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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I think it was pretty clearly an oversight. Roy got electrocuted pretty early in that fight, and whoever was editing probably forgot that he was even there (LMAO @ typing that sentence).
  2. Thank you for reminding me. I blocked out that particular bit of idiocy!
  3. I guess Malcolm resurrecting Sara would work for me in the context of him wanting to keep Thea around and show her he was an okay guy if that was something she actually wanted? But she didn't seem too keen on the idea of Sara going in the Pit so...still doesn't make much sense to me.
  4. It's because she's been acting like a dumbass for the past couple of eps.
  5. Laurel seems to be fairly aware that Sara isn't Sara, and I don't think that's the problem. It's Laurel believing—against all evidence to the contrary, and people telling her otherwise—that Sara's going to come back.
  6. Not trying to be devil's advocate here, but I get Laurel not wanting to bring Sara home or put her in a hotel. At least she's smart enough to realize that Sara IS a threat, and she needs to be contained to some place she's less likely to choke someone out (oop@Laurel - she'll find that one out the hard way).
  7. Come on, Sara herself is going to thank her. It's a given.
  8. I think that comment is conjecture based on MG's tumblr post about Oliver and Laurel getting closer after hitting a rough patch.
  9. It doesn't sound like anything to me - I was just taking a guess, not trying to start something.
  10. It's a fake accent. Which I'm guessing is supposed to be Russian? IDK.
  11. I don't think people are more against her than Ray. Ray was in the present and an active roadblock to O/F. Poppy is so far pretty pointless, IMO - and she's in the past, which doesn't affect O/F in the slightest - unless she shows up in the present for some stupid reason. I'm vaguely interested in how she and Oliver are going to have a romantic relationship and how he falls in love with her, because (yes, they just met I know) she's annoying as hell to me, haha. And from what they've shown of her so far, kind of an asshole - which I was not expecting.
  12. This chick is the hashtag queen, ugh. I wonder what verified account @ replies look like. Like, do you have a separate tab for other verified accounts and/or people who you follow who @ you? Surely they do? Or does everyone you follow get jumbled in with everyone else?
  13. Yeah, anything that takes place in the past is super boring to me. Skinny dipping? Don't care. Doing it on the beach? Good luck to you, don't get sand in your crotch.
  14. I wish I cared about what Poppy and Oliver are doing in the waters off the shores of Lian Yu, but I just do not. Hopefully swimming into a portal to the present, because...boring.
  15. It looks like Arrow is shooting on location today at the farm where they filmed the graveyard scene from 4x01. What ep are they on now? Is this 10? So...possibly we could have another flash forward then? Or the show is actually going to flash forward? Or they're shooting something there that has nothing to do with the grave, haha.
  16. Dawson is the worst. This is the best, best, best:
  17. Yeah, I hadn't thought about that - I assumed it was the new lair since we're getting that in this ep too. I bet that is their (future) campaign HQ.
  18. No, I think there are cockroaches in whatever abandoned property is above the new lair.
  19. I mean, I'm hoping they play it like she's just in some freaked-out stage of denial, but with the way this storyline is going, who even knows at this point.
  20. It's a completely dumbass thing to do, so probably.
  21. One thing that makes me happy is that no one seems to know where they are, so 5 points for the new lair already.
  22. Laurel "we don't keep secrets" Lance, lmao.
  23. I think his comment about putting them together closing doors rather than opening them says more about what he thought about the pairing - and what he was intending to do with it - than Oliver "becoming that guy who dates Black Canary" does. Not that it matters at all at this point anyway.
  24. Were they talking about doing that before this new iteration of BC and GA? I've only read one issue of each, but I honestly cannot even imagine it, haha.
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