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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I hope it gets clarified in 8x10 because I'm curious and if it isn't mentioned there then they'll go into it in the spinoff and I'm not watching that lol.
  2. I wonder if he means ever or just not that we see in the finale. I can't remember how he was referred to in the backdoor pilot.
  3. I never wrote that he was always right - Oliver has made some really stupid choices. You can level a lot of accusations at him, but being selfish isn't one of them. Besides, if he did choose to not bring E-1 Laurel back because Dinah was needed for something in the future regarding his kids, I would expect any parent to put their kids' wellbeing above the happiness of their best friend.
  4. Yes yes, he's so selfish he's been willing to give himself up to death or to jail or whatever it takes to save his friends, save his loved ones, save his city, save the universe. The most selfish, most awful guy lmao. Please. Nah, they actually enjoy writing for E-2 Laurel considering they actually attempted to give her some kind of a story, even though that story sucked. They just don't feel like killing E-1 Laurel was a mistake because they never knew what to do with her apart from make her pathetic for Oliver.
  5. I'm choosing to believe that he kept Laurel dead because her death led to Dinah joining the team and she's going to do something necessary in the future to help his kids. It makes sense and it makes me laugh so there we go.
  6. The guy posting the spoilers wrote that it gets mentioned that Oliver didn't bring back the people who were part of his journey (like Robert stayed dead because he's the reason why he became GA). I wonder if that's going to be elaborated on - I'm guessing no, but Tommy and Moira are both back and I'd argue that they and their deaths had a bigger impact on Oliver and his journey than Laurel or her death did. So even their in-show logic for her not being around doesn't make sense lol.
  7. I'm okay with this ending. Happy things on Arrow always come with a heaping helping of angsty bullshit, so I expected the 20 years to hold somehow. I guess 20 years is a small price to pay for the rest of eternity together. A nice surprise - if Oliver is indeed still the Spectre (it's tough to say since he died not looking like the corpse he was when he was a god) - would be if he were still allowed to check in on them from time to time. The comic left me feeling better about the whole thing, since Felicity knew what was going to become of him and why he had to do it -so it's not like he disappeared and she doesn't know where he is (unless MG and co. ignore the comic canon like they do sometimes!). If Oliver is still Spectre I really hope he doesn't have to spend eternity looking like...that. Go back to your pre-corpse self pls thank you.
  8. 8x 10 spoilers From the Reddit user who spoiled the crossover: The entire EP is a funeral memorial. A falling green ring box from space proposes to John Diggle Felicity 2040 from last season gets transported to the afterlife(?) with Spectre Oliver They’ll usually answer questions in the comments.
  9. Since it seems like canon may have changed with Crisis, I wonder if some of these “flashbacks” could be showing us the way things happened in the new post-Crisis universe?
  10. Katie's gotten the most praise she's ever gotten on Arrow playing a snarky asshole. Since they had gotten the character to a relatively good place as far as personality goes, I think they tried to double-down on that snarkiness since people generally seemed to like it. Give them more of what they like, right? Only it's fine when someone is delivering truth-filled one-liners to break up tension or whatever, but another thing when it's pretty much the only thing going on, apart from the "feelings stuff." She was flat-out mean and cruel most of the time, and that's not what you want your supposedly reformed villain to be doing.
  11. I don't think whatever's going on with Dinah has anything to do with E-1 Laurel. When the universe was remade she was still in Star City and got her memories back there - if she'd never come because E-1 Laurel never died and she never became Black Canary, then she wouldn't have been in Star City then. Plus, I got the sense that whatever happened to Dinah was supposed to be a big mystery should the spinoff happen (and I don't remember exactly how she worded it but I thought that Dinah was completely erased, not just erased only in Star City - she should've at least been able to find traces of herself in Central City). I don't think that they would set up this big disappearance issue to be solved in the spinoff only to tie it up in the very next episode of Arrow.
  12. Obviously I don't know her but just based on things I've seen her tweet/heard her say I could see her being not the most compassionate person to deal with when you need help, but it also sounded like to me that he wanted to deal with it on his own and was reluctant to get help and I can see how that would be frustrating when your husband is telling you he can't get off the floor and then proceeds to lay on the couch for 2 days and withdraws from everything. It's hard to say either way since even though you could tell he wasn't okay, he was kind of flippant when he explained the whole thing even right before he had his panic attack.
  13. I got curious enough to listen after reading some stuff on twitter just to see what in the hell went on and yeah, I didn't think she came off badly. I was surprised that he's been dealing with panic/anxiety for a while now. When he talked about telling the crew that he was dealing with some panic issues and that it was met with "tepid applause," I felt bad for laughing. He sounded really terrible in the first half and much better in the second. Admittedly I listened to this really late at night, so I might've missed some stuff but the way he talked about the whole thing made it sound like he wanted to deal with it on his own (tracking his sleep, listening to the Calm app, self-soothing through his panic attacks). On top of the panic/anxiety issues and post-show depression, it still doesn't sound like he's all that great since he admitted to still sleeping 12 hours a night and said that his therapy visits are more couples counseling than to help him deal with his depression/anxiety issues, although I guess being willing to talk to someone at all is a good thing. I hope he's willing to reach out and get some help if things don't get completely better or if these feelings come back. It was really great that he felt comfortable enough to talk about his struggles - it's nice for people dealing with the same things to hear someone else talking about it openly. I will say though that outside of him talking about his anxiety and post-show struggles I thought he came off like kind of a douche, but maybe that was just the setting/tone because I thought MR came off like one too, lol.
  14. I'm curious about that too. I thought that Laurel had told Sara that she didn't have a version of her on E-2, and when she talked about her sister, she never referred to her by name.
  15. Yeah, I thought this was Laurel's worst showing probably ever? She was nasty for absolutely no reason, nonsensical AND a hypocrite. I had to go back and look to see who wrote this one (I thought it was a solo effort by MG, but it was written by all the EPs, which doesn't inspire confidence, lol).
  16. Considering Laurel's looked like it belonged propped up in an easter basket, I'm going to go with bad sculpting.
  17. I'm pretty sure MG said that there's still a multiverse but the Earth Prime heroes don't know that (yet).
  18. Katie intensely avoiding mentioning Green Arrow and grouping them all together as Canaries is hilarious to me.
  19. I liked Dinah for the first time...maybe ever? Laurel was annoying. I'm glad Mia got to live the life Oliver wanted for her for a couple of decades. Godspeed girl, it's nothing but misery from here on out!
  20. Right? You became the city's most beloved DA after reading a couple of textbooks lmao.
  21. Zip lines have evolved in 20 years!
  22. I actually think it would be enjoyable if Laurel wasn't on it. Being a snarky background player was okay but being a snarky primary player is tiresome.
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