to wear them (IMO) would be to make sure you weren't a dumbass leaving your fingerprints everywhere while you were out breaking the freaking law.
  18. Sorry, I didn't read carefully the first time, haha.
  19. Not to mention that they're definitely not getting married, and they're also not getting engaged (yet), so...wrong.
  20. I'm not sure why it matters if she rode a motorcycle or not. Oliver and Sara managed to ride motorcycles with actual gloves on. The point is that she shouldn't have fingerless gloves for obvious reasons, regardless of why she'd ever need them. It's stupid.
  21. It's either that, or the thing that's inside that closet that he opened up twice during the trailer. He's got something in there that's tall and ridged, looks like (ETA: NOT INTENDED TO BE PERVERTED).
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