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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I'd like her to be the floater, and I don't think that kind of job would be any different than what she was doing with ARGUS. She was sent on assignment twice that we know of in the few months after Sara was born, and didn't she quit ARGUS because she thought Waller was corrupt and wanted to set a good example for Sara, not because she wanted to be home more? Seems like getting involved with three teams of heroes is doing just that, IMO.
  2. Also, I wonder if them including Lyla, along with this little blurb, is indicative of her being the floater between the three shows:
  3. I don't think that DD actually has any kind of organic powers - I think he probably has some kind of talisman or something that makes him able to do whatever it is that he's doing. ETA: He's shown with this thing twice in the trailer, so whatever it is must be important. I'm guessing that's where his "powers" or whatever come from? Maybe?
  4. Could be. The logic leap (if it happens) from Thea being haunted for killing Sara to Laurel bringing Sara back from the dead to make it stop will be pretty hilarious. If she's pissed enough to haunt you, she's gonna be pissed enough to murder you, Thea!
  5. Maybe Lance doesn't know about it until after it's done? Like, maybe Laurel's trying to be a less shitty daughter now, and doesn't tell him about it beforehand just in case it doesn't work? That way he won't have his hopes dashed? And if Laurel makes the decision to resurrect her, why on earth would Thea go along with that? Unless she doesn't know that she's off, like she has blackouts about it or something? Does she go to NP with Laurel because she has favor with Malcolm? In addition to hoping that Laurel doesn't dig her up just because she knows about the LP and wants to try it, I also hope she doesn't do it because they need masked help to defeat DD or some other criminal. Actually, I can't think of any good reason to do it, so...I'll withhold judgment, haha.
  6. I wonder what decisions Laurel makes to bring Sara back? Like, at what point does digging her rotting body up out of the ground become an option? Is it an either/or situation? Hopefully whatever happens is dire and not completely stupid, like a "this worked for Thea, maybe I can get Sara back, too" thing. ETA: Although, yikes...this makes it sound like that kind of thing:
  7. Didn't SA say at Dragoncon that the scene between Diggle and Quentin isn't what it looks like? I think they're pretty heavily implying (in multiple interviews) with this "everything isn't as it seems," that there's either mind control or shape shifting type magic involved in things this season. I don't think it has anything to do with what we see at the beginning with Oliver and Felicity.
  8. I can't recall what exactly he said, but he did imply that the "haunting" thing at the end of 4x01 had to do with Quentin. Since PB said something about Quentin doing the wrong thing for the right reasons, I wonder if he makes some kind of a deal with DD, or if DD does something for him in return for a favor, and he's not going to call the favor in yet. It's just going to be hanging there, making us all wonder when he's going to call it in or something.
  9. Apparently Cisco helped make it (I think that was revealed at Dragon Con).
  10. I'm with you - I don't think it's a fast-forward. I think it's probably some foreboding thing like, we'll see DD mind control someone insignificant just so that we know it can be done, and we'll go into the season knowing that it's a thing that can happen, and we'll wonder when it'll come into play or if someone is acting the way they are because he's controlling them or something. I don't really see the point of a fast-forward. It seems like they probably couldn't do a real-time FF - if Ray still needs to be embiggened, are they gonna leave him tiny for that long? A FF to a future event does seem like a cliffhanger to me, and...well, really not all that interesting. So here's hoping it's not that.
  11. Yes. SA mentioned that Oliver was going to be doing some physical things to get rid of the reminders of the island (or something like that). Looks like tattoo removal was it.
  12. Yes, and in my head canon, he asks Thea and Laurel if they can wait a bit so he and Felicity can enjoy the fruits of his culinary labor, because that's the first batch he's made that hasn't fallen.
  13. So Laurel AND Thea go to ask Oliver to come back. Look at Oliver making souffles. And I STILL can't with Felicity shooting that machine gun, ahaha. Still precious, even when firing however many rounds into...well, something, hopefully.
  14. We've already argued when Felicity "officially" joined the team ad nauseam. In light of the recent mod post, I shouldn't have responded to the comment that got it going (yet) again. Apologies!
  15. I think it might be something like we're going to see what DD is capable of - whatever his magic/ability is, and it's going to make us wonder what's what for the rest of the season. Like the shapeshifting theory (not that I'm saying that is what's going to happen). We might see that he CAN change his makeup to look like someone else, and even though he isn't doing that at the end of the first ep, we know that he CAN do that, and it might come back to play at any time, when we're not expecting it. Or we'll see that he can telepathically manipulate people, but isn't doing that at the end of the first ep. It could be something related to LoT, but I still think that any kind of FF showing us an unknown future event is a cliffhanger.
  16. If there's a flash forward though, isn't that kind of a cliffhanger? Because what would be the point of flash fowarding to a happy future? If they flash forwarded to someone's death or whatever, that seems like it is a cliffhanger, even if it is in the future? And if it's a flash forward, I wonder how that comes about? Is it something that only we see? Is it something that is shown to or told to one of the characters? If so, how? Too many questions.
  17. There isn't really much to spill (at least that I know). SA talked about it in his Girl on Guy interview, about how terrible he was in that movie, and how they had to dub his voice. It premiered at the Toronto Film Festival and he had invited his friends and family, haha. I can't recall if he knew he was dubbed before hand - he might not have mentioned.
  18. I still laugh when I think about the fact that SA was so terrible in that Richard Attenborough movie that another actor had to dub his lines.
  19. I would imagine that if Thea left for whatever reason, O&F would either buy or rent the place from her, so I don't really think there would be any moral objections over Malcolm or his money. If Thea moved out for whatever reason, and funding for building another set was an issue, I'd rather see Oliver and Felicity's home life than Thea's, so they can stay there and I wouldn't care one bit. But that's just me. I agree with you about living with Thea long-term, though. And about the mansion!
  20. All I know is that wherever they wind up living, I certainly hope that they build on a bedroom set so we don't have another weird sex-on-the-couch-even-though-my-brother-might-come-home-at-any-minute situation. Because yuck.
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