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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I'm fairly sure the secret is Felicity wanting to return to the vigilante life and working on a suit for Oliver. And what couple doesn't argue? Doesn't seem like a big deal to me. I knew it was coming, but I'm not looking forward to yet another season of Lance family drama. The only fight between them I'd want to see is an argument over who's gonna fly the rocket that blasts them off into the sun.
  2. They really set Laurel up for some kind of mysterious turn with "not everybody's what they seem" and "once you let the darkness in, it never comes out" (or whatever that quote is), and it went absolutely nowhere.
  3. Felicity mentioned Oliver's financial backers, so there was definitely an outlay of cash involved. And the papers Felicity signed mentioned hat Raybwas giving her Palmer Tech's SC subsidiary, not the whole company (not sure how that would work). None of it makes sense, but this is a world where the Queens lost nearly every cent they had because Thea wouldn't sign a paper. And, you know, dead people can come back to life through the use of a magic hot tub. I'm not looking too closely or expecting it to make sense is all I'm saying.
  4. Yeah, I got the impression that the board wasn't allowing her to take over, that she was locked into some kind of battle with them from afar.
  5. Adorbs. Also, I love that their travel photos are duplicated around the house for some reason. On a table in a close-up shot in a teaser, on the mantle, next to their bed. All the same pictures, haha.
  6. She didn't say anything bad or worrisome. I'm sure this particular quote will fuel more talk of Felicity being Oliver's Gwen Stacy, O/F breaking up to make room for O/L, and the same thing that's been rehashed over and over again for over a year. At least we'll have something new to talk about in a couple of days (or less, since we'll probably get a clip or two).
  7. I wonder how it's going to be framed in terms of the LoT narrative? Is Sara going to be playing a major role in the future, and will Laurel be hailed a big person in history for bringing her back? Uh...probably.
  8. I think she said that Laurel was pretty much the reason the LoT team was formed, not that she was the inspiration.
  9. All I took from those posts is if you live in the private residences attached to a hotel, you can still order room service. I need to find a setup like that, stat.
  10. They probably have a break scheduled for Canadian Thanksgiving.
  11. The 4x03 synopsis mentions a metahuman, doesn't it? I'm guessing that's Double Down. Well, I'm glad unearthing and reanimating Sara's corpse will be good for Laurel. Put the past to rest and never bring it up again because it is so, so gross.
  12. IDK, it's difficult to debate in 140 characters, but it can be done. The rub here is that he's dismissing valid points people were making by dismissing the platform as a whole. What he basically said in his post is that the Internet is full of meanies and he likes to stay within the safe space of his Facebook page because people are nice to him there. Which...if that's what works for him, then have at it, I guess. But if he thinks that people aren't assholes on Facebook, he needs to have a look at basically any page associated with his show. He'll get disabused of that notion really quickly. I wonder if he's going to have a breakdown when Facebook rolls out the dislike button.
  13. Twitter lends itself to debate just fine. But you have to be open to the fact that what you wrote is debatable, which he is not. And if he thinks Facebook is any less anonymous than Twitter, he's sorely mistaken. I have three FB profiles-none of which are under my real name. I'm pretty sure he's addressing the Twitter abuse question because he engaged with a fan a few days ago, and that fan wanted to know why he wasn't defending KC against internet bullies.
  14. Here's hoping that she and Quentin are back on good terms and that she makes no mention of wanting to bring Sara back for him. Not that there's necessarily a sound reason for wanting to reanimate your dead sister's corpse, but to help repair a bad relationship with Dad would def be a bad one.
  15. If Laurel really does decide to do it on her own, I'm gonna need some footage of her digging Sara up like a damn loon, and hauling Sara's rotting ass around with a whole jar of Vicks smeared under her nose, Silence of the Lambs style. For hilarity.
  16. If Nyssa's against it, then why would she die? Sara better not pop out all feral and kill her. She also better not give her life to pay some debt for use of the LP without permission or whatever, since they've been teasing that ramification since the 2.5 comics.
  17. I mean, is she doing this knowing that Thea is having issues from the LP? Because yikes.
  18. Well, there's some Thea/Laurel bonding time. Doing ill-advised, dumb shit together!
  19. Maybe she just recently gave it up? Maybe she's trying to sell it but Star(ling) City is a terror-ridden shithole and the real estate market is no good?
  20. And Thea managing to live on her own is a bad thing? Maybe she is living with Laurel, or pulling an Oliver and living in whatever temp layer they're working on, but Thea's been infantilized a lot on this show, so her living on her own is a plus for me. I'm guessing she'll need someone to "look after her," what with the LP side effects, and...bleh to that.
  21. Thea could be living on her own in a new apartment.
  22. I think the secret is that she's restless, she misses their vigilante life, and she's been working on a new suit for Oliver with Cisco.
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