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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Maybe it was from 7x18, because there was a lot of working together there. Laurel working with her little felon friend as an accessory to her murders during their crime spree. Felicity, Sara and Dinah working together to try and stop the two of them (and Laurel attempting to bomb them but just to get their attention because she didn't *really* want to kill them!), then Dinah and Laurel working together to hide said murder accessory/bombing antics by passing her involvement off as undercover work for an investigation she was doing as the DA. Go team!
  2. Yeah, I read spoilers for Alex's exit and had to tune in and see for myself because it sounded so insane I thought it had to be trolling, but no! Everything was so whirlwind and nutbars that if I were one of those people who had gotten a letter I would've questioned Alex's mental state - cheating on his wife, moving forward with an instant family...it would've made more sense for him to ease into figuring out his place in the kids' lives and dealing with things with Izzie, although I know there were outside factors that made this impossible. I don't care about Izzie and Alex or Alex and Jo so maybe my feelings would be different if I were invested in one or the other but I just can't see how this is a happy ending for him? He told Jo in his letter that if it were between Jo and Izzie that he would choose Jo but he wanted to stay with Izzie because she had the kids. I would write that off as him just trying to make her feel better about what he was doing, but he alluded to the same thing in his letter to Mer. It just seems like one of those things that seems right in the moment but might lead to resentment later in life, but...I guess he would deserve it for being an asshole.
  3. Agree. I think Alex's exit was written the way it was specifically so everyone could effectively cut ties and move on as quickly as possible. Jo can be angry because she was wronged, Mer and everyone else can be happy that he's happy. No grief, just on to the next thing.
  4. I quit watching this show a couple of years ago because I didn't like the people on it most of the time, and while I do understand that there were some limitations that the writers had to work with and I like to give some kind of leeway for that, this was...not great! And it doesn't even seem like an entirely happy ending for Alex and Izzy because they heavily leaned on him leaving and being with her for the kids (which, understandably they kind of had to do to make him not seem like a total asshole on the Seattle side of things), but yeah. I'm glad I wasn't invested.
  5. That’s insane. The stores where I live are all stocked as normal. The only thing I think anyone would have trouble finding is hand sanitizer.
  6. I’ve just been washing my hands more frequently and trying not to touch my face (which I do a lot apparently!). I also got myself a little food and supply stockpile in case I do get sick so I don’t have to go out and expose more people to it because I’m generally really bad at keeping more than a day or two of food around since I live across from a grocery store on one side and a market on the other.
  7. Yeah, I saw some twitter drama over it and while I do understand disagreeing with him I find it bizarre that people were offended by it. Stephen can be a complete douche but he's only ever been vocally supportive of Emily and Felicity. It read to me like he thought her appearance in the final scene only would've been more impactful. There's no reason to believe he was being shitty about her/her character because he hasn't been before. It isn't the first time he's had a story preference that I disagree with!
  8. I really liked The Good Place's ending - I thought it fit well with the theme of the show and really liked the way that those characters went on to help make other people better. I think it helps that I don't have a firm belief of what a real "good place" should be like, so I'm willing to go with what TGP has in mind for its universe and what the Arrow has in mind for its universe. They're different but equally satisfying for me, just based on how I feel about the characters and their journeys.
  9. If the spinoff gets picked up, I assume. I had to take a few seconds on it too lol.
  10. Dinah said she woke up in 2040 and there was no trace of Dinah Drake or the Black Canary.
  11. Agreed. I like to think that because the last line in the script talked about "possibility" that O/F might have a similar life with their loved ones in whatever dimension this is. Maybe the office scene was just him greeting her before taking her out to show her the world. It's not the ending that I wanted for Oliver - I wanted nothing more than for him to come home to his wife and kids and get to spend the rest of his life with them, but since I apparently never had even a sliver of a chance of getting that, this is satisfying for me. The only alternative to it was Oliver dying and staying dead with no hope of anything close to finding happiness in another dimension or wherever exactly he is. Felicity called it the "afterlife," but who knows if that's what it really was or just what she called it. Plus, it's helpful that we know The Monitor can be wrong - he was wrong about how Crisis played out, so maybe Felicity *can* return to Star City from wherever she and Oliver are. There was no body left over when she walked into that smoky hole thing with The Monitor so it's not like she died in the traditional sense. Plus, MG said that Oliver is still Spectre and left open the possibility of him returning, so it seems like he can leave wherever it is that they are. Maybe when he does he can take Felicity with him. Regardless of the fact that I would've done things differently, it was nice to see Oliver so at peace and happy. While bittersweet, I found the last scene and the idea behind it to be achingly romantic, and for a show that made me angry so often, that's a nice feeling to part with.
  12. We go from sister swapping to Laurel swapping. Love that
  13. I was like yes, same and felt a calm wash over me until a clip of Blackish started playing over it
  14. It didn't even feel nostalgic because the people they brought back were barely in it and we didn't get any of the interesting interaction I would've wanted from anyone. Emiko/Moira could've been interesting but it was all so...just boxes for them to check off.
  15. They didn't need poor William being kidnapped for the 100th time - it didn't even result in anything good. No conversations about him having a sister, no reunion with Felicity, no seeing what his relationship was like with this Moira. I wish they'd scrapped the whole dumb storyline and really spent the last hour mourning Oliver and setting up the new changes. Although I guess I'm not surprised to be let down one last time. Prochnost, you dumb show!
  16. Same and same. What I saw of the last scene was nice - until the local affiliate cut in over the rest of it with a Blackish commercial, thank you for the final middle finger CW, I will never watch your dumb channel again!
  17. I do enjoy that she was ultimately drinking and upset over herself and not Oliver lmao
  18. Would she have been on that list tho
  19. Getting blasted forward 20 years does wonders for her personality.
  20. And the owner of the Star City window depot
  21. The last arrow to the moon I'll ever have the privilege to witness! RIP, my beautiful fave. 😭
  22. AKA please keep sending me screeners, inviting me to screenings and giving me access!
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